

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · แฟนตาซี
96 Chs




I watched as Ania was about to leave the room after a quick shower. She hurriedly dressed up so as to beat the two minute-deadline forced on her by Mylar. She pulled her hair into a perfect bun rushing to the door.

"ANIA! " I called her, I did not want her to leave. I wished we could laze in bed the whole day together, strengthening our bond more and more but there were rules in place governing the pack house which had to be strictly adhered to.

"Hunter!" She said holding the door knob ready to turn it. I hurriedly stepped out to her saying, "You know you don't have to leave, we can stay in bed the whole day and bond better, I can ask for food and everything else we need to be brought here. " I told my mate engulfing her in an embrace, as I smothered her forehead with kisses my arms wrapped around her waist.

"Can we really? I know pack houses have rules Hunter that no one is exempted from and you are aware of the repercussions of non-adherence." She tells me. "I know but I am the alpha here, I have the final say." I told her of which she chuckled. I watched as she tiptoed and planted a kiss on my lips before saying, "Bye Alpha, if you miss me, I will be downstairs or do you want to help me do my chores? You know it will help the mates bond stronger!" she tried imitating my voice.

I laughed, Hunter and household chores can never be together not in reality, imagination, neither in wishful thinking or definitely not even in the same sentence.

" Masculine egoism cannot allow you wash a plate my Alpha?" She teased me and I grinned. "Yes my Luna, this arms can only fight and provide; plates, moppers, heat and oven are not really my thing." I enlightened her, she was my mate, she needed to know me inside out, that I was not perfect and I wouldn't be everything she wanted me to be all the time. There will be a little bit of 'NO's at some point.

"ANIA!" Mylar snarled from somewhere in the space and I placed my lips on Ania kissing her. I didn't know about her bond and how strong or weak it was towards me but for me my bond had forged, it was stronger than anything I ever felt. I felt her, I felt everything about her, I felt her emotions and all, making me smile on her lips as I felt her emotions spark as she kissed me back. I could not tell how long it would take for her bond to fully forge but I was willing to learn and be patient with her .

"ANIA!" Mylar growled again and my mate broke the kiss. "Bye Alpha." She whispered and I said, "Bye Luna if you need anything, I am a mind-link away." I assured her .

She nodded. I opened the door for her and she walked away leaving me licking my lips having the last taste of her. I walked towards the bathroom when I shockingly noticed Mylar seated on my bed. "Get out and use the door." I growled at her as I walked to the bathroom. "But Hunter..."

"I said get out and use the door, you can't keep popping in my room like that. What if you had found me naked, and again, I have a mate now. GET OUT!!" I growled. She vanished, shortly there was a knock on the door. I walked into the bathroom knowing who it was at the door, I took a piss and cleaned my hands before heading back to the door. "We are friends, very good friends, Hunter, are you pushing me away because of that gal? To a point of me requiring a Visa to visit your room?" Mylar complained.

"Yes Mylar, from now henceforth no more popping into my room un-announced or un-invited always use the door, knock and wait for clearance and Visa approval from my customs department. It's no longer my room alone!" I bellowed. I saw her face turn red from burning with fury but I could not give a damn. "You choose her over me, your best friend?" She lamented.

"Yes .....need I remind you that she is my mate? She is my priority over anything else. Why are you here? You have a pack house to run!" I blustered.

There was another knock on the door, I looked at Mylar and she walked to open it, Joe walked-in grim faced his eye was onyx. I watched as they both exchanged pleasantries before they turned their attention to me, Joe said "Hey alpha, about last night...."

"You put my mate at risk." I interrupted him.

"I am so sorry about that. I...I...I..." He stuttered.

"You were careless with the life of my mate. I will deal with you later. Right now brief me on what has been going on within our borders in my absence." I said putting on a t-shirt before seating on a wooden chair across from them. I didn't hear a word they said. My mind flooding with images of Ania and I sharing an intimate moment in the bathroom.

"Snap out of it Alpha! " Joe rumbled noticing I didn't hear the sh*t they were rumbling.

I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts away from my mate which was easier said than done. Everything in me screamed for her to be close, my fingers itching to touch her, to caress her soft skin,. I wanted to climb in bed with her, wrap her body around mine. Wanted to feel the warmth of her skin pressed against mine. I longed to shield her away from the world and keep her tucked tightly in my embrace. Urges to have her close and by my side taking up the forefront of my mind. My body was there, yet my mind was with her, my thoughts utterly consumed by my mate .

"Stupid mate bond ." I cussed internally.

I needed to find out more about her; who she was, apart from the fact that she was an Alpha's daughter, I knew nothing else. Someone knocked on the door softly, Joe hurriedly opened the door, it was one of the teenage boys carrying a tray with him, I raised my brows up and he said, "Good morning alpha Hunter, Ania asked me to bring this to you", he said. The delicious aroma of steak filled the entire room. I beaconed him to bring it to me.

I placed the tray on my lap quickly opening the covered plates, the chunk of half-cooked steak was looking really appetizing, without wasting more time, I devoured on the steak tasting each spices as my tastes buds opened. My mate had prepared the steak just the way I loved it, you couldn't tell if it was raw or cooked with the right touch of spices. I downed down the glass of fresh orange juice that was served together letting out a satisfyingly loud belch. "Disgusting!" Mylar spat as both Joe and I laughed.

I rung a bell. The teenage boy hurriedly returned back and cleared the table before I turned to Mylar and Joe.

"Erm so what's up. How is everything from the time I disappeared?"

"Before we give you the report, tell us what happened, why did you M.I.A on us like that?" Mylar asked. I narrated to them everything, I saw a flint in her eyes as her heartbeat spiked, Mylar was panicking, a Vampire panicking was enough prove to make me suspicious. Like did she have a hand on my attack that night? "Speak now!" I growled at her the moment her mind link opened.

"More bodies have been found; one of them was a Vampire, the rest were Werewolves." Mylar told me through the mind link.

F**k, how many more before humans finally give up on hunting us. I closed the mind-link. "What did you just say?" I quickly asked and Mylar repeated herself.

"There is more, on one of the bodies there was a mark on it. One of the patrol took a photo. I will show you." Joe chipped in, holding out his phone and scrolling through it. He tapped on a photo and on zooming it, there was a pirates sign drawn on the chest of the dead body.

"Someone knows the truth about me and is sending me a codded message. I am not sure if it's a warning or threat." I growled, and both Joe and Mylar nodded.

We dealt with the human hunters, but these were not human hunters . We had done a good job hiding in plain sight camouflaged amongst humans but this was someone who had something personal against me. Whoever this person is; was not trying to hide the fact that they were onto me and coming after me.

"Hunter!" Joe called out.

"I am fine," I tell him. I hadn't seen or heard a word of who the person after me was, but my goddamn guts told me, it was someone who was not pleased by a Vae-wolf having control over them. What crept the life out of me was the fact that I now had a mate. The knife that was hanging above my head, would soon be hanging around her too.

We spoke for about an hour before they left and I followed them downstairs. There was no glimpse of Ania when I walked into the kitchen and then to the living room. I was about to ask where she was when toddlers ran up to me screaming, "Alpha.... Alpha." As they hugged me. I had missed them too. I took turns picking them up and twirling with them, their legs spread in the air. I couldn't hide my smile as they laughed and shouted in excitement saying, "My turn... My turn."

When I was through with them. They started shouting "Story time.... Story time..... story time" I was in for it. "Okay young ones, I will meet you at the garden, run along now. I am coming with snacks." They run out. I was about to go into the kitchen when Joe called out.

"You need to get to the border right now, reports reaching me indicate that 20 persons have been nabbed, tests done to them gave invalid results, therefore we can not ascertain who or what kind they are." He said. I froze for a second. An invalid test results? I never heard of that. I walked into the kitchen that was full of cooks. I had them prepare snacks for the toddlers that were waiting for me before I went to the garden. Apologized to them and walked back into the house. I had to to go to the borders immediately .

Someone had find a way of tampering with our testing kits, this was bad news. It's easier fighting or keeping an enemy you knew, this couldn't wait. I felt sick knowing that I was leaving Ania with whom I had imagined I would spend time that day, but she could only be safe after I knew what we were dealing with.

I followed Ania's scent down to the laundry area. She together with other ladies on duty that day were doing laundry. They all looked up when I entered while she frowned when she saw me.

"Hey Alpha dear, this is no place for our Alpha." One of the ladies said. The way Ania cringed did not go unnoticed by me, possessiveness was the number one instinct of any mate. I chuckled. "I am here for my mate." I quickly corrected that. I saw a smile dancing at the corner of Ania's lip.

"I came to check on you. Are you okay?" I asked Ania while debating whether to change my mind about leaving the pack house to the borders. Ania nodded, she rushed to me and hugged me, squeezing me tight, so I picked her up, letting her bury her face in my neck as she stole whiffs of my scent.

Placing her back on her feet, I looked at her and said, "I need to leave, but I won't be back until late tomorrow." I could tell she was sad as I mind-linked her telling her why I had to leave, she looked hesitant but after explaining everything, she finally I agreed. We hugged, and kissed as I brushed her cheek with my thumb taking in her warm smile.

Turning on my heel, I left the laundry area and made my way down the corridors toward the front exit. The moment I stepped out, my instincts told me to go find my mate to make sure she was okay ,she was in a bad mood when I left her. Joe was waiting for me out by the cars, and Mylar walked over to me.

"She will be fine, and I will call you if anything happens." Joe said. I looked back at the house before giving him a nod and climbing in the car. I could not trust Joe, but I trusted Ania to take care of herself. She had Alpha genes.

The drive was long and weary. Still I hated the fact that I had left my mate behind .

Thoughts like these reminded me that I needed to deal with Mylar. I was almost sure she had a hand in my attack. Feeling the mind link open up, I slowed down in driving.

"Yes, Joe," I asked when I felt his aura bleed into the link.

"Just checking in," he says.

"How is my mate?"

"She is okay, she is cleaning bedrooms now." I growled. I hated the idea of her working throughout the day. It was ludicrous that someone had to work the whole day. That had to change, we could start working in shifts.

"Make sure she is in bed by eight. She needs enough rest before the moon night of her first shift." The first shift was always painful and energy draining. It takes the whole out of someone.

"Yes, I was going to tell her to go into your room in soon anyway. It is getting quite overcast. How far out are you now?"

"Why, are you worried about me, Joe?"

"Nothing much just checking on you" he answered.

"An hour out, not much longer," I told him.

"Okay, good luck." He said. I cut the mind link.

"Do you know why and how the tests are invalid. "I asked Mylar who was at the passenger seat.

"No idea, Hunter" She replied. I nodded, wondering how those tests were done. I breathed in trying to calm down for I was restless. I hated not having answers.