
Her return

A few minutes later she returned and I sighed with relief knowing that she's safe. I ask her "So did you find any?"

"Yep! A bunch! I picked them all aswell I got a basket and gloves so I can pick them!" She replied I than said "Thank you! Now that we picked the berries I need to give them to a nice lady! Please wait here for me? she smiled and replied saying "If that's what you want, than I'll stay!" I than waved and rushed back to the kind ladies farm and handed her the berries saying "I must be on my way I'm going to pick some flowers" she smiled and said "Well have fun" she than gave me a white butterfly it was alive and it wasn't flying away. She said "Keep it, you'll find out the meaning sooner or later"

I than left the farm waving goodbye and putting the butterfly on my bracelet as I walked back to Xian, where should I stay? I have no clue I guess maybe the streets helping didn't really give me anything but it was nice. Hopefully I find a nice meal and a great place to stay!