
The King is Poisoned.


Dae Hyun Pov

"Dae Hyun"Dad roared and I scoffed before turning back to him,Mom trembled and I quickly squeeze her hand to calm her down.

"You should give me respect because I'm your father and I am a king"

"Really?,A king who can't control his family?,Oh cut the crap Dad,you thought you can order me around the way you're ordering your wives including mom"

"Dae Hyun"Mom covered my mouth and I swat her hands away.

The other wives,Dae Jung and Duri entered the chamber and was confused on what's happening.

"Dae Hyun,Don't try to disrespect me or else you will see the other side of me"He threatened and I almost laugh.

"Other side?,What are you going to do?,kill me?,hurt me or what?"

"Dae Hyun,Are you trying to disrespect Dad here?"Dae Jung yelled at me and I scoffed.

"I guess you have lose control on how to control that shit you called a mouth right?,I'm ready to insult any damn person because of my mother,did you think I'd be here watching you ride her the way you like?"

"And who said we are riding your mom?"Kwan jibed in.

"Will you shut the f**k up or I'd shut your mouth up for you?,Are you dumb or something"I replied and Dae Jung charge at me in anger,I smirk and he tried to punch me but I was fast enough to grab his neck and flung him across the room like he's a piece of paper,his mom rush to him in panic and Dad seethed angrily.

"Be expecting more of this,you miserable fools"I grab mom hand and we both walk out of the room, immediately we got outside mom fred her hands and I push my hair back.

"What are you doing huh?,Did you think you're doing the right thing?,Is this the only way you can fight for me?,What are you...."I shut her up and peck her softly on her cheeks.

"I've lots of things to attend to mom,I'll be back later,prepare my favorite"

"Dae Hyun"

"Common go inside,you should take a rest before preparing dinner"I cut her off and peck her again before leaving the room.



Unknown Pov(2)

She shaked the juice carefully and after making sure there are not traces of powder there,she hand over the drink to her and she smiled.

"It's done"She smiled and stare at it feebly.

"Okay,I'll go serve him now"

"Yeah,do that fast"



King Dal Pov.

I felt my stomach turning in am unusual way and I moved uneasily on my seat.

What's wrong?

I slapped my tummy continuously and groaned.


What's happening?

I scream out in pains when I couldn't control the pains any longer and the guards rush in.

"My king"They scream as I cough out blood and help me to the doctor's chamber,the other wives and sons came out their rooms in panic and help the guards wheel me to the palace hospital.



Dae Hyun

"So,we are to spend a billion only on the textile industries,we need more manpower,Shantel should be in charge of that,also,I'm increasing everyone's salary by twenty percent"I said with a smile and they clapped happily.

"Thanks so much Sir"They chorused and I nodded.

I adjusted my mask properly and Shantel stand up to her feet.

"Sir,apart from the issues we are facing in the textile industries you just solved,the income the company realized last month is worth more than five billion dollars,I think we should reduce our endorsement deals and focus more on the charity homes and buy more lands and properties so in case we run out of cash,we can sell the properties out"

"Yeah,start doing that now"I touch my forehead and my phone rang,Shantel hand it over to me and I realised it's mom,I sighed and pick the call.

"Mom,I told you that you......."

"It's not about that now,the king has been poisoned"

"What!"I yelled and my workers sprang to their feet.

"You should come to the palace now,it's really important,we can't afford to lose your Dad now"

"I'll be there soon,I'm coming right away,just try to calm down your nerves okay"I assured her and she sniffed.

I cut the call immediately and touch my forehead.


Who could have poisoned him?

I left the house minutes ago.


"I'm so sorry guys,I have to go now,there's an emergency in the palace,Shantel,please round up the meeting,I'll call you back later"

"Okay sir,please take care"She said and I nodded.

I rush out of the hall to the car and I opened it myself.

"To the palace,now"I ordered and he nodded immediately.



Soon,I got there and ran out of the car,mom was the first to rush to me and after that,the priest.

"How did it happen?"I asked immediately I got to them and mom sighed.

"I don't know,all we know is that he's poisoned"

"How about the CCTV cameras?

"It has been tampered with, although we've imprisoned all the palace maids but that isn't the problem"

"Then what is it?"

"There's no antidote for the poison,and the king is dying slowly"

"There's no antidote?"I asked shocked and she nodded.

"There will be an antidote,I'lll be back soon"I said and rush out of the palace while mom yelled my name from behind but I didn't reply her.
