
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · แฟนตาซี
125 Chs

True Colours!!

"It's surprising!" Aryan said with a tilt, as if meticulously thinking about the information he just received!

"Let's just have our breakfast! Nothing will change by the vision I had today after all!" Tara cut his thoughts off!

"It was something that had already happened!!" she sighed as she let it out!

Aryan nodded in agreement, it was nothing troubling but changes indeed are sometimes as it first frightens and confuses you before letting you adapt for it!

As they then started to have their breakfast, silence followed, not knowing of whether it was for something that happened years ago or an hour!

"What.... exactly did I do yesterday?!" she asked with her head down, embarrassed!

Aryan looked up taken aback, observing her with all of his interest before he laughed out, "You really want to know?!"

Tara now looked up as well, "I want to!"

"Fine!" Aryan breathed as he leaned forward, putting pressure on his hands slightly, "I went to search for the glasses meanwhile...."

"I decided to have a sip!" she said thoughtfully with a shrug, cutting him off!

"A sip?!" he laughed, "That definitely wasn't one!!"

Tara rolled her eyes, "Continue!!"

Gathering all the air around he sighed, "When I returned, you already were drunk!"

She nodded remembering what she recalled, a glimpse of him standing, speaking words which were still muted for her now!

"I tried to put some sense into your drunken mind, my bad, I didn't succeed!!" he shook his head pretentiously though he felt exactly the opposite!!

While Tara suppressed her sigh within as she looked forward for him!

"You didn't listen to me, staggered towards me until you fell upon me, making me fall as well! Ah mind me, you were such a heavy bag!"

Tara sighed hard this time, "I don't even let a fly touch me while you roam around lifting me up! Consider yourself lucky young man!!"

Aryan chuckled, "I am the lucky one my lady!" he said sarcastically as he gave a slight bow, though he meant what he said!

Tara shook her head, thinking he was just exaggerating things just because she didn't remember anything! Let him be, she thought as she looked down her bowl, resuming her breakfast while he remained speaking so!!

"Then you spoke 'Random Stuff!!', just like you marked!!" he stressed particular words grabbing her attention briefly!

"Stuff like?!" she asked raising her head briefly before she decided to taste the boiled egg!

"I hate you!" his words made her cough, he with a smile offered her a glass of water which she though had a sip of it, before looking at him!!

"The random stuff you said! Well you even gave a lot of reasons for the statement!"

Settling of a frown, she tilted her face, "Reasons?!"

"Yeah!" Tara wondered, what could she have said?! Did she really have reasons! They might have really sounded foolish for him!

"Do not steal away my memories!!" he scoffed!

Tara stared him with brows raised, "How can you then expect me to know??!"

"Do not know then or..... try remembering it! That's your problem and you are on your own Miss Tara!!"

She could see it, clearly could see it!! The wit he was implying from the morning, do all guys behave the same?!

True colours!!

"Alright! As you wish! Then what about the other? What else did I do?!"

He smiled, "You slapped me!" and the smile turned into a laugh, "You even called me names!!"

Aryan still remembered how she pulled his ear while he carried her up to her room, giving him names!

"Stupid! Idiot!!" she yelled before showing what yelling actually was, "You annoy me to the peaks!!"

He just shook his head at her that time, she smiled in a childish way, "But a kind idiot! Lovely one! Stupid doctor!!" she said it now letting his ear free which turned red before resting her head against his chest!

As he remembered it all over again, he couldn't help but smile! He never knew he was a kind idiot and a stupid doctor!

"I perhaps was trying to annoy you!!" Tara's thoughtful words brought him back to present! Though she couldn't help but smile at the fact the she literally slapped him! How she wished she wasn't drunk so she could remember everything!!

"You were!!" he confirmed!

"Were you then?!" she wondered!

"Absolutely not!" he smiled!

She chuckled, so he enjoyed it?! Strange!! She thought with a shook as she looked down again!

"Well I didn't expect that I did something like slapping you!!" she laughed!

"You did more unexpected things to me than just a slapping!"

Her actions halted, as he questioned, "Do you know why was that slap for?!"

Though she looked down, he could say she was trying to find an answer, "It's because I wanted to stop you!!" he suddenly cut off her series of thoughts, making her look up at him in confusion!

"You kept leaning closer and I tried to stop you!!"

'Trust me for I didn't start it! Do not blame me!' his words echoed around suddenly!

Just how down she went on embarrassing herself?! Her hold on the spoon tightened not minding her injury, as he leaned closer now, almost making her regret sitting beside him! Aryan continued to do so!

"You kept on leaning closer.....until...." as he let it out in whisper, his actions synchronised his words!

Tara almost immediately suppressing her gasp turned away, shutting eyes briefly as if trying to swallow down that embarrassment she was feeling! Her hand reaching out for the glass of water he just offered a while ago!

Aryan who watched her gulping down the entire glass in one go, chuckled before pulling himself away, letting her take a proper breath!

"Until you collapsed!!" he said as if it was nothing while he took hold of the cup's handle, sipping his tea elegantly!

A sigh of relief registered her, then realising immediately the cause of his sudden change of behaviour!

She dig her own pit!

"I think I know what happened later!" she cleared her voice as she decided to shove off the shyness while pretending to enjoy her tea!

When they were done, he washed the dishes while she watched him in silence!

"Does it still hurt?!" he asked without looking at her!

"It's better!" she meant to be honest! It still hurt a little, but was much better! She could atleast gently hold things like spoon and fork! And even could embrace her little pet!

Aryan hoped so as she said! When he was done, Tara retreated to her room, while he reached the library! He wanted to know what kind of collections this room had treasured! Leaving the collection of DRINKS though!

Tara while worked on her luggage, since she returned here, after years, she didn't even bother to settle out her things, all she wanted was to explore the known all over again!

And now as she got time, she decided to finish the left out task! After an hour when she was done, she searched for him which obviously then lead her to the library!

Almost few memories getting registered in a split second before all her focus became the vision of him reading a book! He was so into reading it, while strangely this time, Snoopy was assisting him!

He was reading it out for the little thing which unlocked her almost extinct memories!

Tara still remembered being laid on bed, her head resting over her father's lap, as he gently stroked her hair while reading out fairytales for her! And whenever it wasn't a story reading, it was a lullaby by her mother!

She breathed, trying to recall that soothing voice! It felt like heaven, the lost one!!

With the strange past vision, this feelings weren't helping her much as well!

She decided to leave them alone after taking a one more brief look, and when she returned to her room, Tara fell on her bed tiredly, not knowing whether out of what!

It took her no time to fall asleep while trying to process her sudden new change in having visions!

When she was awake, she realised it was evening already!

She dozed off for such a long time and he didn't even come to wake her up?! Or... perhaps he did?!

With a shook, Tara got up, coming out of her room, she searched for him everywhere along with the library where she had last seen him! However he was nowhere to be seen!

Just as she reached out, searching for him and Snoopy, that little thing out of nowhere came almost startling her, reaching her toes!

Confused, she crouched, her hand now caressing it's white hair, "Where were you?!"

While Snoopy gave no response, she continued to question with a stroke again! "And where's your father?! Are you two playing hide and seek?!" her head shifted while spelling that last part, searching for him as though she knew he was just around!

Snoopy barked making her return her focus to him and before even she could realise it, it turned and ran away, getting into the forest!

"Hey!! Snoopy?!" she called out but he didn't stop, by which she followed him with no thought!

As she ran, almost chasing him, feeling her heartbeat increase, she realised it was heading towards the lake!

Did he like this place that he is visiting it again?!

As they almost reached the lake, by then she could already hear the water flow!

However Tara was taken aback when she reached the lake! Few lights arranged helped her have a clear view as it was almost twilight!

Everything for a barbecue was arranged, aroma of fresh meat getting cooked welcomed her! As her gaze shifted, she saw Aryan arranging for a tent! He was working hard and well Snoopy rushed to him though he had no way with to help him!

Aryan didn't notice her presence yet, while she was conquered by her own memories, in addition, slightly confused!

Where did he find all those tools?! And even if he did, when did he do all of these?! Did he just go out leaving her alone?!

Hey guys, I know and am sorry, I've said for an extra chap but couldn't make it! But I'm sure I would be publishing extra chapters in future, perhaps after a week or so!

Just wait for it! ;)

And for the one's who inwardly wished me my birthday, do so for my sis as well! Her birthday is the day after mine! I know strange, but it is!

Though it's over, I would like to see you all wish her as well!

Love you....!

misslonelysoulcreators' thoughts