
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs


(Help me with the magic stone)


I am Shwazer, half Russian and half Japanese, I live in Japan alone in an apartment. One day I was walking down the street when I saw a teenage girl, maybe the same age as me, namely 16 years old.

The girl crossed the highway without looking at the red light, I rushed to help the girl run and pull the girl, in the end the girl was safe and of course I was safe too.

I'm not like stupid MCs like those in comics, novels or anime who sacrifice their lives for strangers, when I saved the girl I immediately left.

The girl only looked at me, huh... I walked back and at 4 in the afternoon I saw another girl, about 11 years old, being harassed by thugs.

I came and helped the little girl and I fought against the fake thug. In the end I won the fight and the thug ran away because I just let him... that was because I was lazy to deal with the police.

I looked at the little girl and said to her "are you okay?" I asked and the little girl answered "yes I'm fine... and thank you" answered the little girl.

I immediately left the little girl and walked home.

I immediately rested my body and went to sleep because I was tired, and the next morning I did my usual morning activities, watching the news, studying alone at home because college was on holiday.

After getting bored of watching TV, I immediately went out at 8 am and went for a walk as usual.

As usual, I always found something unusual. I approached my grandfather who was in the hospital and asked him.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" I asked and the grandfather answered "it's okay son, grandfather is just worried about grandfather's grandchildren." The grandfather answered and I asked again.

"Why is it Grandfather's grandson? Is there a problem?" I asked and grandfather answered "no, son. Grandpa is just worried, and thank you, son, for taking him to this hospital room." Answered the grandfather.

"It's okay grandpa, then I'll go first." After that I left the hospital and walked again after a long walk, it was already 12 noon.

I rested my body on a public chair, not long after I walked again after another two hours of walking. As usual I found a problem.

I saw a little girl around 12 years old who was lost, I approached her.

"Hello little girl, are you lost?" I asked, at first he was scared and I tried again and again and finally he wanted to talk.

The two of us talked and it turned out that the girl was looking for her grandfather who was being treated in hospital.

At first I thought it was grandfather who was worried about his grandson, well maybe I'll just try it first.

I asked the little girl what hospital treated her grandfather and she answered "Hospital ×××××" wasn't that the same hospital I visited earlier.

I also took the girl to the hospital ××××× On the way I talked to her so she wouldn't get bored.

After arriving at the hospital I stepped back and watched from afar, but before that I said goodbye to the little girl.

After saying goodbye, I looked from afar, and it turned out that the little girl was the grandfather I met after making sure I was going back on my way.

Suddenly I was stabbed in the back, I saw the person behind it turned out to be a thug but he wasn't a thug, maybe he was a stupid person who committed murder in public.

I looked around, people instead of helping me were just looking and taking photos, I was the one being tormented by the knife.

Gosh, what an idiot. And I lay on the ground.

My blood rushed out in my stomach, gosh it was so hot. I also closed my eyes.

And suddenly I woke up in a dark room and the room changed color to dark purple, and changed again for 5 seconds and continued to change.

I don't know, it has been around for a long time, changing the colors and stopping at the rainbow colors, not seven colors, but more than 7 colors.

I heard a woman's voice, her voice was soft and I answered calmly.

Shwazer: "Who's there?" I asked in a calm voice.

?: "You're quite calm even though you're dead." Another woman answered.

Shwazer: "Never mind, answer my question. Who are you guys?" I asked.

?: "Wow... how did you know that at this time there were 4 of us." The man answered in an authoritative voice.

?: "the four of us will give you 1 chance to live again." Said woman 1

?: "and we will each give you 3 wishes." Said woman 3

?: "You can ask for anything, including the impossible." Said woman 2

?: "and to your question, the four of us are Extensions that transcend the Gods you know including the ones you don't." Said man 1

?: "Is that enough to answer your question?" Said man 1

Shwazer: "hmm. That's enough and will ask again, why did you give me 3 wishes each, didn't I get 12 wishes." I asked again

?: "Do you remember, you saved a 16 year old girl, an 11 year old girl, a 12 year old and including the grandfather you helped." Answer woman 2

Shwazer: "Yeah. I remember, wait a minute, could it be that the three girls and the grandfather were you? Or were you the one who heard the prayer?" I asked

?: "You are absolutely right in the first answer, I am the 16 year old girl you saved from an accident." Said woman 1

Shwazer: "hm. OK, I understand the situation, which means I'm being tested for goodness, okay?" I said

?: "yeah. You're right, you're being tested." Answer woman 3

?: "now what is your request?" Ask Man 1

Shwazer: "Okay. My first request." I said while thinking about the first request until the end.

?: "Yeah." Said the three women.

Shwazer: "First request, I want Passive Skill 4 Instant Mastery Over Everything.

Second, the Passive Skill of Instant Understanding of Everything.

Third, I want my brain to be like a Super Quantum Computer so I can think 10 million times faster.

Fourth, I want two special weapons for me, and my special weapons have absolute awareness and loyalty towards me.

Fifth, I want a new immortal body and immortal soul.

Sixth, I want my feelings, emotions and desires to be controlled as I please.

Shwazer: "If you ask why I asked like that, it's because I don't want to be a stupid guy like in novels, comics. OK, I'll continue,

Seventh, I want my new body and soul to be able to absorb all things energy into pure energy for myself.

Eighth, I Want An Anime System has all anime, novels and comics.

Ninth, I want all the features in the anime system to be available and open.

Tenth, Creating My Own New Body.

Eleventh, I want to have eyes that can create anything, except living things.

Twelfth, I want everything to be purchased in the system for free without paying anything.

?: "Okay.. that's easy to grant and now create your new body." Said Woman 1.

Shwazer: "Hmm.." I said

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of my eyes and showed a body that had not been changed, I moved my hand to my new body

First I changed his face to be flat and handsome as if he was looking at something sadistically.

Second, I changed the upper body to be big and strong, with 8 muscle shapes that match the arms but not too big.

Third, I changed the lower body according to the upper body with muscles too.

Fourth, I gave him a lightning symbol tattoo on his face, but only a small one

The five hairs above are Silver White and below are Dark Purple (Short Hair)

Sixth, I changed the eyes to have a unique pupil, the 'U' symbol in the middle has an upward and downward line for the left eye, the right eye has the same pupil as the 'U' but the 'U' is inverted, if the left is up it means the right is downward with a straight line up and down in the middle. .

Seventh, I changed the color of his right eye from Gold to Silver and the left eye color to Blood Red

And that's my new body, once I'm satisfied I immediately press 'Done' on my right side.

After being pressed I was immediately surrounded by more than seven colors, I felt my body and soul change.

After 5 minutes of that happening, I got an immortal body and an immortal soul.

To be sure I asked the girl.

Shwazer: "Is my body immortal and my soul immortal too?"

I asked. ?: "Yep according to your fifth wish. Your new body and your soul are immortal." Woman said 1

?: "So what world did you choose?" Ask Man 1

Shwazer: "I can choose my own world? Does that include the anime world too?" I asked.

?: "well you can choose the world you want." Answer woman 3

Shwazer: "Am I born a baby again or am I a teenager with all my demands?" I asked.

?: "It's up to you whether you want to be born or immediately become a teenager." Answer

Shwazer: "well I want to be a teenager with all my wishes and the world I want to live in is...

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

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