
Fuyuki (3)

There is no longer any purpose in victory.

Here in this featureless cave, she remains alone overlooking a ritual she sought to prolong indefinitely. Such was the only purpose left for her. The walls were dark and dreary, and the faint hazy glow of the Holy Grail she guarded illuminated the interior of the cave in a dull orange luster. Shadows flickered in the low lighting, accenting the glow of her golden eyes trained on the cave's entrance opposite to her: Never moving, never straying.

The black plate-armour covering her body clanked as she straightened her back, her hands shifting towards her sword where they lay rested hand-over-hand over its pommel. Her icy blond hair was done up into a regal bun while her bangs framed the sides of her face. She had the beauty of the finest of sculptures, but with the sharp undertones of a rose. Beneath her armour, a flowing black battle dress billowed around her waist despite no signs of wind.

How long could she maintain this world?

The silence was heavy, and this itself was her only comfort.

Her name was Arturia Pendragon, Saber Class Servant of the Fuyuki Grail War now blackened and a figment of her former self. She was an Alter; Saber Alter, an entity entirely different yet not from the original. She was the inverse.

Her eyes shut closed, the solitude of her own mind taking away from the helplessness she felt deep within. She wasn't summoned as Saber Alter, but transformed from the original Saber's Spirit Origin. Perhaps it was through the strength of her magic resistance, but she could still remember the memories and feelings of the original Saber summoned from the start of the Holy Grail War. Caster had defeated Lancer, and Archer had defeated Rider before differing events began to spiral towards the conclusion of her Fuyuki Grail War. The original Saber's thoughts, experiences, and gradual revelations throughout the entire ordeal let her feel as if it was she herself who had fought alongside her Master. This was the consequence of an improper summoning.

The realization that her original self had grown to love her Master made her feel hollow and inadequate as that love carried over. Her hands balled into fists, clenching so tightly atop the pommel of her sword that the ringed metal of the armour around her fingers began to grate together.

She'd been there when her Master had been killed right in front of her eyes, and wasn't able to do a single thing. The Grail War had been won, the tainted grail destroyed, but the unexpected occurred in the form of a man who appeared with another Holy Grail. Everyone was tired and exhausted, and the man was no push over.

Once again, Shirou had thrown himself in the line of danger, and for what? All of it was to save her after the man named Lev had gotten her trapped in the tainted mud left behind by the corrupted grail. The original Saber could only watch and struggle in the mud as her Master was stabbed through the heart and murdered.

The anguished cry of rage and guilt that echoed through the air was mirrored only by Rin who'd blindly charged at Lev.

She wasn't sure what happened after as the original Saber underwent the process of blackening, but when she regained her awareness, Rin's Archer Servant had sacrificed himself to free Rin from the tainted mud. However, this was only delaying the inevitable. One look at Rin was all it took to see that she would die from exposure to the mud's curses. If a Servant was blackened upon contact, what were the odds of a human surviving?

Saber Alter didn't care. Her gaze was focused on her Master's unmoving body from the moment she came into being. She'd killed and fought in many wars. She knew what death looked like, and there was no doubt in her mind that her previous Master was dead.

"What an incompetent, Master."

Her mind had felt numb when she first heard those words and correlated them with the image of the smiling Master she had in her mind; the Master who would throw himself into danger just to keep her from harm when no one else would? The man would dare mock him in front of her?

She'd slaughter him, grind his bones, and scatter them to the fields as fertilizer.

"This Grail, take it."

Lev had given her the Holy Grail he'd been holding and restarted the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. She'd thought him a fool to empower her up until she became aware of Lev's objective, and what role she was now forced to play within it.

What a sick bastard.

Lev planned for the incineration of all humanity which was already set in motion through seven main failsafes scattered through time known as singularities. So long as even one existed, humanity would perish. Fuyuki wasn't even one of the seven, but a trap set off as the precursor to humanity's end.

She was a cold tyrant of a ruler, but at her core, she was still the same Arturia.

She wasn't sure what Lev was thinking in creating the Fuyuki singularity, but it didn't matter. She was apathetic to it all. So long as the Fuyuki Grail War doesn't end, then the road to mankind's extinction will not truly begin.

Saber Alter's eyes opened. She could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from the cave's entrance. It would seem that some strays had gotten passed Archer which means it would be up to her to put them down.

I will not waver.

She shifted into a battle stance, her hands leaving her sword's pommel and grasping at its hilt instead.

I will not bend.

She would maintain this world at any cost. This was all she had left. There was no way she was going to let things go as Lev had planned. He gave her the grail, and this was his mistake.

Here I stand.

The echoing sound of the footsteps grew louder and louder with each passing second. Magical energy that wasn't hers suffused the air, causing faint vibrations that alerted her that an enemy Servant was approaching.

Here none shall pass.

She moved to place herself between the grail and the approaching Servant, red-tinted black energy coating her sword's blade. Excalibur was a blade of duality representing good and evil. As it was now, the sword was jet-black and with shining red markings. The faint dark light of her sword represented the Evil property of Excalibur. It shone over the cave's entrance to reveal a familiar visage walking forward.

"Caster," she said curtly, gaze scanning the blue-haired Servant in a fur-coat.

"Saber," he said, returning her greeting with a little more eagerness than normal.

He fully stepped into the cave and she got a good look at what he was holding, a Noble Phantasm she'd yet to see him use throughout the war.

How odd, A Caster-Class Servant was using a spear, where was his wooden staff?

"Oh, I see you noticed?" Cu grinned from ear to ear, removing his cloak to reveal his bare chest. She didn't think the action odd as the garment was loose and would only serve as a hindrance during close-combat.

Her eyes narrowed sharply.

A Caster was trying to engage a Saber in close quarters. Did Caster think her a fool? Even if he did have a spear, that didn't make up for the difference in physical capabilities between classes. If Cu thought his skill alone could accommodate, then he would be mistaken in his belief. It was erroneous to believe her own skill with a sword wouldn't rival and mitigate the effect of his spearmanship.

In short, he was looking down on her.

Magical energy pulsed through her veins, the roar of a torrent erupting in the room as her power began to permeate. Winds buffeted the area, blowing back her bangs and causing Cu to enter a forward stance with his spear.

"You really are a monster of a Servant, aren't you?" Cu's grin fell from his face, his body tensing.

She didn't deign to give his words a response. The moment anyone dared to go against her, he or she was already an enemy in her eyes for the transgression. The duty of a hero is to be hated and ostracized, and in turn, they would use all their strength to cut down foes impeding the path of justice.

Words meant nothing for a dead man.

The battle was to the strong.

'I will crush you.'

The ground cracked beneath her feet as she pushed into a sprint, her sword pulling upward and releasing a deluge of power. Her sword's reach extended in the form of black light, excess energy escaping from the edge of her sword's cross-guard.

'Let darkness fall.'

She swung downwards, watching Cu attempt to dodge, but abruptly freeze in place and choose to defend instead of run. Smart move.

'Mana Burst.'

The energy around her sword tripled in size, creating a pillar of descending black light. There was no room to dodge in the first place. Her speed further ensured this, and against a Lancer or any close-combat Servant, the one who takes the initiative will always be at the advantage.

No. Wait.

Cu suddenly loosened his defensive stance and stood straight, tapping the butt of his spear on the ground and producing a floating line of runes in front of him each shining in blue light. He raised a finger, and tapped a rune which ignited into flames that transferred over to his spear.

"You forget, Saber," Cu pointed his spear at her. "I'm a Caster."

Lightning congregated over the blade of Cu's spear, tendrils of electricity arcing and singing the ground in web-like patterns.

Saber Alter could sense the power of mystics in Cu's attack, and knew to either avoid or defend against it. This was an attack carrying the strength of divinity from a hero descended from a god summoned in Caster form.


The echo of thunder resounded as Cu shot a ball of condensed lightning.

Saber Alter gritted her teeth and forcibly redirected her swing to strike at the ball rather than Cu. She may overpower Cu due to her possession of the Holy Grail, but Cu's attacks couldn't be ignored.

The tips of her fingers spasmed as tendrils of Cu's attack dispersed and travelled down the length of her sword.

How annoying.

The pain vanished as quickly as it came, her magical energy overpowering the lingering effect of the lightning, but not before she was forced to turn her head to dodge a blur of red aiming to stab her face.

She shot an arm out, grabbed onto the length of Cu's spear, and yanked it forward to bring her closer to Cu. There would no dodging her strike at this proximity.

Time seemed to slow while she raised her sword with her free hand to strike down on the offender. It was time to put an end to this farce.

Cu could be a Caster, a Lancer, or any class he decides to call himself, but there was no way she would be losing in a melee when they were so close together. Spells required time; Merlin had taught her this. Get an ordinary magus close, and there was no way they could cast faster than you could kill them.

Cu was the same. He seemed to realize his predicament instantly, but he made no move to abandon his weapon and use his beast-like agility to make distance. Instead, she and Cu stared eye to eye, neither of them smiling, but instead observing each other closely.

Her sword was inches away from hitting Cu when she noticed that he was only holding his spear with one hand.

'This bastard.'

Cu was holding a flat rock in his free hand with a sigil glowing brightly square in the middle. Runes were different from ordinary spells and magecraft. They produced effects upon activation over an engraving and could be cast instantly.


A torrent of flame spewed towards her body, but so what!

Her armour guarded against the fire, the heat causing her to flinch, and her skin to sizzle, but she didn't stop the momentum of her swing.

'Mana Burst!'

She sought to cleave him in two with a single strike, but suddenly felt her world tilt.

She chanced a glance at the ground and noticed another rune displacing the earth beneath her feet to alter her swing's trajectory. She'd aimed for Cu's neck, but only ended up grazing the top of his head, cutting off strands of his hair while her mana burst dug a crater into the far wall.

Overextended from her swing, Cu pulled on his spear while simultaneously sending a kick into her stomach which forced her to let go of his spear.

This was getting ridiculous.

She'd had enough of these parlor tricks. Rather than defeat her, they only served to annoy her. Cu must have understood this point too, as he gathered magical power around him and took on a forward stance with his spear after making distance from her.

Cu was deploying his spear's Noble Phantasm.

'As if I'd let you use that.'

Her Noble Phantasm deployed far faster than Cu's. A single swing was all that was needed. Moreover, with the energy the grail was supplying her, she could fire her Noble Phantasm consecutively without consequence.

As it was now, however, it was faster to just close in and prevent him from fully activating his Noble Phantasm as he'd already begun the process whereas she hadn't. She did so, and grated her sword's edge over Cu's spear.

"Persistent, aren't you." Cu clicked his tongue.

"You can't win this fight," she answered curtly. Aside from divinity imbued magic, any other magic attacks would be rendered moot due to her high-magic resistance. It was why she didn't consider Caster a threat, but the spear in his hands was a different matter entirely. She'd be a fool to let him use it.

"You'd be correct, one on one," Cu relented before suddenly whistling sharply and cracking a smile at her. "But who says I was fighting alone?"

"Mash!" A voice carried into the cave followed by hurried footsteps.

Saber Alter frowned. Why didn't she sense their approach earlier? Her magic energy saturated the entire cave, allowing her to perceive anyone that entered. The answer came from the glowing runes she soon spotted. Never doubt a Caster's means.


"I'm on it!"

Another voice, closer, responded to the first before a shield was being bludgeoned towards her right. The shield struck her side with enough force to push her off her feet. Her arm twisted at an odd angle, and the sound of fracturing bones registered in her ear. She skidded over the ground before she dug her heels into the dirt and assessed the new threat. Her injuries were minimal. As long as her Spirit Origin wasn't destroyed, she could heal through magic energy.

Based on the number of voices, she concluded that she was dealing with two other enemies, both of which could be Servants based on the blow she'd just sustained.

Who? Who was it?

Assassin? Rider? Lancer?

She began to plan out a strategy to eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible to even the odds, but stilled when she caught sight of her new adversaries. One was a human, but the other was a Servant with a Spirit Origin related to her own.

'My proud Knights of the Round.'

Her eyes widened. T-That shield. It couldn't be.

It was the shield of the youngest knight of them all, born the child of her finest knight.

"You who bears that shield, are you prepared to shoulder the responsibilities it represents?" Her voice was stern, unbending.

Mash who was on the opposite end of her stare faltered, not knowing how to answer, but the way Mash determinedly gripped onto that shield and stood to protect her allies was the same as the original owner of that Noble Phantasm.

You wish to protect them?

Saber Alter watched as Mash warily raised her shield to guard Cu and Ritsuka from her. No matter the pain, no matter the attack, she wouldn't falter. Mash's will to protect was strong, and this would always be enough.

For the shield in Mash's hands was a shield of beliefs.

Mash's intent to protect, and Saber Alter's intent to destroy.

As if to mock her, Saber Alter flinched as the image of the original Saber and Shirou appeared standing by Mash's side. She knew…. she already knew that stalling by preventing the new Fuyuki Grail War from ending was pointless. Instead, the better alternative was to confront the problem rather than run away from it. Is that what was being said to her? That she was wrong in her methods?

Her personality and demeanor may have changed, but at her core, she was still Arturia. They held the same goals and ideals, but inverted. The original Arturia was the peaceful and charismatic approach, Saber Alter was the path of tyranny to achieve her aims.

Both knew right from wrong despite differing approaches.

The resolve on Mash's face drew out the sentiments buried deep within her through the corruption of the tainted mud.

It doesn't matter how, fight for what you believe is right.

No. NO. She refused to be reminded of such convictions and ideals.

A plan that leads to neither victory nor defeat is not a plan that is right.

Saber Alter was suddenly glaring as doubts surfaced in her mind. Regardless, she couldn't remain idle as Cu was using Mash's cover to activate his spear's Noble Phantasm.

There was no more room for hesitation.

Power flooded into her sword, an enormous pillar of dark energy congregating over the blade. The air grew heavy, grains of dust and sand hovering off the ground before being blown and scattered away.

-Cry. It's time you come crashing down.

Her sword was set beside her, blade pointing to the ground as she held it firm with both hands in a low swinging stance. She'd eliminate all before her and put an end to her inner conflicts. She was right. She couldn't be wrong. This was the best method to prevent the end of humanity. The enemies that would be fought in the seven singularities would be powerhouses the likes of which no one ordinary could ever defeat.

To allow the world to continue, all opposition must end here.

Vortigern, Hammer of the Vile King, reverse the rising sun!

A roar of energy burst through the room; the sound akin to a torrent of spewing flame. The area behind Saber Alter was melted into a sickly sludge that bubbled and oozed. Cu had yet to unleash his Noble Phantasm, clearly waiting for an opportune moment to strike, but it won't come.

Not anymore. This strike would engulf them all.

Swallow their light…

"Excalibur Mooorgaaan!"

She swung her sword, the dark energies exploding outward into an avalanche of potent energy that incinerated all in its path. Like waves rushing to shore, the attack surged everywhere in a conical radius.

In response, a light of hope manifested the outline of an eternal castle.

"Lord Chaaaldeas!"

A shield of light warded off the dark, Excalibur Morgan's energy redirected to the edges of the shield.

"Aaaagh!" Mash groaned from the exertion, never giving up, nor doubting herself. She pressed her shoulder to her shield, dug her feet into the ground, and pushed with all the strength she had available.

In comparison, Saber Alter looked as if she was staring past Mash. The outline of the castle she could see was forcing out the layers of corruption masking the ideals deep within her.

Mash's determination and fervor, it was overpowering her own motivation to maintain the current Fuyuki indefinitely.

But what is determination without strength?

Saber Alter put more weight into her swing, devoting more and more energy to her attack and forcing Mash to her knees. Mash wasn't going to be able to withstand this for much longer.

It was Saber Alter's victory. Mash had not yet come to terms with her resolve.

With this strike, let this end.

'Mana Burst.'

Excalibur Morgan pulsed then surged with power as if suddenly turning the faucet from low to high.

The difference in strength was overbearing, and it was at this moment that Saber Alter watched Cu signal towards Ritsuka with a resigned expression.

"Shirou's alive!" Ritsuka suddenly yelled while running up to Mash and supporting her with a line of magic energy.


Saber Alter's thoughts utterly left her for a split second, her grip on her sword slackening as an image of Shirou smiling at her caused an untold amount of grief to cloud her mind. They lie! Shirou was killed right in front of her, and yet, she could detect no lie from Ritsuka's mouth. He honestly believed he was telling the truth, and this stunned her long enough to be pivotal.

"Stab and pierce!"

A flash of fiery red spurted out from the dark energy of her attack, twisting incomprehensively and heading directly towards her.

"Gae Bolg!"

It struck her over the area of the heart, her heavy armour cracking and shattering into pieces before she let go of her sword and instantly placed her left arm over her chest where the spear would stab.

Her vision swam as the Noble Phantasm struck her directly and propelled her to other side of the cave. Her Spirit Origin had been damaged from the attack; her left arm was rendered useless. If not for the absurd amount of magical energy coursing through her body, she wouldn't have been able to shift the spear from hitting her heart. Instead, it had stabbed through her left pectoral and severed a portion of her left bicep at the cost of a majority of the energy bolstering her. It would take a while to recover, and this was outside combat.

"What a dirty blow," she coughed out blood.

Dust was everywhere, creating a cloud that obscured visibility until Cu twirled his spear and blew away of the clouds.

"For what it's worth, sorry," Cu looked peeved, the grin on his face replaced with a bitter frown. "This isn't how a duel should end, but this is war."

Saber Alter shook her head at Cu's words. He wasn't completely correct. "No, this is something much more than war," she clarified while shakily getting up onto her feet.

Mash was wobbling where she stood and had to be supported by Ritsuka.

Slowly, surely, Cu walked to stand a foot away from Saber Alter. Her knees were shaking, and she held no illusion that Cu would give her time to recover before killing her. She knew this, and Cu knew this. They stared at each other in silence before she turned her attention to Ritsuka.

"You, the unknown Master," she said through gritted teeth. "Know that this isn't the end, and only greater perils lay ahead."

"W-What do you mean?" Ritsuka called back cautiously.

She didn't have the time to elaborate. More specifically, Cu would not give her the time lest she recover enough strength to fight him on even ground again. She shut her eyes and felt her resolve leaving her before she fell onto her knees. Perhaps this was for the best?

"You are no longer in any condition to fight," Cu said solemnly. "I can't let you recover either."

She opened her eyes and stared unblinkingly at Cu's red irises. From warrior to warrior, neither of them would fault the other on their methods. Perhaps in a different time, and in a different setting where they agreed to the parameters of a duel, they could do things fairly, but life wasn't always fair.

"Goodbye, Saber."

Cu raised his spear and thrust the tip forward.

Gae Bolg's blade reflected in Saber Alter's eyes, but she didn't turn away even once which was why she saw it when a figure moved to stand between her and the spear fast approaching.

"Emiya Senpai!"

A familiar back wearing the same white and blue long-sleeved shirt appeared to protect her again, the scene overlapping with her first encounter with Berserker. Yet this time, Cu's spear halted before doing any damage.

"Sorry, but I couldn't just stand and watch."

It was the same voice, and the same tone in which he'd used to gently call out to her.

"You idiot! What sort of Master candidate are you?!" Stiffly, Olga Marie entered the cave while panting for breath, yet she was strong willed enough to yell out her admonishments.

Saber Alter tuned out all else. "S-Shirou," she said in barely a whisper. It was him; it was really him. He stood with his arms stretched on either side, his body used as a shield for her sake.

She didn't know how to feel being saved like this. If Shirou had just been a regular Master, or friend, she may not feel so strongly for him, but the path that they walked during their Fuyuki Grail War was one where he and the original Saber grew to have feelings for each other. These feelings still remain within her as an Alter, and she didn't know what to do with them.

The absurdity of everything caused her to let out a forlorn laugh before she caught Shirou as he staggered in her direction. She looked closely at him and finally registered all the bruises and cuts over his body. It was a miracle he was even standing, but he'd still moved to protect her.

Feeling him in her grip and hearing his voice, she became certain that he really was alive.

Cu looked troubled, so did Mash and Ritsuka, but Saber Alter didn't know why until she heard the distinct sound of droplets impacting the ground. She reached up to her face, and felt tears trickling down her cheeks.

That's it. She was done. No more.

"I think it's time for some answers, Saber," Cu put away his spear before crossing his arms. Olga made to shout at Shirou again, but one glare from Cu and she became a demure kitten, not daring to raise her head.

Shirou turned to look at Saber Alter, but in the split second in which he turned his head, she instantly wiped away her tears and put on a stony expression. She didn't care what others thought, but she didn't want him to see her as weak.

She nodded towards Cu's suggestion.

"Who are you," she first questioned Ritsuka and Mash.

"We're from Chaldea. My name's Ritsuka Fujimaru," Ritsuka said with a genuine smile. Mash followed right after him.

"Chaldea?" She asked to elaborate.

"It's a security organization dedicated to the preservation of humanity, from what these two have informed me of," Cu said disinterestedly.

Saber Alter processed everything she'd heard and suddenly understood why the Fuyuki singularity was maintained. It was needed to act as bait for this Chaldea?

"I'm Olga Marie, Director of-"

"Don't care," Saber Alter ignored Olga in favour of laying Shirou down to rest on her lap, much to Olga's outrage. Ritsuka had to hold Olga back from shooting a Gandr at Saber Alter who narrowed her eyes and cowed Olga to moping in a corner.

"I need answers, Saber," Cu drawled as Mash consoled Olga. "You had the power to win this Grail War at any time, and yet you chose to stand here and protect the grail from the other Servants. What's the reason?"

To save humanity? She could give that reason, but it wasn't entirely truthful. Part of it was vengeance towards Lev as she couldn't directly attack him lest he cut off her connection to the grail and grant it to someone else.

"It's complicated," she started with a frown. "This isn't the original Holy Grail that was fought in this city. This is a different grail given to me by a man whose goal must be stopped. This man was the one who killed…" she trailed off, but Shirou caught the glance she sent towards him.

"We'll stop him," Shirou consoled with little effect.

In Saber Alter's memories, they'd already tried, but failed. Then again, from what she knew of Shirou, he was never one to give up, maybe she shouldn't either? The thought of destroying Lev filled her with a feeling of satisfaction, but was only short lived.

"And how would you plan to do that?"

No. No the bastard was here all along!

She should have known that he'd be watching everything from the shadows. It was just that after not seeing him for weeks, she'd thought he may have moved on to one of those singularities he was talking about, but this wasn't the case.

Her eyes dilated, the world shifting into slow motion. Along with Lev's voice, came a beam of concentrated energy that she quickly realized was aimed at her. Of course, she was the biggest threat should she be able to recover. Worse, she felt her connection to the grail sever. Lev must have already reclaimed it.

Now Lev was going to kill her first. Grail or not, she still had magic energy inside of her which would allow her to regain her strength.

As the attack approached her, she discovered that it wasn't only her staring at the incoming attack. Bronze coloured eyes were trained towards the incoming beam, tracking its trajectory and widening.

He moved with a fluidity and suddenness that could only be possessed by a Servant. He enveloped her in a hug, his back facing the incoming magical blast.

But no…not this time.

With as much energy as she could muster, she shoved Shirou out of the way, the magic blast tearing a basket ball sized hole through her chest.



No more regrets. No more doubts. The memory of the Shirou she knew calling out to her before he'd died entered her hazy mind. The image superimposed with the Shirou calling out to her at present.

"You're safe," she said. This time is was me that saved you.

The face she saw Shirou making was one of grief, resignation, and muted anger as if he'd failed to save anyone. Not Rin, not Sakura, and now not even her.

He moved by her side, cradling her head and trying to see if he could heal her. A second later, and she felt the presence of a familiar light.

Avalon, the Ever-Distant Utopia, she'd forgotten that Shirou was in possession of it. Its potent healing could heal any injury so long as the head wasn't destroyed, but a human and a Heroic Spirit were different.

"Don't waste your time. That blast damaged my Spirit Origin," she said while breathing heavily. Avalon reacted to her energy and rapidly healed her body, but the core remained shattered. Her arms and legs were beginning to fade away into mots of golden light.

Shirou gritted his teeth at the sight, his shoulders trembling.

"Lev! Lev is that you?! O thank goodness!" Olga's voice echoed while Saber Alter tried to maintain her consciousness for as long as possible.

"Director! He shot at Emiya-Senpai!" Mash's voice.

"He hit the enemy Servant! It was planned!" Olga replied. "H-Hey let go of me!"

Saber Alter craned her neck to see Cu grabbing Olga with a single arm before she could run to where Lev stood on an elevated ridge inside the cave.

"I think not," Cu tightened his grip on Olga, carrying her like a sack over his left shoulder. "I hate to break it to you, but I assure you that isn't your friend."

Through Cu's mana perception, Cu could sense an enormous amount of malefic energy from Lev. It different from anything Cu had ever dealt with in nature as a druid, making him sure of a single assumption. "That man isn't human."

Olga stilled, her thrashing stopping all at once. "What? Then it's a disguise?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but you'd do well to trust a Caster-Class Servant's judgement," Cu put Olga down and made sure she wouldn't bolt towards Lev before he did damage control. The enemy had the upper hand by attacking by surprise, and Cu was still a tad worn out from his fight.

This situation was going to be difficult.

Saber Alter could understand what Cu was thinking. They had to use everything they had at their disposal if they were going to win, but one person wasn't even in the right state of mind.

No Shirou was ignoring everything else, his gaze was focused solely on her. She was no longer bound to the Holy Grail and had her Spirit Origin blasted by Lev.

She would soon dissipate.

Don't look at me with such eyes. I'm not the same Saber you knew.

She had the memories, experiences, and the emotions her original self had felt, but she wasn't that person anymore. How could he not understand something so simple? Just look at her!

Shirou didn't relent. He was showing that same earnest stubbornness that she knew so well. What surprised her however, was what he did next.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation."

He aimed his right palm towards her, throwing her a lifeline that she need only take. Yet she couldn't understand. He was a third-rate magus, someone who'd only summoned the original Saber through a fluke and desperation. How did he know these words?

"Let black be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close."

He was calling out to her, bidding her to stay by his side. But she wasn't his Saber. Not the original at least.

"Let the three-forked road form the crown reaching unto the Kingdom."

He finished the words, but she hadn't reacted. Regardless of her curiosity, it didn't matter.

The contract failed to establish as she looked at Shirou blankly as did the rest. Cu, Mash and Ritsuka became hopeful while Olga was undecided.

Why bother trying?

Her will wasn't in it. To form a contract without a catalyst, both Master and Servant had to be compatible. Of course, she was a Servant already summoned meaning that she could simply accept a new Master, but-

She pursed her lips and glanced away.

I'm not your Saber.

The same excuse. She looked at her blackened armour, pale complexion, and tainted magical energy; it was nothing like the regal blue and gold of the past. She'd been corrupted, altered.


The title jarred her to stare into Shirou's eyes, trying to understand why he kept persisting? It was then that she comprehended that he wasn't looking at the original Saber when he looked at her, but at she herself

"An oath shall be sworn here!"

She froze, gaze searching Shirou's expression. Oaths and duties, corrupted or not, she was the King of Knights and understood the gravity of a promise.

"I shall attain all virtues of all Heaven and have dominion over all evils of all Hell!"

The words he wasn't saying; the words that need not be said; she could understand them all the same from the acceptance in Shirou's eyes. She wasn't his Saber; no but he called out to her regardless. Perhaps it never mattered to him in the first place. She wasn't the Saber he knew. She was no longer pure or standing on the side of the righteous; her Servant alignment itself had changed to Lawful Evil, but the way he saw her never wavered. Holy or demonic, he would offer her a place of rest.

You are my sheath.

She trembled, hands reaching out to grasp onto Excalibur Morgan's hilt, magical energy swirling around her and congregating over her shattered Spirit Origin. Shirou simply would not give up on her. Then again, this was completely in line with the memories she'd retained of her original self. He was the very same Master who would block a blow from the famed Herakles with his own body just to prevent her from sustaining any injuries.

What reason was there to hesitate other than her own doubts?

Over the back of Shirou's right hand, three crimson sigils were forming and awaiting completion. He was calling out to her, never wavering. All that she had left to do was reach out with her own hands. Despite not being entirely the woman that he knew, despite being an altered aspect of herself, she acknowledged now that she too desired the same warmth her original self had possessed. She wanted Shirou to see her when he looked at her and not the reflection of her other self. She'd make him forget, and have eyes only for her. She was a King, a tyrant, when had she ever faltered in the face of something she coveted?

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

Very well. I accept your will.

Strength began to return to her, her magical energy soaring from the Magic Core pulsing in her chest. She was the manifestation of the black dragon that would bring peace to her homeland through the annihilation of her enemies.

My sword is your sword, and my fate is your fate.

Her crumbling Spirit Origin reignited into a brilliant ball of light within her. The cracks and shattered pieces reforming through the means of a new contract.

A connection had been re-established.

"Servant Saber, Arturia Pendragon answers your call," she said standing tall despite her short stature. She stared at Shirou, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, and abruptly kissed him on the lips before releasing him and looking pleased with herself like she was staking a claim.


She brandished Excalibur Morgan, malefic red energy suffusing its blade and permeating outwards while her Master stood in stunned silence. None would be able to harm him and none would be able to take him away from her in this life or the next.

She'd make sure of it.

"Let my sword crush our enemies light."