

A teenage girl reincarnates as a Matou with little memory of her actual past, stuck in a holy grail war that's definitely not a part of canon, she must figure out how exactly she's going to survive without proper magecraft. -- First novel so keep that in mind when reviewing. Also, suggestions and criticisms are always welcome. -- I don't own anything from Fate/ the Nasuverse besides my OC. Cover picture found on the Battle Arena Amino.

AvaDumont · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Meeting the Protagonist

It was just as I thought. After my father left that day he didn't come back. It's depressing being so powerless, being so motionless, being so worthless. I should have been able to do something right? I'm a reincarnated person with eyes that can literally see something like this coming after all! I can't help the nagging sensation in the back of my head telling me I had the ability to stop this if I had just reached for it, if I had just tried.

The only thing I can truly take solace in is knowing that at the very least I helped. In truth, the future I originally saw was one in which my father and berserker were the third master-servant pair to fall in the grail war, due to a confrontation with Saber. However, while my mother was crying her eyes out she told me he was the fifth. She even went on to say that the only reason he died was because that bastard Zouken was a sore loser and in a sense self destructed all of his crest worms killing my father along with himself.

After this, my mother started acting more paranoid. This was only really in concern to me however as Shinji was allowed to go to school, make friends and live a relatively normal life while I was locked up in the house, 'for my safety.' She kept insisting Zouken couldn't be dead because no one found a body and that she'd make sure to keep me safe. As long as I stayed in this house protected by the bounded field left by my dear father I'd be safe.

For six years I listened, six years I stayed cooped up in this now depressing house without ever truly letting myself cope with my loss, without ever really trying to change anything.

I'll admit, one of the reasons I let it go on this long was because I was afraid. If what my mother claims is true and for her to specifically be protecting me it must mean that the old worm man is actively trying to pull a captain Ginyu on me. It may be the paranoia of being stuck in a house with someone who'll make a fuss over me if I even happen to breathe the wrong way, but it ends today.

I swore all those years ago I wouldn't allow my big brother to become an antagonist and I can't keep that promise if I'm afraid of 'what if's.'

Sometimes all a person needs is a bit of boldness to find out that even if they can't swim the pool isn't nearly as deep as it looks.


Early in the morning at the very cusp of daybreak, I find myself standing at the front door. Staring at it with the suffocating grip of fear clenching my heart, begging me to go back, to stay safe.

This time however is not like all the other mornings I found myself in this same spot, this time it's about more than just myself, more than just curiosity. If I want to change the future and make sure I never lose again I must reach out, I must grasp it with my own two hands.

'For a hikikomori like me this is even harder, I bet God's loving putting me so far out of my comfort zone!.' With that poor excuse of a joke to calm me down, I finally reach out grabbing the doorknob and with a twist, the door opens easily as if it were always ready for the day I'd make this choice.


(Chikako P.O.V)

Hearing my alarm go off, I let out a tired sigh as I get out of bed. I don't feel very rested, my bed is too empty, a constant reminder of what's missing until the very last moment before I fall asleep.

It's alright though, I swore to him I would never let anything happen to our kids, especially Minori. I don't have any idea what exactly her mystic eyes are as I have always been a third-rate magus and my husband never told me, but from what I know they are more than a little desirable. Not only for Zouken but for the terrible kinds of magus who would come seeking a chance to take them.

To make matters worse her "illness" would make it incredibly difficult for her to properly be a part of any normal human society unlike Shinji or even regular magus, her mentality simply would not allow for it. She'd be noticed without fail if any magus happened to see her outside.

So I would keep her here, close by where I can protect her for as long as needed. Even if it breaks my heart when she stares at the front entrance of our home with an almost fearful longing resting in her eyes, or when she avoids me as if I were a crazy person. As long as it's to keep the kids safe it's a price I'm willing to pay.

After finishing getting ready for the day, I move down the hall towards the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast when I notice something is off. Often even when Minori is avoiding me she's up before me ready and waiting in the kitchen to help me with breakfast. On the few occasions she doesn't help with the cooking she can be found watching those strange cartoons with the transforming girls waving odd looking sticks around. I can't fully understand the appeal but she is a kid even if she is a bit too smart for her own good at times. I suspect she also has trouble sleeping.

'Kariya always told me not to increase her dosage, but maybe I should. What if her stress overtakes its effects?'

I shake the thought out of my head as soon as it comes, If he told me never to give her a higher dosage then it has to be for a reason.

This morning however the lights are all off, and she's nowhere to be found. Panicking I rush to her room only to find that place empty as well.

'No, no, no!' The words repeat in my mind constantly as if to deny the very fact that this is happening. Quickly I run to Shinji's room almost tripping over myself, I burst through his door jolting him awake.

"Kaa-san?" He says questioningly,

"Shinji, Minori is missing!" The frantic words spew out of my mouth, causing his own face to contort in panic as well.

"I'll go look for her!" He shouts, throwing off his covers, he puts on a simple T-Shirt and shorts before speeding past me through the doorway.

"Listen Shinji, you absolutely must find her before she gets too deep into Fuyuki city proper!" I shout as he begins putting on his shoes at the front door,

"And here take these." I say handing him two red ribbons, Kariya was supposed to give them to her for her sixteenth birthday as by that point she'd have a better grasp on herself and it wouldn't be as dangerous to teach her how to use her eyes properly. These mystic eye killers were made specifically to keep rainbow class eyes somewhat under control. Using them now may not be ideal but it's currently the safest solution.

Snatching them from me in his hurry he swiftly leaves through the front entrance not even taking the time to look back.

While Shinji doesn't know all the details about what exactly is wrong with her he has seen the effects of letting her emotions run high, the feeling of dread when first seeing her eyes change is likely still strong.

I simply hope the two of us can find her before any incidents can occur.


(Minori P.O.V)

I hate this, I hate it, I hate it, I absolutely hate it.

It's disgusting, the stares of all these men. I know what they want. It's what they always want. My eyes show it to me well, every last one of them is dangerous, every last one wants something from me.

'That couldn't possibly be true. Not all men are like that…' Even with that thought I have trouble believing it, I mean how could what I'm seeing with my own eyes be incorrect against simple assumptions like those? All humans have some kind of evil in them. It would make sense if men were struggling with their more primal urges when so many people struggle to even do simple things like not kill or cheat.

'But that's irrational. Why, why would they all be after me?'

My eyes wouldn't lie to me though, one man grips a gun on his waist, another a pocket knife, and yet another is even a magus.

All of them preparing, but I was prepared too, 'the moment they strike I'll- no I should strike first! I won't be a victim this time! I won't leave anything to chance!'

I reach out attempting to touch one of the many fragments, if I attack first it'll leave no room for me to get hurt. As I reach for them the images ripple like the surface of water, but refusing to allow me access the image stays firm.

Before I can begin to panic at my apparent powerlessness my head pounds forcing me to clutch it in desperation. With each pulse I feel more fragments appear around me, more information pouring into my head, more people out to get me.

It itches. It itches so bad that I barley even notice when one of my hands leaves my head to scratch at my throat. It's almost like insects crawling just under my skin.

'Gross. It's just so gross. It's like they're already-' before I can finish the thought I feel a strong hand grip my arm from behind pulling it away from its incessant scratching.

Instinctively I rounded on him throwing my other hand towards his chest straight to the first fragment within my vision only to stop short.

The fragment didn't look like all the others. So naive yet broken. In every future merely worried about me rather than hostile, or looking for a weakness. A simple tool waiting to be used, a sword which didn't want to cut. Defective yet oddly alright.

Feeling this I let my hand fall gently to my side. I know he's trying to tell me something, but there are far too many things swirling around in my head for me to even attempt to decipher his words. Though the gentleness in his voice is enough for me to understand his intentions when he scoops me up in his arms.

Burying my face into the crook of his neck for once without care for how I looked I let myself escape all the shattering glass around me, falling into the best sleep I've had in a long time.


(Shinji's P.O.V)

That stupid sister of mine! I can understand why she would run off like that, but without even taking her pills? That's just too reckless.

I honestly couldn't care less if she hurts someone, It wouldn't be my problem. What I am worried about is what that would do to her, people with her 'condition' can so easily get addicted to doing things like taking lives, if she tried making a habit out of it someone would eventually wise up and call a professional magus killer or worse the church.

'I can't let that happen.' Pushing my feet to go faster I notice I'm near that naive idiot Shirou's house. I always thought his way of life was ridiculous, though somehow he did manage to make a guy like me his "friend". Begrudgingly I had to give him credit, though his ideals may be almost on the level of sightlessness as a mentally handicapped blind man, the way he constantly stays motivated, constantly helps others, and constantly sticks to his ideals could inspire any lesser man. It could also very easily make a prime target for abuse. It's a wonder what he would do without me around to "fix" that problem.

Breaking out of my thoughts I find myself in front of his old school Japanese styled house.

'This damnable Shirou, I swore I would never ask him for anything.' Steeling myself for the humiliation I was about to endure, I throw open the sliding door without any warning and move through the house towards the kitchen not even bothering to take off my shoes.

Seeing the light through the sliding door once I reach the kitchen I throw that one open too and the sight I find is more than a little surprising.

My sister sitting at the dining room table stuffing her face pauses as she sees me at the door then looks at a clock on the wall to her left while swallowing.

"Ahhh nii-san! I knew you would come!" She exclaims lying right through her teeth as she rushes towards me with her arms spread wide.

While I do want to scold her I accept the hug simply relieved to have found her seemingly before anything major could occur.

"Emiya, how'd you find her?" I ask him as he comes out of the kitchen in his school uniform.

"Well, I was heading to school and saw her. She looked like she was on the verge of collapsing, and her neck…" He lets his sentence drift off for a moment, bringing my attention to the large bandage on the left side of her neck doing its best to hide the ugly claw marks.

"Well it looked alot worse than it really was but still, any more and it would've been dangerous." He finishes,

"Why didn't you call me or something when you brought her home? You must've known this was my sister." I question him,

"She said she wanted to rest and that she was 'sure you'd be here within an hour,' and here you are, 45 minutes later."

I let out a hum of understanding before I shift my attention back to Minori and pull her off of me, despite her mischievous greeting it seems she really was quite scared based on how reluctant she is to let go.

"Minori, I'll talk to mom about letting you go to school or something when we get back, but for now wear these." I hand her the ribbons our mother gave me hesitantly and she accepts them tying her hair up in two large ponytails.

Slowly once she's done she turns to Shirou with a slight blush on her face,

"Umm, Emiya-kun what do you think?" She asks him,

"You look good, I'm glad you're feeling better." He responds while rubbing the back of his head, causing her to blush a tad bit more.

'The hell did this bastard do to my sister?!?'

Before you ask no, she isn't going to be some man hater or something lol. Though her fear of men will affect her choices in some regards.

Also, I'm never going to explicitly tell you about her past so here's a hint.

"Sometimes someone discovers the wonders of anime after they become a shut in rather than the other way around."

I hope that helps you with the order of events if you try and figure it out.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. How well did I do with the drama? If you have any tips I'm all ears.

AvaDumontcreators' thoughts