

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

FateAuthor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Kuzuki-Sensei

William POV

"It's nothing William, you just remind me of somebody with that appearance of yours," 

"Well, she did say that she had been in this era before so maybe something happened between her and the fake priest,"

"I see I will admit that your wish is a noble one much like you father who summoned me as his servant in the previous war,"

"Too much like you father...dishonorable,"

The words echo through my mind as Saber, Shirou, and I walked down the morning street to go deliver Fuji-nee's lunch. 

I exhaled releasing the smoke from my mouth Saber's face twists into one of distaste "must you smoke such a foul thing William?" she asked I was prepared to answer when Shirou replied "just let him be Saber there's no point in convincing him if he's wants to die from smoke then let him," I don't show my emotions at those words but that hurt...a lot although I shouldn't be surprised since he's still angry at me for hiding what I've done.

 The rest of the walk was tense and awkward until we finally made it to the entrance of the school "now remember to just follow our lead if someone stops by to talk with one of us," I said stomping the cigarette onto the ground. 

"Understood...." Saber replies before pausing which made the two of us pause as well "something wrong?" Shirou asked while my hand discreetly made its way into my pocket ready to pull out my origin blade. 

"I can sense left over mana here," Saber commented looking around us yet there was no source that we could identify. 

I sighed pulling my hand away from my pocket "it's probably nothing then whoever was here is probably long gone by now come on let's go I'd rather avoid hearing another rant from Fuji-nee from being late with her food," I replied as we continued walking towards the club room. 

When we finally got there, we were greeted to the sight of a very puzzled Sakura "yo I am here with Fuji-nee's lunch would you mind getting her for us," Shirou greeted raising his hand I crossed my arms together leaning back against the wall nearby the door greeting her with a usual "hn." 

Sakura remained still her gaze went to Saber before shifting back to us "um yeah sure.." she finally said walking away. 

"Thank god you guys made it," came the voice of Mitzusuri as she came out from the other side of the hallway "miss Fujimura's been a real handful she gets really high-strung when she's hungry," she continued.

The two conversed while I remained silent until Shirou asked "Shinji again? Where is he today?" the grip on my arms tighten hearing Mitzusuri's reply "playing hooky I bet he's playing with his new girlfriend." 

"Of course, that asshole would be doing something like that instead of helping around the club when he should be," I murmured to myself with silent anger. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Saber walking away I look at both Shirou and Mitzusuri talking before silently following after her "oi Saber where are you going?" I asked after catching up with her "the mana trail is still here William I believe if we follow it, we can find the source," she replies increasing the speed of her walking. 

"...Alright then but if we do find out who the source is we will not engage until we've made proper plans," I relented making Saber nod "that is fine with me William," she replied. 

We kept walking until we made into the history building section of the school Saber and I glanced around cautiously in case we were to be attacked. 

Saber stopped in her tracks when one of the classroom doors slid open and out came...Kuzuki-sensei I thought with a bit of nervousness. 

You might be wondering why I was suddenly so nervous well after the incident with Yashiro I had decided to do deep investigations into any of the teachers I had. 

It was something that I did since middle school and now high school when I investigated Kuzuki Soichiro though it was like the guy never even existed then poof suddenly out of nowhere he was there. 

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to find any leads on him from either the school files or any of Raiga-jisan's men I decided to trail him for a good solid month.

The man displayed no sign of emotions only going through the daily boughts of life like a machine that is until one day when I caught sight of him being surrounded by some thugs that wanted to rob him. 

At first, I thought that I should go down there and help him out but like a snake the man struck quickly before I could even see what the hell happened. 

 Five perfectly fit men that stood tall and imposing were now knocked out on the ground the man didn't even flinch or appear to have broken a sweat. 

If he's a master in this war then...things might get slightly difficult though that's not to say I couldn't keep up with him, but something tells me that he has a lot more experience in fighting compared to me who had only started back in middle school and has only been using imitated styles of combat. 

A bead of sweat slipped down my neck as Kuzuki-sensei stared at the two of us "Kuzuki-sensei..." I said breaking the silence "William" he greeted in a monotone voice his eyes darted back and forth between the two of us. 

"Right, I suppose you might be wondering what we're doing here? Well, this here is my very distant cousin I only just found out about her and she's curious to know what my school looked like so I am sort of giving her a tour right now," I explained hoping that he would fall for the lie.

Kuzuki nodded slowly "very well...but do be sure to bring a visitors pass next time when inviting relatives or non-enrolled students," he said slowly walking away from us until he finally left. 

I exhaled a sigh of relief Saber looks at me with a small hint of concern "William are you alright?" she asked I nod "...yeah it's just that man is very dangerous I've seen what he can do up close and if we were to get into a fight, I am pretty sure I would barely be able to beat him without at least having to resort to my magecraft and use of imitation," I explained. 

Saber nods "if he is an enemy master which is more than likely considering the scent of mana that I picked up from him then we best make haste to find out the identity and location of his servant," she said. 

"Yeah but first, we should probably regroup back up with Shirou," I replied but then the sounds of rapid footsteps caught our attention "ah speak of the devil and he shall appear," I said as Shirou came into view "there you guys are I've been looking for you both everywhere-" I grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him towards an abandoned classroom.

"No time to explain Shirou hurry up and get inside we've got things to talk about," I said with Saber following right behind us. 

-end of the chapter-

A/N: Alright so Author here just here letting you know that I am going to be toning down the abridged references and lines so as to not overuse it too much. 

Also, chapter updates are going to be slow as hell for some of my fics because it takes time for me to think about what I want to write out other times it's because of mental exhaustion so I have to take mini breaks.