

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · แฟนตาซี
96 Chs



I arrived at the pack house, but this time my mate wasn't there. The mind-link wasn't working and the phones were off. Hunter explained that a more powerful being could be interfering with it, and the thought chilled me. The phones were switched off during their meeting because Kristian's son didn't want recordings, photos, or videos to get leaked out. But the previous evening, the mind-links were working the moment we arrived at the pack house. I couldn't tell what was different today.

Most members of the pack were seated around the table doing their assignments, and I joined them to help. Richie also helped out here and there, and after we finished assisting, we had dinner before I climbed up to my quarters. Once I freshened up and changed into my nightdress, I climbed into bed. I picked up my phone and tried calling Hunter. The call went through, and he picked up after the second ring.

"My love, how are you?" he asked as soon as the call connected. "I am worried and I miss you. I have mixed emotions. You should find a way to make the mind-links work again. I cannot go the whole damn day without listening to your voice," I lamented. "It makes me miss you like crazy. I am not used to this," I added. He chuckled.

"I know, my love. I am working on it, but I am on my way home. See you soon," he said. I asked if I should wait up for him, but he said I shouldn't and that he would wake me up when he got home. After professing our love for each other, I hung up the call and soon fell into oblivion.

I stirred in my sleep when I felt a presence in the room. Being a light sleeper, I didn't hear the door open, so I jerked up from my sleep to see who was in the room with me. My eyes flew open in horror to find Hunter in his vampire form on the bed, and he rolled on top of me.

I could never get used to him in that form. He was scary to look at as he hovered above me. Despite staring right into the eyes of the true alpha vae-wolf in his vampire form, and despite his weight pressing down on me and his scary exterior, I knew he was mine. However, Ben had told me that his vampire form once wiped out an entire city as he hunted for blood. His vampire was never sated, which is why he had it locked away for years. He could be a threat to the very people he swore to protect.

I feared him in that form. I thought his lycan was a beast, but his vampire was a monster. However, his hands were gentle, and his tone of voice was calm, albeit rougher than his lycan form. It reassured me that everything in me that made me fear this form was unnecessary. I knew my life could end at any time, but I didn't fear death from the man that turned into a monster above me. No, I found myself fearing him, even though I knew he didn't want me to. He allowed me to see him that way so I could trust that I was safe with him, no matter the form he took.

A primal part of me urged me to either run or love him as he was, but the tenderness of his touch assured me to love. He started purring, a sound I learned was only meant for me, his sacred mate. He asked me to roll over and sleep on my stomach, and despite my fear of him draining my blood, I obeyed his words. If he was to be the death of me, so be it.

Hunter pressed his face into my neck and sniffed at me, his rough skin contrasting with my own. I tucked my chin as he licked a line across my shoulder blade, his tongue tracing my body.

I remained still, except when his tongue traced down my ribs, causing me to squirm and cringe away. But the fear faded quickly, replaced by desire as his hot and wet tongue glided across my ribs once more. I heard the sound of his bones realigning before I felt his bare skin pressed against mine, his chest rising and falling in time with my own as he returned to his human form.

Hunter pressed himself against me, his thighs pressing against mine, and he dug his er****d manhood into my lower back. He purred, the sound bringing forth a purr of my own as his nose trailed across my cheek. He kissed the side of my mouth before nipping at my ear, and I felt the slickness between my thighs. The feeling of desire that he brought forth felt right, and I wondered how I had not noticed it before. He completed me like a missing puzzle piece, making me feel whole as the pieces aligned in perfect synchronization.

He groaned, and I shivered at the sound. Goosebumps rose on my skin before he flicked my ear with his tongue. "As much as I want to stay and ravage your body, we have to leave. You're getting late for school, and I have to go to the borders," he whispered before flicking my ear again. Despite my brain trying to prevent it, my whine was audible. I hadn't noticed that it was six in the morning.

The alpha chuckled. "I promise you later, Ania. When we get back home, you can have me all to yourself, but we must leave. I heard the new principal doesn't tolerate lateness," he said before pecking my cheek. His weight lifted off me, and the chill of the room drifted over my skin with his departure. I rolled onto my side and sat up while Hunter walked into the bathroom.

"Did you spend the night here, my alpha?" I asked him. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Yes, love. I came in a few minutes past eleven, but I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. You looked so tired," he said, while tossing a towel my way. "I didn't use the door. Maybe that's why you didn't hear me come in." I had forgotten that now he could use his vampire abilities, he could go through walls.

"Are you going to get ready?" he asked from the bathroom, and soon we were seated having breakfast. Hunter said he would drop me off at school after he sat down to listen to what preschoolers had to say. I followed the alpha to the car and took the back seat with him, while Kim and Joe took the front seat. I had missed my guard, who had become a friend, but I understood that Hunter needed him the most. He couldn't have left me alone if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

"How did the meeting with Kristian's son go, and was there any lead on the witch or whatever?" I asked.

"Dave, Kristian's son, was unwilling to let the baby go, not because he is a loving father, but because he has his own vendetta against our pack for killing his father. However, after yesterday's meeting, he agreed to let the baby stay with his mother and Lemmy," I glanced down at my hands, feeling guilty. Kristian and the councilmen were killed because of me. Everything spiraled out of control because Hunter had chosen to be with me.

Fingertips grazed my chin and tilted my face upward. "Why are you upset?" he asked.

"All of this started because I came here. If I were out of the picture, nothing would have happened," I hissed.

"Stop that line of thought, love. All that happened because terrible choices were made out of selfishness, and it wasn't your fault," he said, reassuringly. "Okay, my Luna?" I nodded in agreement.

"What about the witch or whatever?" I asked, and he took a moment to think.

"That's why I want to head to the borders. I need to know what our testing machine caught or missed. But the only strangers among us are Tracy and Richie," he explained.

"Do you think they are the ones?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"I'm not saying that. I don't want to accuse anyone of anything. Let me get to the border first," he replied.

"I promise I have everything under control," he assured me with a firm look, silencing me. "What are you thinking about now?" he asked. I looked at him, wondering how old he was. It had been lingering in my mind since I saw him as a vampire. Hunter loved his lycan form, sometimes making me forget he was a vampire. Vampires were immortal. Not that they couldn't die; given a silver bullet or something to stop their heart from beating, they would die, maybe by having their head chopped off. But if not, they lived on and on. So, I asked him, "How old are you?" He shrugged in response.

"I like to think I'm still young. I don't feel old. How old do I look?" he asked, laughing as his lips tugged into a sly smile. Intrigued, I shook my head, curious to know. Perhaps it was morbid curiosity.

"How old?" I asked.

"As old as when our country gained independence, maybe a little earlier than that," he said. I gasped; that was two centuries ago when our country gained independence.

"Still want to know my age, or would you prefer the age I stopped aging?" he asked, giggling.

"Yes, the age you stopped aging, or I may have to call you great-grandpa or ancestor," I snickered. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I stopped aging just shy of 25, just like most vampires and lycans," he said, motioning for me to come to him. I got up and sat on his lap, and his hand dropped to my hip as he tugged me closer to him. He looked around the age I had imagined, but I couldn't fathom living for that long. It sounded exhausting.

"I may be old, but with age comes experience, and some things I have perfected," he said, dipping his face into my neck. He ran his tongue across my neck, and his hand moved to press flat against my stomach, pulling me even closer to him. He pulled his face away from my neck and tugged my head back gently by my hair with his other hand. His tongue invaded my mouth in a way that should be illegal. It was lewd and teasing, and I moaned into his mouth as his tongue played with mine.

As he pulled away, he bit my lip, leaving me breathless, just as someone tapped on the car window. Hunter rolled it down using the push button, revealing Ben. Both my alpha and Hunter's eyes glazed over briefly before Ben left. Hunter returned to his kissing spree, exploring my mouth with slow, passionate kisses. He teased me until moans escaped me, and I could feel the dampness of my arousal between my legs.

"If you keep that up, I'll have to go inside to clean up," I thought, feeling my heartbeat quicken. He growled softly and pressed his lips to mine. "You'll want to calm that desire, my love, or I may just have to eat you." Heat flooded my face as I remembered that Joe and Kim were still in the car. I turned to see Joe smirking and Kim tapping on the steering wheel.

"Are you ready, my alpha?" Kim asked, and Hunter nodded to him before wrapping his arm around my waist and tugging me closer. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, my Luna. I do," he whispered, and we kissed before he allowed me to move out of his lap back to my seat. "How many mates have you had over the years?" I asked, and he told me I was the fourth, explaining to me how they died since they were human and didn't want to be turned into vampires by being bitten. As his kind, I felt sorry for him.

We talked the entire drive to school. I kissed him goodbye, and I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way into the building. I stood at a window and watched as the cars pulled away.

"Hey, Ania," Rina called from behind me, and I ran to her.

"Please hurry up. We have math second period, and you already missed the first class. Why are you late?" she asked, and I groaned. I hated our math teacher. He always spoke at the top of his voice, which gave me a headache, especially with our amplified hearing. Moreover, I was late because of the traffic jam. I explained all that to Rina, and she chuckled.

As I walked into the classroom, a teacher called out to me, "Detention, Ania, for coming late." The day went by quickly, and I groaned again when I looked up and realized it was lunchtime, which meant I had to go to detention. However, the teacher didn't tell me where detention was.

I wasn't given much time to think about even asking when Richie suddenly walked into my class just as the bell rang. I quickly packed up my belongings and stuffed them into my bag. Rina gave me a sad smile and darted out of the classroom door, while I reluctantly walked past the principal.

"Why are you so glum?" he asked, staring down at me with a smile on his lips.

"It's detention. What is there to be happy about?" I replied.

"Lots, because you're with me. Come on," he said, chuckling and turning to walk out the door. I followed him, and he stopped at my locker.

"Put your stuff away," he instructed. I went to unlock my locker when he suddenly opened it and made me look at him.

"What? I know all the combinations, I am the principal," he said, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really? Then open that one," I challenged, pointing to the locker next to mine.

"Okay, you got me; I may have snooped," he admitted with a laugh.

"And why did you do that?" I asked, feeling paranoid.

"You're my luna, and I was just curious," he said, causing my stomach to drop.

"And by the sound of the way your heart rate picked up, I can tell that you're doubting my reasons?" he added.

"I think you're not telling me the truth, or you're only giving me half-truths," I told him. He closed my locker and grabbed my hand, tugging me along after him.

"What are you doing, Principal?" I questioned him. He looked down at our clasped hands.

"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that," he said, letting go. My brows furrowed, confused by his strange actions.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as we walked past all the empty classrooms. "Your detention is in my office, Luna Ania Talia of Devonshire," he said, and I followed quietly as we walked to his office.

"What's wrong?" Richard asked me, sitting across from me behind his office desk. I shook my head.

"Nothing," I told him, and he stared at me for a second when Trump suddenly walked in with KFC packages in his hands. He set it down on the desk, opened it before falling into a chair next to me.

"Eat!" Principal Avril told me.

"Isn't this supposed to be detention? Shouldn't I be doing schoolwork?" I asked.

"Do you want to do schoolwork?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but that's what normally happens," I told him. He turned to look at Trump, who slightly bowed his head and left.

Richie instructed me to eat, and we both ate quietly. When I queried about why he was giving me special treatment, he said, "Because you are a Luna and a princess." I shot him a glare.

"It's no secret in the pack house that you are a princess," he said. "I am a princess and a Luna at home. Here, I am just a student like everybody else. There is no need for special treatment," I said. He kept quiet, and for the rest of the detention, I did schoolwork.

When my detention time was up, I asked in a frosty tone, "Can I leave now?" The principal looked at me and smirked.

"Ania, what's with your tone? Why are you behaving like we're enemies? You're my Luna. I'm literally the only one who can protect you right now, with all the pack men gone, including your mate who left you unattended," he said gently.

"Thank you, but my mate knows I can handle myself. Can I go now?" I asked again, with a hint of impatience in my voice.

"You can leave, but I reshuffled groups. Your project will be done in Uplands Estate, where the rest of the group members will be meeting later this evening," the principal informed me

"What? That's far from the pack house. My mate isn't even aware, and I don't have a guard or anyone to go with me," I argued.

"Well, princess, you need a guard to go do your project, and your mate? Remember, you're only Luna and princess at home. Here, you're just a student like everybody else," Richie used my own words against me. "Failure to turn up with my project done will be a warrant for you failing my class," Richie firmly said.

I left his office cursing. I almost screamed when Hunter's mind-link and phone weren't working. How was I supposed to inform him of the changes? All the while, projects were done in groups consisting of people from the same geographical location. It was strange for Richie to ask me to go to an entirely different place to have the project done.