
Fate/Ultimate Antagonist

Getting Isekai'd to another world is indeed awesome, especially embarking on an adventure as a hero to defeat the Demon King, who turns out to be a woman, and making her part of your harem. It is truly the dream of millions of people hoping to be Isekai'd to another world. If Reinhard were to get Isekai'd like that, he might smile for the rest of his life. However, fate has other plans for him, as he becomes the unfortunate isekai victim, landing in the rabbit hole known as the moonlit world. With numerous psychopaths roaming around to fulfill their dreams, he must strive to defend his small life in this chaotic world, especially when the world is set to last only another decade. Fortunately, luck from nine generations of his family comes to his aid in critical moments. Finally, he gets help to secure his small life: [Ding!] "Eh? Has my help finally arrived?" [Congratulations, Host! You have been chosen as the host of the Antagonist Simulator System!] "Finally! Fina-... wait... What do you mean by Antagonist? Shouldn't it just be a Simulator without an Antagonist?" [As the name suggests, the Antagonist Simulator System is specifically designed for individuals with high aspirations to become antagonists, and you have been selected to be the Ultimate Antagonist! Congratulations, Host!] "Huh? Ultimate Antagonist? Wtf? How does someone as gentle as me fit as the ultimate antagonist?" [Not so.] [Host, you undoubtedly possess a strong motivation, clear plans, firm will, undisclosed secrets, outstanding execution, remarkable personality charm, and the determination to subvert the world.] [Undoubtedly, you are the perfect candidate for the ultimate antagonist.] WTF? ... [You were borns as the son of the King Vortigern.] [You pulled out the sword from the stone but inserted it back, and the sword emitted a resounding mournful cry] [You promoted agriculture, popularized education, abolished nobility, knights scorned you as the ominous son of the disaster-bringing white dragon] [You sacrificed Vortigern, gathered the remaining flames of the remnant age of gods, and launched the final assault towards the inner sea of the planet] [Your wife and daughter died at the hands of Ares] . . . [You set the Olympus Temple ablaze] "Oh? Looks like my adventure won't be boring."

XElenea · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

[116] Poppy Girl

"Who exactly are you?" Reinhard squinted his eyes and asked.

The black-haired woman before him was draped in a goose-feather cloak. Her blood-red lips and crimson eyes, coupled with a touch of bewitching allure, made her appearance breathtakingly seductive.

Her deep, dark skirt billowed like butterfly wings, hiding the contours of her bosom. The tight, dark blue fabric further accentuated her graceful and curvaceous figure.

Though her figure was captivating, Reinhard couldn't help but compare it to the voluptuousness of his witch and his new mama. The woman before him, claiming to be his senior sister, lacked the depth and expansiveness to elicit more than a derisive smirk from Reinhard.

Visually, she was a B- at most, with even the slightest increase threatening to spill over.

Don't misunderstand, here, he was referring to her durability stats.

As a side note, his witch had started as a C and had been molded into an E by Reinhard over time. As for Tiamama, she had been a monstrous G or even H level from the start, perfectly aligning with his refined taste.

The unexpected woman with long, loose hair had an edge of blood-red flame floating around her cloak. Beneath the hem of her skirt, her calves were wrapped in sheer white silk stockings, and she walked barefoot.

A good man even without shoes, but was this appropriate?

The black-haired woman looked at the slender young man now protected behind the Master Water Mirror named Sima Hui. She gave a disdainful chuckle.

"Sima Hui, do you think you can stop me?"

"Stopping Miss Yu is beyond my ability." Sima Hui smiled serenely, "But with Zhang Jue's talent, he doesn't need my protection. By standing behind me, he's showing his choice for the Water Mirror Manor, indicating his attitude towards you, his so-called senior sister, isn't he?"

With a snap, Sima Hui opened a fan emblazoned with the characters 'Born with Talent' in a flamboyant script, gently fanning the air.

Seeing the slender youth now standing behind Sima Hui, his eyes full of doubt and suspicion, the black-haired woman bit her lower lip.

She glanced at her maid, who produced a plaque from her breast, matching the one Reinhard had received as a gift.

"Do you understand now? I've come to take you back to our mountain, junior brother. You are destined for our lineage."

"I've said I don't know anything about this mountain whatever, nor do I know you. Are we that familiar? Don't call me junior brother."

Reinhard frowned. The woman before him, elegant and demure, looked so ill-tempered. Could she have a bit of manners? People always said large breasts meant a lack of brains, but what about small breasts with no brains?

"Apologies should be made... no, shouldn't one introduce themselves before attempting to take a disciple?"

The black-haired woman hesitated for a moment before reluctantly muttering a name.

"Your senior sister's name is... Yu Ying."

Sima Hui clapped his hands, and a ripple spread from the water mirror, separating the eight curious disciples from the scene. However, given their intelligence, this separation was meaningless.

"Junior brother Zhang Jue is quite sought after, far more than a waste like me."

With nothing left to watch, the lazy youth Zhuge Liang rested his head on his hands like a limp fish on his seat.

"His lightning techniques are mysterious, not connected to the leylines." The sickly-looking Guo Jia laughed. "Junior brother is using his own energy to perform lightning magecraft."

"Is he that talented? More talented than Pang Tong?" Zhou Yu laughed, pointing at the silent Pang Tong.

"Deep and unfathomable." Murmured the boy with markings on his face.

"He held back. When my spell exploded, he even protected Zhuge Liang." Chen Gong remarked, playing with a lightning spell in his hand, a subtle smile on his lips.

"The seven of us together might not be able to defeat Zhang Jue alone."


Looking at the platform obscured by the water mirror's ripples, the seven young strategists wore various intriguing expressions.

In the corner, the delicate Sima Yi lowered his eyelids, his hand brushing the strings of his ancient zither.

"Zhang Jue, huh?"

With the unrelated disciples isolated, Sima Hui gently fanned the air, smiling at the black-haired woman.

"Why the pretense, Miss Yu? Your lineage wants Zhang Jue as a disciple, yet you won't reveal your true name?"

"True name? So your name is false, but the surname is true, huh?"

"Have you heard the Tale of the Warlord?"

With a flourish, Sima Hui closed his fan, producing a cup of tea from thin air and sipping it, ready to tell a story.

"Legend has it, in the first year of the second emperor, a certain warlord rose in the south province, responding to the call of two certain rebel leaders..."

"Spare me the details. I've heard enough." Reinhard grimaced. "Get to the part where the warlord was besieged and committed suicide."

"Suicide? Nonsense!" The black-haired woman slammed the table, her crimson eyes radiating murderous intent. "Slander! It's all slander! How can later generations fabricate such lies? My dearest friend merely handed over the kingdom to that brat!"

"I understand you're angry, but please, calm down."

Reinhard's lips twitched, now grasping the truth. This alternate history was indeed fascinating.

"So, you're Yu Mei-ren, the Consort Yu. How did Miss Yu live till now?"

"Apologies for my intrusion.

"My lady is an Incarnated Elemental, immortal and undying, eternally youthful and deathless." The black-haired maid bowed with a smile, "You can think of her as a True Ancestor for simplicity."

"So..." Upon hearing her words, Reinhard furrowed his brows. He was quite familiar with this matter from Aatrox. "You're a vampire?"

"Yes, and so what?"

Yu Mei-ren let out a scoffing laugh.

"You seem to know quite a lot, junior brother. It seems that old man's words were true. Whose reincarnation are you?"

"None of your business."


Yu Mei-ren felt like she was about to explode.

For some reason, facing this supposedly destined junior brother, she felt an uncontrollable surge of irritation, losing all semblance of her ladylike composure in Reinhard's presence.

Was this... a vampire's impulse?

She suddenly realized she had an intense desire to drink the youth's blood.

As an Incarnated Elemental, she could extract energy from living beings as a racial trait. She could indeed drink blood, but she had never felt the urge to do so!

Why... only with him...

Seeing the blood-red glint in her eyes, Reinhard, having heard all sorts of tales about vampires from Aatrox, felt even more unsettled.

This kind of creature was practically an enemy of humanity...

A vampire, an immortal body, undying and ageless... she only lacked golden hair to be complete and resemble a certain blonde vampire

No, given her temper and incompetence, she was more like an old lynx.

Forget it, as long as she didn't treat him like a snack.

"Are you Xu Fu?"

Reinhard turned his gaze to the maid beside Yu Mei-ren.

"The one sent by the first emperor to seek the elixir of immortality?"

"Indeed." Xu Fu bowed, "But now I am merely a maidservant to my lady. There's no need to concern yourself with me."

"Hard not to notice that."

Xu Fu gave a gentle, elegant smile, her loose bangs revealing a beauty mark beneath her brows.

"I understand now how Miss Yu has lived until now." Reinhard nodded. "But, if I heard correctly..."

He fixed his burning gaze on Yu Mei-ren.

"...This Miss Yu, did you just say that your dearest warlord friend intentionally handed the world over to 'that brat'?"

"Indeed." Yu Mei-ren raised her pale neck.

"However, history records that your friend Xiang Yu lost the people's support, was overconfident and careless, was ambushed by his enemy, and finally sang a tragic song before committing suicide."

Reinhard took the folding fan from Sima Hui and, with an elegant wave, began narrating like a dashing storyteller.

"Merely a later embellishment to glorify that brat." Yu Mei-ren dismissed. "In terms of combat prowess, he was never a match for my dear friend."

The strength to lift mountains and cover the world?

Reinhard recalled the assessments of Xiang Yu's combat prowess.

Indeed, if he had the power to overthrow a mountain, he could have dealt with his enemy in one encounter, sparing the need for desperate measures.


"Xiang Yu did it on purpose." Yu Mei-ren firmly defended her friend, "He believed that brat had the talent to unify the land, so he exhausted himself to pave the way for this dynasty." 

"Haha..." Reinhard couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Yu Mei-ren narrowed her eyes.

"I find that reason quite amusing. To hand over the world to someone else is to make his enemy a mere clown... no wonder it needed embellishment."

Reinhard snapped the fan shut with a sharp clap.

"So for that your dearest warlord friend cooked people, slaughtered prisoners, and wantonly set fires, killing the innocent in many cities?

"If you want to overthrow the first empire, overthrow the first empire. If you want to vie for the throne, vie for the throne. Slaughtering aristocrats is fine... they're class enemies. I would say the same. We can debate that.

"But the civilians in the city? They were innocent, weren't they? The history may have embellished the ending, but the massacres were surely not fabricated!"

Reinhard slapped the fan onto the table, his voice icy.

Yu Mei-ren looked at the somewhat angry youth with a touch of pity. Such a temperament, trying to become immortal?

"That was due to his programmed restrictions... but why am I telling you this, junior brother Zhang Jue.

"So what if the common people die? These useless trash don't matter, and the fact that I haven't gone after that brat's descendant who now sit on the current throne shows my great magnanimity."

Indeed, she was a bonafide vampire.

The young man slowly began to laugh.

He raised his hand, unable to resist pointing at the black-haired woman and cursing.

"Fuck off!

"I'm not your junior brother, and you will never be my senior sister, not in this lifetime!"


The large white fox with gold edges also jumped up, baring its teeth at Yu Mei-ren.

Unfazed, Yu Mei-ren wiped a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth and shrugged indifferently.

"Heh... whether you want to come or not, you're coming with me to our mountain. You have no choice..."

Reinhard almost laughed in exasperation.

"If I remember correctly, Yu Mei-ren, you're also from same province as me, right? And now you suddenly show up to take in a disciple. Where were you when I was born?"

Yu Mei-ren found herself having more patience to speak with this little fellow than with anyone else.

"Our mountain predicted that I should wait until you were ten to take you in. Otherwise, your temperament wouldn't have developed, and trying to cultivate immortality might bring disaster."

"And the great floods and plagues in my province? Over all these years, has your so-called mountain whatever tradition ever shown a hint of divine intervention?"

"First of all, I hated that brat's country to begin with, so the fact that I didn't help spread the floodwaters shows my good temper."

Yu Mei-ren slowly raised a second finger.

"Secondly, this dynasty has rotted into a festering sore, using alchemical concoctions to extract the life force of the common people, feeding it to the leylines to extend life and the national destiny, causing widespread karmic retribution and foul stench everywhere. This kind of decaying country is beyond saving. Let it rot and be devoured over the next twenty or thirty years."

Sima Hui raised his fan to his face and sighed.

Reinhard furrowed his brows tightly.

"What did you say? Alchemy? Nourishing leylines?"

"Huh... looks like there are still things even you don't know, junior brother."

Yu Mei-ren's face lit up with a mocking smile.

"Come, come back to our mountain with your senior sister. Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you. How about that?"

Reinhard turned on his heel and started to walk away.

Behind him, Yu Mei-ren suddenly raised her hand, and her fair, smooth wrist horrifically snapped apart.

The hand that fell to the ground swelled and expanded like a grotesque, pulsating tumor of dark purple flesh, then violently ruptured...


From the spot where the hand had fallen, countless thick, red strands of blood began to spray out, radiating outward like an erupting firework, shining with a strange, eerie light.

The countless writhing blood threads, like a closing blood cocoon, swiftly wrapped around Reinhard, trying to entrap him.

"The Incarnated Elemental's body dissolution technique is truly an unreasonable attack."

She wouldn't die, so she casually used her body as a weapon. Any warrior would have to avoid her unreasonable self-destructive assault.

Sima Hui sighed. Today, this lady was determined to cause a ruckus in his Water Mirror Manor.

The master raised his hand and placed it on Reinhard's shoulder, ready to teleport the young man away.


"Miss Yu, you are truly, utterly detestable..."


The large fox jumped down from Reinhard's shoulder.

Sizzle... Sizzle...

The youth's black hair suddenly floated up, spreading out in the void.

In Sima Hui's astonished gaze, Reinhard's body was suddenly engulfed in crackling lightning, the electromagnetic field propelling him forward like a cannonball. He flew towards Yu Mei-ren and smashed his fist into her face.

"Fuck you! Fighting up close is what I do best!"

As the saying goes, a gentleman must be resolute and strong to command respect.

It means that when a gentleman takes action, he must strike hard to establish authority.

In strength and power... don't underestimate a mage!

Combining the combat skills and techniques of two lifetimes with modern electric magecraft, the once frail figure of Reinhard now moved with the ferocity of a divine warrior.

"It doesn't matter, junior brother. Even if your attack could break through my defense, you could never kill me."

Yu Mei-ren sneered, her severed arm quickly reformed from the gathering blood threads. She casually raised her new arm to counter Reinhard's seemingly feeble strike.

Though the thunderous momentum was impressive, few attacks in this world could break Yu Mei-ren's defense, except perhaps those imbued with specific concepts or restrictions that could repeatedly subdue and kill her. But as the planet's sensory extension, the Incarnated Elemental's vitality on this earth was virtually invincible.



The moment their fists met.

However, there was no expected fierce clash.

Reinhard effortlessly transformed his fist into a palm and lightly tapped Yu Mei-ren's arm, promptly disassembling her entire lower arm with a simple motion.


"This isn't magecraft, what is this?"

"They say big breasts mean no brains, but with a breast flatter than a cutting board, you don't seem to have much of a brain either." Reinhard mocked. 

The intense display was nothing but a distraction.

Yu Mei-ren anticipated a violent exchange of blows, but once in close range, Reinhard could start dismantling her body with ease. This ability was impossible to defend against without prior knowledge.

Clearly, the sulky woman before him was a reclusive shut-in, completely unaware of his body-dismantling skills.


Dismantling her body... it consumes a lot of fantasy force.

Feeling the fantasy force he had accumulated over a month rapidly deplete like a flowing stream, Reinhard realized that disassembling and repairing ordinary people took minimal energy.

So this is the strength of an Incarnated Elemental's body? A creature often referred to as closely related to True Ancestor?


Reinhard wouldn't let such a good opportunity slip by. Taking advantage of Yu Mei-ren's moment of distraction, he swiftly moved his hands, pressing and rubbing her upper body joints with lightning speed under the propulsion of the electromagnetic field.

It wasn't about taking advantage.

Who would want to touch this volatile woman? Besides, her less-than-a cutting board-sized breast was hardly enticing and handling it felt like sullying his hands.

After experiencing the extraordinary experiences with Morgan and Tiamama, something like this wouldn't be able to make him move his hand.

Reinhard, who daily handled Morgan's large cups and Tiamama's enormous super large cups, found Yu Mei-ren's modest size utterly unremarkable.

Even in the Azur Lane and Granblue Fantasy categories, she was neither big enough for the former nor small enough for the latter, awkwardly stuck in an unsatisfactory middle.


Within a moment of distraction, the black-haired woman found her limbs expertly dismantled by Reinhard's masterful techniques, all falling to the ground.

Without any room for resistance, or rather, defeated by her own arrogance and underestimation, Yu Mei-ren collapsed limply onto her severed limbs, her expression momentarily dazed.

"Heh, fighting between Stand users is essentially an intelligence war, Senior Sister. To fight me, you're a thousand years too early." Reinhard emphasized the words 'Senior Sister' deliberately, intending to mock Yu Mei-ren.

However, Yu Mei-ren didn't seem angry. Instead, she stared blankly at the boy's face.

"My lady, you look quite adorable like this." Xu Fu, the black-haired maid smiled blissfully, her face flushed with excitement as she supported the dismantled Yu Mei-ren.

Xu Fu picked up Yu Mei-ren's small hand, rubbing it against her own face for a moment. With a slightly tipsy, rosy complexion, she reluctantly attempted to reattach Yu Mei-ren's limbs, only to realize she couldn't.

"Ehhhhh! I can't put it back on, Lady!"

Can't put it back on? Only wormwood can help with that.

"Ah! Since it can't be reattached, can I keep this hand as a memento, Lady?" Xu Fu asked with a breathless excitement, pressing her hands to her breast.

Sima Hui watched this scene with great interest.

"Ho... this isn't magecraft. What kind of strange technique is this? I've heard, Zhang Jue, that you use this human repair technique to treat disaster victims?"

He marveled, deeply impressed.

"This technique is like the mother goddess's technique when she creates humans."

"It can only dismantle people. The so-called repair is just removing extra or rotten organs. It's useful for cosmetic purposes but don't expect it to extend one's lifespan." Reinhard explained.

Moreover, the technique required physical contact to dismantle someone, making it impractical for frequent use in combat. It was more of a trump card for unexpected situations.

Most warriors wear armor and ride horses, wielding long spears and swords. Some even pilot mechs. As a mage, why risk close combat?

In such cases, it was best to switch to ranged attacks, bombarding the enemy with electromagnetic cannons.

"With this method, you could save my dearest friend..."

The black-haired woman on the ground mumbled, her crimson eyes glinting with a strange light.

"Indeed, that old man was right. Junior brother, you can surely repair Xiang Yu's core!"

"That's not my problem."

Since she was an Incarnated Elemental, she would likely recover from being dismantled. Reinhard had already immobilized her and had no further interest in dealing with her.

"Miss Xu Fu, please take your lady away. I trust you don't need me to hand you a broom."

Reinhard's words sounded as if he was talking about sweeping away trash.

Ah... treated like garbage. Would Lady be happy about that?

Xu Fu clutched her heart, panting with a flushed face as she handled her useless lady, thinking she might have found a way to kill Yu Mei-ren.

Why are you blushing like that? What a deranged person!

With a flushed face, Xu Fu gazed at the boy with a peculiar look, her eyes filled with a slippery gleam of desire.

Young Master Zhang Jue might be able to kill lady...

Reinhard twitched his mouth, and with a snap of his fingers, the white-furred, gold-trimmed fox obediently jumped onto him, transforming into a warm scarf around his neck, sticking its tongue out at Yu Mei-ren.


It sounded like: Victory!

"Sir, let's go." Reinhard said, handing Sima Hui his folding fan.

Picking up the silver notes Xu Fu had discarded, The Master Water Mirror blew on them.

Huh? How much is this?

Using his spiritual sense to assess the enormous amount, Sima Hui was astonished and delighted. This would be more than enough to repair the Water Mirror Manor once again.

Zhang Jue really was a lucky star.

Wait... repairing it again means... ?!

"Eternal Lament."

Yu Mei-ren's cold chant echoed.

If this strange power couldn't control her limbs, then... she would just blow up her entire body!

"Oh dear, Lady is going to explode again." Xu Fu covered her face, her form vanishing.


Sima Hui quickly formed a seal, preparing to evacuate with all the disciples.

Yu Mei-ren's blood began to boil and erupt, a terrifying surge of magical pressure spreading rapidly, followed by a massive explosion.


A crimson, eerily beautiful poppy flower slowly bloomed within the Water Mirror Manor.

Thank goodness his manor is big enough, or this would've destroyed someone else's place.

Among the ruins and rubble, Sima Hui coughed from the lingering smoke, thinking that this troublesome lady was really too much to handle...

"What happened?"

Zhuge Liang rubbed his sleepy eyes, slowly getting up from the courtyard.

"Ah, did Chen Gong blow up the mansion again?!"

"My thunderfire spell is still under improvement. I can't achieve such a big explosion."

Chen Gong blew on his bangs, deciding to research how to increase the explosive power of his talismans.

"Chen Gong?" Sima Hui's sunglasses shattered into pieces as he looked on with a helpless smile.

What could he do against such trouble? He had no choice but to smile apologetically.

"Miss Yu, what are you trying to achieve? The small Water Mirror Manor can't handle your antics. If you have the guts, why don't you blow up the Capital Palace? Zhang Jue has already refused you, so forcing it won't work!"

Amid the dissipating smoke, Yu Mei-ren's body reformed and she walked out slowly. This time, with her rebirth, she seemed to have increased her bust size by several cup sizes, almost bursting her tight-fitting bra.

Ah... is that even possible?

Now she truly embodied the saying 'big breasts, no brains.'

Accompanied by her maid, the barefooted black-haired woman emerged from the smoke, her delicate feet spotless. Under the gaze of the crowd, she walked step by step towards Reinhard, lifting him by his collar.

"Hey, want to come to our mountain with Senior Sister?"

"For the last time... you are not my Senior Sister."

Reinhard brushed away her hand, stroking his large fox, his face clearly displaying his disgust.

"Junior brother, you can't escape from my grasp."

"And I am not your junior brother."

"Fine! Fine, fine, fine!" Yu Mei-ren took a deep breath and then inexplicably started laughing. She turned her gaze to Sima Hui, the Master Water Mirror.


Yu Mei-ren slowly walked over and lifted the gentleman by his collar.

"Take me as your disciple, Sima Hui."


"Zhang Jue said I could never be his Senior Sister in this lifetime, right? In that case, I'll show him! From today on, I'll be his Senior Sister in the Water Mirror Manor!"

Yu Mei-ren's gaze slowly swept over the courtyard, looking at the young strategists who had been watching the scene unfold.

"Do any of you have a problem with that?"

"Pfft, hahaha, Zhang Jue, you really are something else." Zhuge Liang slapped his thigh, laughing heartily.

Everyone stared at him.

Looking at his fellow disciples and the strange expressions on his master's face, Zhuge Liang's laughter slowly subsided, and he scratched his head.

"Ah, you don't find this funny?"

"...Interesting indeed." Zhou Yu said with a chuckle. "You are indeed that Yu Mei-ren. I have no objections."

"No objections."

All the young strategists nodded like pecking chickens.

Anyone who objected might get blown up, who would dare?

"Xu Fu has already inspected your manor, and the repair costs should just be within budget." The black-haired maid said with a smile, bowing to Sima Hui.

"Sorry for the disturbance."

Sima Hui coughed and clapped his hands, announcing to everyone present.

"Alright! From now on, Miss Yu will be your Senior Sister! Address her as Senior Sister!"

"Senior Sister..."

A weak and scattered chorus of voices responded.

Yu Mei-ren sneered and looked provocatively at Reinhard, raising her neck as if urging him to call her that.

Reinhard slowly smiled.

"I haven't even agreed to join Water Mirror Manor yet."


"That man was just about to announce my induction when you interrupted, Miss Yu. Isn't that right, sir?"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

Sima Hui remembered that Zhang Jue hadn't officially joined yet.

However, seeing the murderous look in Yu Mei-ren's eyes, he quickly changed his tune.

"Ah, no, no! It was my own fault!"

"It was... it was my mistake earlier. Junior brother!"

Realizing that there was hope in getting Xiang Yu's core fixed, Yu Mei-ren quickly softened from a furious lynx to a docile kitten, clasping her hands together and smiling apologetically at the young man.

"I apologize, junior brother. Name your price in silver, artifacts, techniques, books... whatever compensation you need, I can provide."

"I'm not your junior brother." Reinhard smiled. "I still prefer your rebellious side, Miss Yu."


"In such a hurry, you must need me for something very important, right?"

Apart from one's parents, Reinhard knew there was no love without reservations in this world, and no goodwill without reason.

In life, aside from survival, people are essentially engaged in two activities: providing emotional value and enjoying the emotional value provided by others.

"After I demonstrated my skill in restoration, Miss Yu, your attitude changed immediately... presumably because you think I might actually be able to do it."

"So..." Reinhard said with a smile, "Beg me."

His words hung in the air.

Yu Mei-ren's expression faltered, while Xu Fu, behind her, blushed slightly and began to breathe heavily. It was the first time she had seen anyone who could restrain her lady.

"I'm a very bad person. Ask around in my county, and anyone will tell you I can spend an entire night with twelve courtesans."

"...What?" Sima Hui stared in disbelief at the boy in front of him who was not even ten years old.

Zhang Jue, you... you're really something.

The surrounding disciples, mostly young scions from various regions, began to hoot and holler. They all understood the implications of Reinhard's boast, even if they had never indulged themselves.

"Is this how you ask for help, Miss Yu?"

If she wanted to disgust him, he would simply disgust her in return, making her retreat on her own.

"You've lived so long and accumulated countless magical techniques, yet you're willing to wait ten years for me and bring me to your mount whatever. It suggests you've tried many methods, and I'm your last hope.

"If you could, you'd kidnap me or threaten me, but you can't. You might not even be able to defeat me.

"So... you should beg me. Abandon your pride and beg, hoping for even a sliver of my sympathy."

Reinhard looked up at Yu Mei-ren, who stood tall and beautiful before him. Despite her height, she seemed to feel as though she was being looked down upon, crushed by his gaze.

"So, what's your answer, Miss Yu?"

Reinhard fully expected Yu Mei-ren to storm off in anger and never bother him again. With her temperament, she surely would, right?


"Please, junior brother."

In the misty haze, Yu Mei-ren's delicate hands clasped Reinhard's. Her overly translucent scarlet eyes shimmered with blood-red light, not appearing fierce but rather filled with sorrow and pity.

Just a moment ago, he had found her so detestable. Now, as Reinhard studied her face, he inexplicably found a trace of softness.

Ah, she was longing for someone.

"Please, repair Xiang Yu."


Reinhard, hearing her plea, covered his face, letting out a low chuckle.

Repair? So, that's it... The infamous warlord, the city-destroying demon with six arms, was also a mechanical being.

No wonder Yu Mei-ren was begging him, someone who understood machinery better than anyone in this world.

After waiting four hundred years, it had come down to him...

Reinhard sighed, thinking of his own witch.

Morgan too had once desperately sought hope, waiting even longer than Yu Mei-ren.

Pity swelled within him.

But he was a notorious antagonist, wasn't he?

Maybe he could try fixing Xiang Yu, and if possible, transform him into a benevolent mechanical maiden.

"Having been a young master all my life, I happen to need a few maids. During my time at the manor, I'd like you to serve as my maid. Calling you senior sister is no issue for me."

In the midst of Yu Mei-ren's embarrassment, shame, and near blush of anger, Reinhard let go of her hand.

"Remember your place as a maid.

"You call me young master, and I'll call you senior sister.

"We each have our own roles."

Reinhard glanced at Yu Mei-ren, finding her flustered expression rather amusing.

"If I graduate from this manor, I'll accompany you to your place. As for repairing the warlord, I can't promise anything now, but I will certainly try my best."

Imagine the warlord being repaired, only to find his beloved Yu Mei-ren serving someone else, and himself turned into a kind-hearted mechanical maiden. Yes, that would suit Reinhard's wicked nature perfectly.

"Is... is that true?"

"When have I ever lied?"

Yu Mei-ren clutched her chest, lost in the fantasy of reuniting with her dear friend.

Xiang... Xiang Yu! I will hold your hand again!

Wait, it seems no one asked for my opinion.

Xu Fu tilted her head. If her lady became Reinhard's maid, then what did that make her? A maid's maid? Perhaps just a servant?

The large fox with white fur and gold-tipped ears looked on with a sense of impending danger.

She had three tails and could take on three forms. Perhaps... it was time to accelerate the process.

Reinhard clasped Sima Hui's hand, performing a solemn apprentice's bow.

"I look forward to your guidance, sir."

"Of course!"

Sima Hui grinned broadly. Finally, someone who could handle this troublesome young lady. Such a promising young man!

"Brother Zhang Jue's skills are truly impressive."

Sima Yi whispered in Zhuge Liang's ear, stifling a laugh.

"Senior sister can't compete with him..."

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