
Fated Pairs Series

What will you do if you could find your soulmate through telepathy? What if that soulmate brings with them danger? Are you willing to fight it with them?

KarlysleVez · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs


At the end of my last class, I met Aaron at the parking lot.

"Why do you want to be back at HQ? Don't you have class tomorrow?" He knows that I'm always late in class and he wants to fix my tardiness but that's not what is important now. I want to talk to the Commander. He opened the door for me and closed it once I got in. He walked around to get to his seat and started driving. "I'm feeling that you're not fine. What happened?"

"It's Jo, she's acting differently. I don't know if she's mad with me because of the wedding that didn't push through," I looked out the window to see the stars shimmering outside in the sky.

"Why? I thought she was fine with it and quite supportive of it," he asked.

"I'm not sure either, Aaron. But I'm really not feeling fine because of it," I feel moist on my eyes. I rolled my eyes upward making the tears run back to their place.

Aaron's hand found its way to hold mine transferring his warmth through my body.

We reached the HQ fast and I saw the Commander standing in front of the lobby as if he was expecting me to come.

"Ton told me you're coming tonight," he welcomed me with a hug. He swayed a little as he hugged me and patted my head, "It'll be fine, my dear. Everything's going to be fine."

"But she's mad at me." The tears I'm trying to stop earlier have started falling from my eyes.

I can't take it when Jo's mad at me. This never happened before. I don't know what to do.

I could still feel Aaron's presence standing just behind me letting me cry freely on the Commander's wide chest. I stayed in the HQ overnight and went back to university the day after. Jo didn't come to class so instead, Ven sat beside me.

"This is so unusual of her," Ven breathed.

Throughout the day I just felt really heavy. I don't feel like doing anything, I can't even control my talent so I just let the noise swarm inside my head, I can't even get my eyes to look at the board. Ven's palm landed on my head, he knows what I'm feeling, and he knows how hurt I am right now.

"What did I do wrong, Ven?" I asked, still not facing him.

"I'm not really sure. She seems fine during the announcement of your wedding being canceled. I even thought that she was happy for you because she knows you're not fond of the idea of being married to someone you don't like. I mean, you were not here that time but she was jumping in joy." Ven tried to calm me.

"But why then?" I asked.

"I really can't answer that, Sapphire. Jo and I know that there's something between you and Aaron even if you don't tell us directly…but we're both fine with it. So I really don't understand why she's acting up now."

"You…you guys know?"

"Always. She likes Aaron for you and I like Aaron for you. That's why she was disappointed when your parents announced that you're going to get married to Mark."

I sighed. "Thank you."

He just smiled back at me. "But you owe me a thousand dollars for my plane ticket."

I laughed.

"Alright, let's go. It's break time. I don't think that you're ready to have a competition right now. It's my treat this time. Go to the hideout, I'll meet you there," Ven patted the crown of my head one more time and left.

I gathered my strength to walk towards the hideout. Aaron was there looking at me. I dropped my bag on the grassy ground and sat beside him.

"She didn't come today," I said. I lay my head on his shoulder. Aaron wrapped his fingers with mine and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Julia said that she wants to study here too," Aaron is trying to change the subject.

I'll just go along with it. "Really? What program does she like to take?" I wasn't able to hang out with Julia again. She seems busy honing her skills with Timothy.

"Psychology, I guess she's planning to use her talent in the right way just like her big sister," Aaron planted a kiss on my forehead. "Your sister is also intelligent just like your brother. I think she'll make it."

"and I'm not?"

"You're already here. What else do you want me to point out?"

"I'm here." A voice said. "Oh I knew it. You're here too," Ven pouted.

"Hi," Aaron greeted with his other hand.

"Sapphire, here's your favorite meal," he placed it on my lap.

"Since I know you'd be here too, I bought you the same meal," Ven handed the food to him.

"Thanks," Aaron seems pleased with my friend unlike before.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, I fished my hand through it and checked the caller ID. "It's my mom…" What does she want now?

Ven stopped chewing his food nervously while looking at me.

Aaron wrapped his hand behind me as I answered the call. I placed the phone in front of me and greeted her.

"Hello?" I tried to control my voice from shaking but I couldn't hide my nervousness.

"Sapphire," I hear her cold voice echo in my ears.

"Yes, mom?"

"You need to go back here in France, immediately. You need to get married. I'm telling you." She tries to calm her voice as she persuades me.

"I don't want to marry Mark. I don't love him." Aaron stiffened beside me. Same as me, he thought that this issue is over but it isn't.

"The company will fall down if you don't. His parents are mad that you're just gone. You disrespected them, Sapphire." Here she goes again. Being so selfish only thinking of herself.

"I know what I did was wrong. I will try to talk to them but not now. A lot is going on."

"I don't want us to go back to that place, Sapphire. If you don't go back here, everything that I and your father build will be put in vain. You have to marry him no matter what. Whether you like it or not," her tone is starting to get stronger.

"No, I had enough of you controlling me. I'm not going to marry Mark just because of you. I get to choose who I want to be with forever and you'll not do anything to stop me from doing what I want to do," I dropped the call first. I exhaled, hardly trying to contain all my anger inside. "

She's not just going to stop, is she?" Aaron bit his lip.

"Her mother is quite a control freak," Ven pointed out and continued to chew what was left in his mouth a while ago. "Trust me, I met her and whooo…I had to stop seeing Sapphire for a week because seeing a Valoria was just too much."

My phone rang again, "It's her again." I threw my phone somewhere behind us. I know that Aaron helped with it because it went further than I expected it to be.

"Good job, princess," Ven said.

After lunch, I walked with Ven back to our room for our next class.

"Oh my…" Ven's mouth opened in shock.

"Why?" I looked in the direction he was looking. It's Jo sitting on her seat just beside me.

I froze, I don't know how to react. She gazed into our way and smiled as if nothing happened yesterday. Ven and I started walking cautiously towards our seats.

"Hi," Jo smiled at me.

"Uhmm, Hi," I greeted back.

"You don't seem so happy to see me," she pouted.

"Uh duh, you were a monster yesterday," Ven sat behind her.

"Speaking of that, I really don't know what happened to me. I felt so weak as soon as I reached home. I fell asleep and woke up at eleven in the afternoon. I had to run my way here," Jo looks so confused while explaining. "Whatever I said yesterday, I don't mean them. You know I support your decision, right? I am always here for you, Sapphire." She held my hand with both of her hands.

I forced a smile on her.

"I swear I will support you with any decision you make. We've been friends for a decade now and nothing like this happened before and it should never happen in the future again." Now this is the Jo I know.

I smiled happily at her, "I knew it wasn't you yesterday," I hugged her.

"Aww, look at the two. Let me join," Ven tried hugging us despite the desk being on the way. After a little while, the three of us let go of each other's grip and sat properly on our chairs.

"You know what? Let's do a sleepover."

"Okay. On Friday at your place?" I asked Jo.

"You know, I really want to sleep in your dorm tonight," Jo informed me.

I panicked. "Really? Why?" Aaron is sleeping with me to guard me.

"I want to stay overnight with my friend, is that wrong?" Jo showed disappointment in me.

"I'll come too," Ven raised his hand.

"What?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Yey," Jo made little claps.

"No," I objected.

"Why?" they simultaneously asked unhappily how I reacted.

"It's…I c…" my eyes gazed outside where Aaron is resting on our hideout.

"Why?" Jo asked again, snapping to get my attention.

"Look, I know you guys know that Aaron and I are together, right?"

Jo placed her hands over her mouth.

"Are you pregnant?" I don't how Ven gets into that conclusion.

"What? Heck No! No!"

"You're sleeping with Aaron in your dormitory?" Jo's eyes widened.

"Yes, but just because—"

"Did you two…"

"No! No! No! We didn't go further than what you think…He's just there to take care of me, okay?"

Ven raised a brow. "You made your boyfriend your babysitter?"

I wrinkled my brows. What is this guy saying now?

"I'm happy for you two, really. But I really want to hang out with you so whether you like it or not, Ven and I will stay for the night," Jo lay her hand in front of Ven which he clapped.

I looked at them worriedly.

Aaron was surprised when Jo and Ven stepped in the room. When I opened it they had their things with them already. Aaron was about to sleep so he was in his pyjamas already and the bed was already properly fixed for him to sleep. I didn't get a chance to tell Aaron because I don't know how to tell him.

Jo and Ven let themselves in the room pushing me out of the way and dropping their things on the floor just near my bed.

"I brought pizza!" Ven opened the box of pizza and placed it on my white plastic table.

I don't know how I could occupy four people in this small room, honestly. I closed the door behind me and sat on the dining chair.

"What's this?" Aaron is still dumbfounded with the presence of the other two people sharing the room with us tonight.

"We told Sapphire that we will be staying here tonight with you guys," Jo took a bite of her pizza.

"What?" Aaron doesn't seem so pleased.

"Sapphire, you're already keeping secrets from each other?" Jo joked.

"Come on, Lover boy. It's just for tonight. You can't just have our friend without passing a test from us," Ven added.

"What?" Aaron is obviously not comfortable.

"We will test you," Jo raised a brow at him.

"What?" I asked this time. They surely don't know anything about Artisans. Ugh, it will be easier to explain if they know about it.

"What are you going to test me with?" I know Aaron's not fond of the idea but we're already here. There's no saying no.

"Truth or dare should be proper," Ven opened the bottle of soda and poured some on his cup that he took from my tiny kitchen.

"Don't you all have classes tomorrow? How can you have time for this?" Aaron scratched his nape as he was vexed with the two.

Right when he's trying to warm up with the two, they do this. I made a wide smile directing to Aaron, not even me is into the idea.

Ven pushed the pull out bed back under my bed and fixed the floor for us, Jo helped with the process.

"Sit here and you too," pointing at me and Aaron asking us to sit on the carpeted floor.

We sat around the bottle emptied by Ven. "Alright, you know the rules of this game, right?"

We all nodded.

Jo seems so excited with the game but Aaron and I just wanted to take a rest already.

"Okay," Ven let the bottle twirl around and it stopped at me. Goodness, hi again bad luck, it's been a while.

"Right, Sapphire," Jo looked at me enthusiastically. "Are you still a virgin?"

Ven slapped her lap, "that's the first question??

She shrugged, "We're all friends. Nothing's to be embarrassed about."

Ven just nodded in agreement.

I felt Aaron stop breathing beside me. Jo had a wide 'O' painted on her mouth while Ven seemed so excited with the question that I don't want to live anymore.

"I am still," I answered shyly.

Jo frowned and raised a brow. She averted her eyes at Aaron whose shoulders stiffened.

[Why do I feel so targeted?] Aaron asked.

[Because you are], I replied.

[Okay] Aaron swallowed.

"Next," Ven turned the bottle again, this time it stopped at Jo, "Jo, who do you have a crush with right now?" Ven asked.

"Unfair, that's an easy question." I argued.

"Do you know that guy who sat next to me the other day? I think I like him," Jo giggled.

"Oh right, he's cute. But I heard he's dating a freshie."

"Aww," Jo pouted.

"Again," Ven turned the bottle.

The game went on and on until Ven and Jo ran out of questions to ask each other. They've been spinning it for a while now but it always ends up between them two.

"That's weird. I ran out of questions to ask Jo," Ven scratched his head.

Aaron sighed deeply letting his talent go, it's draining his energy badly just to avoid the questions. "It's unfair so, I'm going to turn the bottle again," the bottle ended up pointing at Aaron this time.

"Finally," Jo cheered.

Aaron's jaw clenched.

"So, Aaron, how about you? Have you given your virginity to someone else?" Ven leaned towards Aaron.

"Guys…" I warned them.

"It's alright, Sapphire. I'm going to answer honestly. I did," Aaron answered flatly.

I think that is expected? I don't know.

He looked at me, [I'm sorry.]

I was stunned by his apology. [I'm not disappointed or anything, Aaron. What are you saying?]

He's eyes narrowed a little.

My face straightened. He was able to read my emotions better than I do. I looked away at him avoiding his contact.

"O…kay," Jo noticed the awkwardness. "I guess that's enough for tonight," Jo slapped Ven a little, telling him to look at what they had done to us. "We'll sleep here on the floor," she pulled the bed underneath my bed. "You two on the bed above us," she forced a smile, hitting Ven with her foot.

Ven immediately stood up to follow Jo.

Aaron and I stood up and climbed on the bed. I dropped myself on the side near the window giving space for Aaron to lay beside me. Jo turned off the lights after they were able to settle on the bed below us.

"Asshole, why did you ask that?" Jo whispered at Ven.

"I'm sorry. I was just playing a game," Ven muttered. "You asked Sapphire the same question."

"Yes but Sapphire is a friend. Aaron is not that of a friend yet."

"It's just a game."

"It's not just a game anymore," Jo hit him one more time.

Sometimes, I hate it when my ears let me hear a lot. I turned to face the window and closed my eyes. I felt Aaron's hand around my tummy pulling me closer to him. I could feel his warm breath just near my neck as he kissed it.