
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Servant vs Servant

After returning to my place or 'My Home' in the dimension I created using my Eye Creation.

When I arrived, I saw that there were only 3 of my Servants in the living room. The 3 Servants are Abigail, a loli... er, one of the women, long blonde hair down to her knees, hair who is sitting while playing with things around her.

Second is Nero who is sitting pretty while enjoying a high quality tea drink that I bought at the System Shop from the Anime Shokugeki no Soma. Nero is enjoying his tea.

Third is Enkidu who is sitting quietly looking bored, while messing with Nero who is silent while enjoying his tea.

When I entered, the first person to wake up was Enkidu, who had been unable to stay still because he was bored. Enkidu approached me and greeted me.

Enkidu: "Master... ne, Master shall we go out and finish watching them play around?" Enkidu asked.

I heard Enkidu, I responded while being hugged by Enkidu.

Shwazer: "yep, that's right. We're done watching, after all there are 4 Masters and 4 Servants left." I said while stroking Enkidu's head who had been hugging me.

My words made all my Servants appear and be surprised, as well as excited. I had expected this but it couldn't be helped.

But I ordered only 3 of my Servants to come out and the rest remained silent.

I ordered my Servants to choose themselves, immediately they all gave off a killing aura. To determine who is out and playing outside and who is inside watching.

I finally moved and broke it up, using my Origin Zero Aura. What was terrible, immediately everyone fell silent, sweating. After everything was quiet and no longer fighting.

I suggested voting for whoever had the most votes to play outside, but it failed because all the Servants voted for themselves, yikes.

After two failed attempts, by voting and Jan Ken Pon. After two failed attempts, my final option was to fight.

Fight, Battle Royal. So who can survive with a total of two Servants.

Oh yes, I didn't choose three, because that was too much, so I just chose two Servants.

After that, the Battle Royal begins.


[Battle Royal Selection Servants] 16+ (Dark)

The first is Karna, the son of the Sun God from the Mahabharata legend in India.

Second is Merlin, a talented wizard who influenced the world. (just my own opinion)

Third is Arjuna, Karna's half-brother and a son of the Sun God, from the Mahabharata Legend and the main character in that legend.

Fourth is Meltlilith, an Alter Ego, who was created by BB from Nectar which is stronger than BB.

The four Servants Fighting in my facility's spacious training room.

Meltlilith: "Ehh... you can too Arjuna... but your attacks are easy to dodge." Meltlilith said while avoiding Arjuna and Merlin's attacks.

Arjuna: "Really? Then try this." Arjuna said while taking out an arrow covered in dark blue magic.

Karna: "Don't forget me... both of you, O Agni." Said Karna, releasing a large scale fire.

Meltlilith: "Tch.., looks like you and Merlin are the ones I'm going to finish off first huh." Meltlilith said with a serious face.

Merlin: "It's scary... it's scary... don't be so angry, Alter Ego. A wizard really plays like this." Merlin said while mocking Meltlilith.

Merlin: "Feel this, O fos..." Said Merlin, releasing a wave of light.

Arjuna: "Don't bother me Caster.. O, to vélos pou epicalýfthike me ti dýnami enos theoú tis timorías enantion sas." Said Arjuna while shooting arrows coated in bright blue.

Meltlilith: "haha... no hit, now it's my turn to attack, O theós tou ýdatos, mouédose dýnami. parakaló kópste ton echthró mou." Meltlilith said while attacking Karna and Merlin with her sharp feet.

Merlin: "huh... it's okay for you Arjuna to attack me like that, and you Meltlilith. Stop chasing me." Merlin said while running because Meltlilith was chasing him.

Karna: "haha... your opponent is me Arjuna, O Agni." Said Karna, shooting a large fire at Arjuna.

Arjuna: "Tch... fine if that's what you want BECAUSE..." Arjuna said.

Arjuna and Karna attack each other, Arjuna uses blue magic and Karna fire magic.

Arjuna shot and repelled Karna's attack, on the other hand Karna shot Arjuna and chased Arjuna who continued to be hit backwards.

Meanwhile, Merlin is still being chased by Meltlilith and Meltlilith shoots and chases Merlin.

Merlin continues to protect himself with his magic, in this battle he cannot use 'Noble Phantasm'.

Because if you can't survive without a Noble Phantasm, then you can't become strong. Noble Phantasm is an ace card, you can use it if you have no other choice.

That's why this Battle, will see who survives, and whoever can survive will be able to play outside without any problems.

And if not, then you just have to watch from inside. And wait for your turn to come out.

After 30 minutes of fighting, Meltlilith, Arjuna won. Arjuna fights Meltlilith again, but that's for later.

Now it's Nero, Abigail, Protea and Enkidu's turn. The four of them fought while laughing and having fun.

Gosh, really enjoying the fight, Enkidu attacks Abigail with his Chain, Abigail dodges and tries to retaliate.

But blocked by Nero's attack, suddenly Protea came to attack Nero from behind, Nero, who saw this, repelled Protea's giant hand attack.

Protea continues to attack Nero, Abigail and Enkidu. Enkidu who saw Protea continued to attack, because it was not good to continue defending.

Finally Enkidu tied Protea with his Golden Chain, after tying Protea, Enkidu looked at Nero and attacked him.

Nero saw Enkidu attack, Nero just got ready, but instead of attacking Enkidu, he tied Nero with his Golden Chain.

Nero and Protea tried to get out of Enkidu's Golden Chain, but were unsuccessful.

After running out of energy, Nero, just to get out of Enkidu's Golden Chain, could only remain silent and surrender.

Nero was careless, because of that Nero was bound by Enkidu's Golden Chain, Protea still rebelled to escape the grip of Enkidu's Chain.

But still he couldn't get out of Enkidu's golden chains. Enkidu is the one chasing Abigail.

But Enkidu lost Abigail, Abigail, who knew Enkidu was looking for her whereabouts, Abigail stayed in the shadows and waited for the right time to attack Enkidu.

Abigail thought about always avoiding Enkidu's Golden Chain, if it was hit once, Abigail couldn't escape again.

Abigail already understood that, therefore Abigail hid in the shadows and made a plan to attack Enkidu at the right time.

After Abigail made a plan, Abigail came out secretly and freed Nero and Protea with level two Magic that was almost equivalent to a Noble Phantasm.

After attacking Enkidu's golden chain that bound Nero and Protea three times with second level magic, the chain finally came loose but was not destroyed.

After freeing Nero and Protea, Abigail makes a deal to work together temporarily to defeat Enkidu, after everyone agrees.

Nero who attacked from the front with his sword covered in hot fire, Enkidu who saw Nero who attacked him.

Enkidu only repelled Nero's attack with his chain. After repelling Nero's attack, Enkidu started chasing Nero.

Nero only acts as bait to lure Enkidu towards Protea, Protea is ready to attack with the 'Protea Punch' attack with all his strength.

Enkidu saw Protea who was preparing to attack, Enkidu realized that it was Abigail, Nero. and Protea work together to defeat him.

So Enkidu stopped chasing Nero and tried to look for Abigail who freed Nero and Protea. Protea, who saw Enkidu stop chasing Nero, just felt surprised, while Nero felt like he had failed because Enkidu realized that Nero was just bait and Protea played a supporting role. Nero looked annoyed and said.

Nero: "Tch... Sonata is really good at understanding the situation, Umu. Then, Protea, let's go to plan B." Said Nero who gave a sign to Protea.

Protea just nodded which meant he understood. After Protea nodded, Nero chased Enkidu and Protea went in the opposite direction, blocking Enkidu so he couldn't go forward again.

Enkidu saw that the back side was Nero and the front side was Protea, but there was no Abigail.

Abigail really disappeared, whether from Eve's whereabouts or traces of her magic, Abigail was really skilled at hiding herself.

Enkidu looked annoyed and took out level two Magic and said.

Enkidu: "Tch, it's really hard to find the Foreigner. Since you keep hiding then accept this ENUMA CHAIN." Said Enkidu who released a large scale level two magic that made my training room shake.

The ENUMA CHAIN continues to spread into the ground. and destroyed the ground from within, and made the earthen footings shatter, shaking the ground around it and bringing out Abigail who was hiding in the shadows.

After Abigail came out, Enkidu immediately lunged at her and attacked her with the chain, this time it didn't bind but really attacked.

Abigail: "hahh... O kleidí pou anoígei tis pýles tis kólasis, érchontai kai anoígoun to GATE." Said Abigail who took out the Key and opened a Mysterious Gate which released a Tentacle Tentacle which repelled Enkidu's Golden Chain attack.

Enkidu who saw that just bit his lip and said.

Enkidu: "Then, please accept this ELIŠ." Said Enkidu who took out a lot of Golden Chains.

The chains came out everywhere like changing dimensions and appeared elsewhere to attack Abigail but-

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

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