
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
122 Chs

Chapter 26

"Release me!" shouted Rémy Alter, his words echoing urgently through the air. The tension in the atmosphere was palpable, for he knew that the conclusion was near. The spear he held, once gleaming with intense red, now radiated an even more powerful luminosity, as if it was about to unleash all its accumulated power.

Rémy's determined eyes stared at the spear with courage, prepared for the imminent burst that awaited. He understood the risk but did not falter in the face of the dangerous situation. Jeanne Alter, sensing the gravity of the situation, quickly positioned herself behind Rémy, acting on protective instinct.

And then, like an overwhelming force, the explosion occurred. A colossal curtain of smoke rose to the sky, enveloping everything in its path. The ensuing shockwave violently shook all the trees around, their canopies swaying frantically in response to the tremendous force unleashed. A deafening roar reverberated through the area, dominating the environment with its cacophonous noise.

Amidst the smoke, a red light was slowly fading away. Rémy looked at his hand, glad to have taken it out of the hands of his enemy, no longer needing to worry about his attacks. "No... I just wanted... to ask... why... but I... was going to kill her... because she deserves it for what she did..." spoke a dark and sorrowful voice. Rémy felt stakes like spears piercing his body. He couldn't accept that he would lose there, but he had to accept it, for he had lost.

"Finally. Your pathetic invulnerability no longer exists, now you are at the mercy of my hands and will burn under my dominion!" vociferated Jeanne Alter, aiming to finally make Rémy Alter pay for all the humiliations he inflicted upon her. The thirst for vengeance pulsated intensely since the moment she suffered such humiliation. And now, the time had come to relish in her relentless justice.

"Hold on, I want to know a bit about him." Rémy was curious to know the story of this Rémy and why he seemed to have so much hatred for Jeanne. He couldn't let Jeanne Alter finish him off like that, knowing that she had listened to him once before.

Jeanne Alter's eyes intensely locked with Rémy's, as if reflecting upon something. Then, her gaze turned to Rémy Alter, whose body was pierced by stakes, in a picture of dark torture.

"There's no need! I must have my revenge!" exclaimed Jeanne Alter, obstinate in her purpose.

"Jeanne!" Rémy shouted, making a desperate effort to make her reconsider. However, Jeanne Alter didn't care about what Rémy would think of her. She no longer cared, for he was trying to prevent her from achieving the vengeance she longed for. Not only did she ignore his words, but she also felt a growing fury in response to them. How could she like someone like that? Her determination to avenge both the man who humiliated her and all of France remained unshaken, immortalized in her memory.

Flames manifested around Rémy Alter, whose existence was almost dissipating. Now, the flames danced frantically, accelerating the inevitable process. "So... I couldn't..." murmured Rémy Alter, unable to contain his disappointment in his own weakness. He envied the other Rémy, envied the strength he possessed. That envy made them different, even though they were manifestations of the same person.

"What have you done? I wanted to know who he sought revenge for, it seems related to Jeanne," shouted Rémy, an intense irritation taking hold of him. He couldn't help but express his outrage to Jeanne Alter. He gazed at Rémy Alter, fading before his eyes, desperately wishing to uncover the identity of the target of that vengeance. He felt that maybe it was Jeanne, but it made no sense at all, since he himself never sought revenge, despite still harboring anger towards those who betrayed him.

"I got my revenge. But my thirst for vengeance is only beginning..." Jeanne Alter uttered the words with a cold and menacing tone. Now that the enemy who dared to threaten her destruction had been defeated, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, there was something new, something different by her side. A powerful servant, ready to follow her in her future endeavors. Rémy, stunned, widened his eyes as he noticed something peculiar on the back of Jeanne Alter's hand.


"Maria, you and Amadeus, go in search of the other servants. We'll try to find a saint in this region to heal Sir Siegfried," announced Jeanne, dismounting from Fafnir's back. Beside her were Berserk Saber, Mash, Fujimaru, and the wounded Siegfried.

"Alright! We'll find those servants and come back quickly!" Maria bid a quick farewell to Jeanne, confident that they would be able to locate the other servants without difficulty, especially with the help of the imposing Fafnir. "We'll find them, don't worry." Amadeus waved his hand, playfully teasing.

"These two have more courage than you, you idiot," Maria retorted, discontented with Amadeus' disdainful remark, even amidst the haste of their parting.

"Be careful. May God light your way. Let's go, everyone," said Jeanne with determination. It was crucial that Sir Siegfried be healed as soon as possible, for his combat prowess would be of great value once he was recovered. Mash and Fujimaru walked alongside Jeanne, who carried Siegfried on her back as they moved forward.

"Let's go, Fafnir!" Maria exclaimed enthusiastically, her words echoing through the skies as the imposing dragon flapped its powerful wings and took flight toward the next city. With a thunderous roar, Fafnir soared, cutting through the air with its grandeur. The landscape passed swiftly beneath them as they approached their destination.

Upon reaching the city, Amadeus and Maria descended from the dragon's back, their eyes filled with anticipation. However, what they found was a desolate scene. Devastated and uninhabited, the place resembled an abandoned stage of tragedy. Lifeless bodies lay scattered on the ground, silent witnesses to the horror that had befallen the area.

"Is there anyone still alive here? It looks deserted, lifeless..." murmured Amadeus, his voice laden with melancholy as he contemplated the devastating scene before his eyes.

"There must be some survivor, perhaps a servant. We need to search or maybe call for help," suggested Maria, with a glimmer of hope in her voice. However, she wondered if a simple shout would be enough to break the sepulchral silence that hung over the place. While they reflected on the best strategy, the two didn't notice the stealthy approach of Fafnir, whose dilated pupils denoted a change in behavior.

"What do you think? Should we shout? Or maybe you can use your powerful voice to call for help. I'm sure someone could hear it even miles away," suggested Maria, seeking an answer from Amadeus amidst the uncertainty of the moment.

Before Amadeus could respond, his heightened instincts caught an alarming movement. He realized Fafnir, with its mouth open and dangerously approaching them. Panic seized him, butWithout hesitation, he threw himself towards Maria, pushing her with all his strength. Aware that he couldn't allow her to be bitten, he positioned himself between the imminent danger and his companion, facing the immense dragon with courage and determination.

"Amadeus!" Maria shouted, witnessing Amadeus being bitten by Fafnir's large fangs. She saw her friend disappear before her eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and anger consuming her. "You cursed flying lizard! How dare you do this? Your master... She!" Maria quickly realized the truth, connecting the dots in her mind. She distanced herself from the flames that Fafnir spewed in her direction, realizing that Jeanne Alter had turned against them.


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