
Fated Flight

What do you do when your world has been turned upside down? Can you do it? Could you do it? Can Lizzie fight or will she take her fated flight?

caterasmith16 · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

Tap In




Lizzie sat on the edge of the toilet as the water burst into a full sprinkle instead of taps. She had already carefully laid out her training clothes and any products she'd need. Stepping into the shower she washed away the days earlier stress and replaced it with a new skin and attitude. She was ready to prove that she could avenge her mother and father. Their sacrifice would not be for nothing. She exited the allusive spray and quickly dried off herself before smoothing coconut lotion over her skin. Once she was done applying the creme she slid on the spandex black mid thigh training shorts and the cropped black spandex training top over her sports bra and boy shorts. When she finished dressing she pulled her locks into a tight bun allowing a few baby hairs to run wild. Sitting on the bed she laced up her black and pink air Maxx and peeked inside the bag again for the black wrapping tape. Carefully she wrapped her hands then checked the time. She had a few moments to spare so she scrolled through the songs on the iPod they provided in the bag. Squealing excitedly at the amazing selection she wrapped it up and placed it in the pocket at her hip. Her smile lit up her face when she noticed the faded name on the back of it that read Kily. Who knew she had such good taste. Zipping the bag up she packed a change of clothes consisting of white ripped ankle tights and a yellow tube top with jewels around the top paired with yellow sandals. She expected training to end in about 5 hours, 8:00pm which left her just enough time to go to the mall with Emilia for new clothes. It will be cutting it close but it was now or never considering the day after her birthday was Sunday then after that she had to register for school. Unfortunately they were in a different school district which meant a new school but Emilia assured her she would be fine since she was the principal and she would have all classes with Kily or Kelly. That made her feel a little better, she just wanted to get school over with, all her mom wanted was for her to finish school and be the best person she can be. Glancing at the clock she noticed she had 2 minutes to be downstairs so she slid the bag onto one arms and walked out the door. Before she left the room a picture frame sitting on the wall next to the door caught her attention, walking to it she choked up. Inside the wooden frame was the letter from her mother out of her baby book. She lightly touched the surface of the glass and made a silent promise to her mother and father, wherever he may be. She then walked out the door again closing it this time. Quickly she jogged down the stairs to see Kelly dressed in a purple sundress with a ridiculously big jeweled bow on the back paired with jeweled sandals. It was obvious she wasn't training with them, something about the bow just screams bench. "Great! Right on time. Come on let's head to the arena. I'll give you a mini tour on the way" she said with a smile as she hooked their arms and skipped through the kitchen and out the back door. Lizzie was soon overwhelmed by the amount of people cluttering the huge yard and woods. To the right was a big building that shined so hard it burned her eyes, it was completely made of silver sheets of metal. "That building is the hospital, it's where mom and I work. The building to your left is the nursery hence the playground" They walked further along with Kelly excitedly pointing out buildings left and right. It was like a small town it even had a city Hall. They found the arena towards the edge of the woods about 3 minutes away from the house on foot. The arena was a large open coliseum that rose from the ground to a staggering height of stone with green banners flapping in wind. The doors was wood and iron and spanned a large distance, no doubt a SUV could comfortably drive threw the double doors. The massive building stood beside another huge building made of gold, silver and copper sheets of metal arranged in a beautiful collage. It had a beautiful destructive grace to it with its sharp corners and edges. Banging noises could be heard ringing through the thick wall. "That building on the right is the armory where Kily and dad work and the arena is obviously the building to the left" Kelly said as they walked to the doors. With a heave she grabbed the iron handles and pulled apart the doors. Walking inside lizzie was amazed by the size and the amount of people already filling the seats. "Shit! I was hoping you guys would have a private session but it seems the pack is interested" she said growling. Gently Kelly pulled lizzie to a group of giants surrounding a beautiful Kily. She had on the same outfit as Lizzie but hers was riddled with dirt and slashed from a previous fight and she had a long slash running from her nose to her ear but she didn't seem to notice as she laughed and pushed the boys around. When they stopped in front of them lizzie could see more of the scratches and bruises on her body. Smiling Kily looked to them and broke from the circle after telling the boys to find a seat. "Hey angel, I planned on a closed session but the pack demanded to see the girl destined to save them and who was I to deny them that right" she said with a tight lipped smile. Kelly bid lizzie farewell and nodded a warning to kily then climbed the steps to take her spot beside the alpha and Luna in the royal highbox. From her high seat she gave lizzie a thumbs up and a bright smile. Lizzie slightly shot one back before a hands pushed her to the dirt floor. Dust rose up and clogged her throat as she rolled up on all fours coughing like a fool. "First rule never take your eye off the enemy" Kily said sounding almost bored. Lizzie looked up into the stands noticing the disapproving looks in the crowd and it honestly pissed her off a bit. She pulled herself to her feet only to have them kicked from under her in staggering speed. With a loud huff she flopped to the ground. She caught her breath quickly and rolled away in time to avoid a ground shaking kick that would've demolished her arm. She slid to her feet and quickly whipped a punch towards kilys head but she countered it and flipped her over her shoulders. The muscles in kilys arms flowed through the movement from years of hard training. She flew on her back but not for long as she rolled to the side and picked herself up. She shook out her hands realizing that this was how kily wanted to play this. Close combat was definitely not the way to go, Kily was far too fast. The distance between them gave her space to study kilys tight swift movements. Her south paw stance made her moves liquid and hard to dodge but lizzie was faster when prepared. Kily advanced on her, hands raised protecting her face, she stepped out throwing a punch at her face. Lizzie turned letting it hit her right shoulder definitely bruising the whole area before swiftly kicking kilys feet from under her. The blonde didn't stay down for long but when she got up she had an excited look on her face. Kily faked another punch and instead delivered a kick to Lizzies abdomen which she barely deflected before throwing her own punch at the blonde. The two went blow for blow knocking each other to the ground sending the crowd into an excited frenzy. The rounds would go on for 3 minutes, with a minute break in between. Another warrior named Todd worked as the ref for the fight, keeping with the time and breaks. In between throws Kily would give her advice when needed before the match started again. As predicted they battled for hours till lizzie collapsed in a tired heap on the ground after a dizzying punch to the side of her head. After that the blonde ended the session "Despite the beginning you did a great job. You'll be kicking ass in no time" Kily said as she hauled her to her feet. Kelly came skipping up to them then attacked lizzie in a hug "You did amazing. Mom just left to make you dinner to celebrate the practice before you guys leave for the mall. I wish I could walk you back but I have to leave with Tanya, another healer, for work. But I'm sure Kily won't mind walking you back and keeping you company" she chuckled out with a sly wink in kilys direction. In return Kily shot her the bird "Eat a d*ck Kelly". In reply she twirled around laughing and skipped away. "Is she always this happy?" Lizzie asked puzzled while gathering all her stuff up. "Sadly yes and your appearance has done nothing but make her worse" Kily replied with a shudder. "Come one newbie, let's head home. You need a shower before stepping in public" she squeaked out while holding her nose and fanning the air. Lizzie smacked her hand playfully and giggled "Shut up! I don't smell any worse than you Oscar" she shot back full on laughing "You know under this stink is a whole lot of sexy" lizzie added while posing awkwardly. Kily busted out laughing griping her stomach "You mean under all that corny is a whole lot of sexy". Lizzie blushed lightly as a smile graced her face "I know what I mean" she bantered back before limping towards the exit. Kily took her spot next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked back across the yard. "Would it be unethical to buy a four-wheeler?" lizzie mumbled leaning heavily on kily for support. "Most definitely, considering we have some". Lizzie punched kily in the stomach groaning "Whhyy do you hate me?", kily laughed pulling her closer "I don't hate you dork. You need to walk off an ass whooping like that. Next time I promise, we will ride on the way back if you keep preforming like that". Lizzie nodded her head too tired to argue "Deal".