
Fate/Stay Night: A Different Protagonist

Suddenly waking up in a body of a pre-teen was certainly an experience, finding out that your name was Emiya Shirou was... Interesting. Memories of Muramasa would be helpful not only for projection. but the only reason he would accept this situation was that he had more potential than the original, and he knowledge of the only craft he could use in this damned body of his. At least he would not die in the first battle he got in. __ I don't own Fate/Stay Night, in case it wasn't obvious. Does anyone even read these?

Zeckan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter Eleven

"Rin, this is bad, if we can't make this thing's master fall back, we are screwed."

Shirou remarked lamely as he shot another arrow and Saber tried to land another hit, only for his sword to grind along the berserker's skin, not leaving behind any damage.


She remained silent for a moment before running forward... straight towards the two fighting forces of nature...

Woman, what the hell!?

He took a knee, charging the next projectile with all the prana it could take, and released it straight at the enemy servant's head, temporarily blinding him due to the smoke.

Rin took this moment to act. Taking out three jewels from... somewhere, she tossed them above Berserker. The three purple jewels broke, creating a dome around the berserker and the gravity inside seemed to triple as the hulking man hunched over.


Dozen red streaks came seemingly out of nowhere and pierced the dome, embedding themselves into their opponent's back and exploding.

Smoke covered the clearing and Shirou narrowed his eyes, he knew that it was useless, nothing below an A-Rank noble phantasm would manage to actually kill him... Once.

Sighing as his suspicions were proven to be correct, he glanced at Ilia, who was moving into the woods...

Well, what to do now?

The berserker launched himself at Saber, who brought up his blade to parry the attack. The sudden change of direction made his eyes widen and he managed to bring his weapon between himself and the rock that was now heading at his side.

The redhead was smacked to the side, managing to straighten himself in the air and land on his feet as Berserker gave chase.

Shirou sneered, his face scrunching up in annoyance as the fight continued. This would have been so much easier if he didn't have to worry about a certain blonde king, but alas, life didn't really care about his troubles.

"Emiya-kun! Hold of berserker for a while!"

Shirou paused, his eyebrows shooting up as he looked incredulously at the girl that just spouted bullshit like it was common sense. Hold him off? Hold him off?! The only thing stopping the giant man from killing them like bugs is Saber.

Without another word, she ran off...

"What the fuck?"

Shirou watched with a dumbfounded expression as she left, going into the woods. Ugh... Women.

Turning back to the direction Saber was sent flying to, he opened up the mental link.

(Hey, Old man, can you handle it?)

He could practically feel the eye roll from the other side as he asked the question. He did receive an answer though.

(Yeah, kid, I can hold him off for a while, though, it would be easier if that Archer helped a little.)

He pursed his lips, so his future self wasn't helping at all. God, he was an ass right now but the future him was on another level.

Sighing, he reinforced his legs and dashed forward, in the direction where Rin went, hoping to catch up. Glancing to the side in the middle of his run, he stopped, threw up a middle finger toward the direction of the city, and continued running.


"... Did he just.."

A white-haired man muttered. He was holding a bow in one hand while raising a hand to form a red glowing orb. However, what his past self just did gave him pause.

He just flipped him off!

That fucker!

He didn't remember being such an ass when he was young so what was wrong with him? Every alternate dimension he went to didn't have him like... That.

And "Tsun-Tsun", that nickname seemed too suitable for rin, he wasn't brave enough to use it when he was younger, though.

This was Karma, definitely Karma.

Looking back at the fight between... Himself and Berserker, he sighed. Archer definitely knew why he was flipped off but he still had to make sure Shirou really wasn't his past self. His attitude, swords, forge, and overall presence should have been enough.

Creating a red arrow, he drew the string of the bow and aimed it at Berserker. It was time to follow the orders Rin, or rather "Tsun-Tsun" gave him.

Shirou can handle protecting his master for a little while, he would busy himself with supporting his temporary ally.

"This feels weird."

He muttered as he released the arrow, sending it right into Berserker's eye.


As the descendant of Muramasa rushed through the woods, he paid attention to Rin's location. How did he know where she was? Well, explosions were a good indicator.

Passing a few trees, the two girls came into view, and as he suspected, Rin wasn't holding up well. She had a green barrier erected in front of her and a glowing... Sword? was launched into it, shattering it on contact.

His eye twitched. That was his thing!

Pouring all the prana his legs could handle, he released it in a quick burst. The sound of a hammer hitting the anvil sounded in his mind and a katana appeared in his hand. It was off balance, like he intended it to be, and was swung with all the accumulated force his speed granted.

The mockery of a blade that was heading straight towards Rin was shattered on impact as he landed in front of her in a crouch.

Looking up, he glared at the small, white-haired child that stood in front of him. He spent time forging blades and developing his skills, and all she had to do to create some stupid knockoffs is wave her hair around and sacrifice a single strand.

"Oh! I'm so glad that you could join us, Big brother!"

... He scowled.

All of his circuits flared to life and prana practically poured from his body. Who did this girl think she was?


Rin covered her eyes from the force dust that started to pick up around him. Lightning cracked in his left hand, a black wakizashi appearing right above his palm and dropping into his waiting hand.

He would teach this girl some manners. Since she called him "Big brother", he should start acting like it!

It was time for some spanking!