

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
142 Chs

Chapter 47: Aoife & Scathach's rage

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

It was the dirty sky of the Land of Shadows, casting an eerie glow upon the desolate battlefield where two formidable warriors stood ready for battle. It was the battle to win the legendary spear Gae Bolg.

In one corner, I, a skilled warrior known for my mastery of the spear and ancient rune magic. In the other corner, Cu Chulainn, a legendary hero with unmatched prowess in combat. The air crackled with anticipation as both opponents tightened their grips on their spears, their eyes locked in a deadly stare.

With a swift motion, I lunged forward, my spear slicing through the air with precision. Cu Chulainn parried the blow expertly, his own spear meeting mine in a clash of steel that resonated through the night.

"Impressive," he remarked, a sly grin playing on his lips. "But not impressive enough!"

Undeterred, I unleashed a barrage of rune-infused attacks, the magical symbols glowing brightly as they danced along the length of your spear. Cu Chulainn countered with his own rune magic, the clash of energies sending sparks flying in all directions.

"You'll have to do better than that," he taunted, his voice filled with confidence.

"Heh!" I smirked as I went on another cut.

The battle raged on, the sound of clashing spears echoing across the battlefield. Each move I made was met with a swift and calculated response from Cu Chulainn, his skill evident in every strike. The exchange of blows was intense, both warriors evenly matched in strength and technique.

Amidst the chaos, the warriors exchanged sharp words, their voices carrying over the din of battle.

"You fight well, but you can't defeat me!" Cu Chulainn sneered, his eyes glinting with little arrogance. "I am a demigod, but my friend, you are mortal."

I gritted your teeth, determination fueling your every move. "Demigods or gods, they may be powerful, but they can be defeated…!" I retorted, my voice unwavering. "And tonight, I will prove it."

With newfound resolve, I channeled my rune magic into a devastating attack, the energy engulfing your spear in a blinding light. Cu Chulainn barely had time to react before your weapon struck true, sending him staggering backward. The force of the blow was enough to break his defenses, leaving him vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, I pressed my advantage, launching a relentless assault on Cu Chulainn. My spear whirled through the air, each strike finding its mark with unerring accuracy. Despite his best efforts, Cu Chulainn could not keep up with my ferocity, his defenses crumbling under the onslaught.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, I drove your spear deep into Cu Chulainn's chest, a triumphant roar escaping your lips. The legendary hero gasped, his strength waning as he fell to his knees.

"You...you are truly remarkable," he gasped, his voice filled with admiration.

As Cu Chulainn slumped to the ground, on his almost defeat, I stood victorious, my chest heaving with exertion. The battlefield fell silent, the only sound the harsh panting of the warriors. I had emerged triumphant, proving that even legends could be toppled by the sheer willpower of a determined soul.

At least, that's what I thought.

"The fight isn't over!" Cu Chulainn's roar filled the air as he launched an uppercut.

"Guah!" I cried out in pain as his blow landed perfectly. He didn't stop there; he leaped into the air and thrust his elbow into my chest, sending me flying.

After a couple of rolls, I coughed up a mouthful of blood. I attempted to rise, but my body failed me. I could only lift my head and saw Cu Chulainn, half-dead with blood oozing from his chest and mouth, but standing resolute.

On the other hand, I struggled to stand, but my body gave in, and I collapsed. Just before losing consciousness, I witnessed Scathach emerging and announcing the result.

"Cu Chulainn is the winner. Both of you fought well," Scathach declared, and then darkness engulfed me.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in bed with Cu sitting nearby, his expression stern. Both of us were covered in bandages, but he seemed fine, albeit tense, as if I owed him money.

"Boss, you fought with all your strength, right?" Cu asked, his voice wavering.

"Are you doubting me? Do you think I didn't play fair and held back?" I glared at him, and Cu sweatdropped.

"It's not like that...! It's just a gut feeling. Forget about it." Cu sighed and changed the topic. "As promised, I gave my all to defeat you."

Before the match, I had asked Cu to promise that he would fight with all his might, no matter what, and win against me. I, too, had promised to give my best, but since he was unaware of my hidden abilities, I hadn't used them.

Cu had now fulfilled one out of the three promises he had given me. As for why I had asked him to fulfill three promises, that would become clear soon.

"Good," I said as I got up from my bed, straightening my clothes. "Let's go. She must be waiting."

Cu nodded and followed me.


"This is called Gae Bolg, my beloved weapon that I used throughout my reigns. It is made from the bones of a demonic beast that terrorized the lands a hundred years ago, but now I am going to pass it on," Scathach said, approaching us. She looked into our eyes. "Both of you fought admirably, and I couldn't be prouder. You employed all the tactics I taught you and gave your all. But, as expected, only one can be the owner of this spear."

She moved toward Cu and handed him the crimson spear that he was renowned for in legends.

"Cu Chulainn, you have proven yourself as the sole victor worthy of possessing this weapon," Scathach said, her smile warm. "Come, and I will teach you the secrets of Gae Bolg. These secrets should be known only to you."

With those words, Scathach and Cu walked away. Scathach began explaining the secrets of the crimson weapon and guiding Cu on how to use it.

To be honest, I had anticipated this outcome. I never intended to win the crimson spear from the beginning. Even if I had won, I wouldn't have been able to wield it to its full potential, as Cu was the superior spearman.

However, what caught me off guard was the new profound smile on Scathach's face. In two years of training in this world, I had never seen Scathach smile like that. Her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes glittered with excitement as she taught Cu.

'This is getting annoying,' I sighed.

Cu Chulainn was supposed to kill Scathach. That was the reason she went out of her way to train warriors — so that one day, one of them could be skilled enough to kill her. According to Scathach, that person was Cu Chulainn. Of course, that wasn't the reality. Cu Chulainn wouldn't fulfill her wish for death. I shouldn't be jealous of her smiling like that.

However, it still stung a little how I had done everything to gain her approval, yet Cu Chulainn emerged as the victor.

'I'm sorry, shishou, but Cu won't be able to fulfill your dream of death,' I smiled sadly and shook my head.

Knowing what would transpire, I left them alone and walked away to train more. After all, a significant war would soon be approaching in the Land of Shadows, which would change everything.


In the ancient land of Scotland, there were many territories. The Isle of Skye was one such territory, ruled by Scathach, with the capital known as the Land of Shadows. Scathach was not a queen, but a guardian whose sole purpose was to protect the Celtic region from the relentless threat of undead. The land comprised various cities and towns, each with its own kings or chiefs governing them.

Yet, in the world of the Ulster Cycle, war touched every corner of the land.

About a month after my battle with Cu Chulainn over Gae Bolg, a war erupted, instigated by none other than Scathach's younger sister and rival, Aoife. Aoife, like Scathach, ruled the eastern lands of Scotland. You might wonder how Aoife could be Scathach's sister, considering Scathach was nearly a century old and cursed with immortality. The answer lay in the fact that, unlike Scathach, Aoife was a demigod and possessed the blessing of eternal youth. She was not immortal like Scathach and could be killed.

Aoife was no match for Scathach, the warrior woman, but her long life and mastery of necromancer magic made her a formidable opponent.

"Are necromancers supposed to be this powerful?" I inquired as we stood atop a hill, overlooking thousands of undead warriors marching toward the Isle of Skye. Unlike the dungeon spawns in the Land of Shadows, these were actual deceased warriors resurrected from their graves using necromancer magic. However, I hadn't expected Aoife to control such a massive army of undead on her own.

"No, she must be using some kind of artifact to enhance her magic," Scathach surmised. She then gazed at both Cu and me with a regretful look. "You both shouldn't have come. This is my battle."

"Teach, how can you say that after years of training us? I also wanted to test my new buddy," Cu Chulainn smirked, spinning the crimson spear.

"Well, you know I still haven't given up on you, Shishou. I can't leave my woman to fight alone," I said, drawing both a sword and a spear. I knew it wasn't the best weapon choice, but I wanted to look as cool as Isshin Ashina. The man had a remarkable presence, and I wanted to imitate it to some extent. Of course, I also knew how to use both weapons simultaneously.

"Hehe~! Thank you both," Scathach chuckled, her eyes warm. "Let's fight together for one final time."

With those words, we leaped from the cliff and descended into the horde of the undead.

What followed was a relentless onslaught of bones and flesh, with Scathach, Cu Chulainn, and me causing mayhem. The undead were not ordinary mobs; they had been bolstered with buffs by Aoife. Even so, they were no match for the Celtic warriors of Skye.

Scathach engaged most of the groups of the enemy while Cu and I coordinated our attacks. If one of us sustained a wound, the other covered, allowing the injured one to patch up and rejoin the battle.

Initially, it felt like we were stomping on insects rather than fighting foes. Yet, after four hours of unceasing combat, we were nowhere near Aoife's chariot.

"Shishou, one of us has to leave to confront Aoife!" I suggested amidst the fray.

After contemplating for a moment, Scathach nodded and asked Cu Chulainn to go after Aoife. She was concerned for our well-being and decided not to go herself. She chose Cu because he was faster and, with his new demonic weapon, could dispatch Aoife more easily.

"Teach, can you tell me what Aoife values most?" Cu asked before he sprinted off.

"Her chariot and horses," Scathach replied.

Cu nodded and dashed away, while Scathach and I cleared some enemies to ease his path.

"He's quite a scoundrel," I remarked.

"Can't argue with that," Scathach sighed.

The real test was about to begin, and Scathach would soon learn why a Celtic warrior should not battle a Celtic woman.


(3rd Person's POV)

Cu Chulainn sprinted through the battlefield, his eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of Aoife. Spotting her atop her favorite chariot, he knew the confrontation was inevitable. Aoife, a formidable necromancer, raised her skeletal army to face him. Undeterred, Cu swiftly dispatched the undead soldiers, his spear Gae Bolg slicing through bones with deadly precision.

With her army defeated, Aoife descended from her chariot, her sword gleaming in the sunlight.

Cu widened his eyes in astonishment at how much Aoife resembled Scathach. She shared Scathach's striking purple hair and crimson eyes, but Aoife, unlike Scathach, appeared considerably younger. Her slim, youthful legs and ideal figure captivated Cu's attention. While Scathach had an admirable figure, Cu found Aoife's appearance even more appealing.

Aoife was not only a skilled necromancer but also a formidable swordswoman. Cu and Aoife clashed in a dance of blades and magic.

"I won't give up! Humph!" Aoife exclaimed, determination blazing in her eyes as she swung her sword.

"Neither will I!" Cu smirked confidently and easily blocked Aoife's attack, their blades clashing in a display of fierce determination.

Despite the battle's intensity, Cu found himself strangely captivated by Aoife's strength and determination.

In the midst of their fight, Cu sensed a connection, an unspoken understanding between them as they exchanged their resolved.

Cu discovered that Aoife's determination to defeat Scathach stemmed from her desire to prove her strength to her sister and assist her in guarding the Land of Shadows. Cu couldn't help but admire her unwavering resolve and the deep bond she shared with her sister.

He couldn't bring himself to end her life. Instead, he seized the opportunity, diverting her attention by shouting, "Your chariot is teetering on the edge of the cliff!"

Caught off guard, Aoife momentarily turned her gaze, giving Cu the chance he needed. With a swift move, he disarmed her and defeated her. He gently lifted her over his shoulder and carried her away from the battlefield.

As Aoife pleaded for her life, Cu held his spear at her throat, his gaze unwavering. He made his decision. "I won't kill you," he said firmly, "on two conditions. First, you must cease hostilities with Scáthach. Second, I find myself strangely drawn to you. So…"

Cu licked his lips.

In the midst of a fierce battle between two Celtic warriors, a solemn wager hung in the air. The victor held the power to claim the spoils: the loser's life, treasures, or even a woman. Cu, his gaze fixed on Aoife, desired the latter.

Yet, in that crucial moment, a voice echoed in his mind, a warning from his foster brother and best friend, Ferdiad. "Cu, heed my words. Playing with women will lead you astray. Their collective love can bring trouble one day."

Cu hesitated, pondering Ferdiad's advice. However, driven by his desires and the brevity of short life, he wanted to taste all the delicious food he desired.

"Then I shall have you," Cu declared.

"Very well," Aoife replied, also captivated by the sight of the formidable warrior. They conjured a magical shelter, and what followed was a symphony of endless moans, drowned in the throes of desire.


(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

It had been about an hour since Cu had left. The horde of undead we were battling began to retreat, although a few stragglers persisted, only to be easily defeated.

"Why hasn't he returned with Aoife yet?" Scathach muttered, her annoyance palpable.

"Um, shishou, you know Cu is a Celt, and well... also has a firm taste for fruits, right?" I hesitated, choosing my words carefully.

Scathach looked puzzled at first, then realization dawned upon her. We swiftly traced Cu Chulainn and Aoife's location using runes.

We found a secluded shed in the midst of the forest. Bursting in, we were met with a scene that left us momentarily speechless. A man with blue hair lay on the bed, and atop him was a beautiful woman with purple hair. They were both naked, engaged in intimate dual cultivation.

"T-T-Teach...! I can explain..." Cu stammered, but Scathach wasted no time, pulling him out of bed by his ear and dragging him outside, not allowing him even a moment to retrieve his pants.

I glanced back at the bed, sighing. "Please cover yourself," I said to Aoife, before following Scathach outside.

"You damn son of a bitch! How dare you betray me?! How the hell does I failed to raise such a manwhore!"

Scathach was in a rage, her words sharp and her eyes blazing with fury. She mercilessly beat Cu, leaving him covered in wounds and blood. He made no attempt to defend himself; he simply endured her blows, becoming a punching bag.

"Stop my sister, or she will kill him!" Aoife's voice broke through, as she appeared beside me, wrapped in a sheet.

I turned to look at Aoife properly for the first time and slapped my forehead. She was like a Scathach version of Rin Tohsaka, sharing Rin's figure with a different hair and eye color. No wonder Cu had fallen for her; she resembled Rin so closely.

"You're right," I nodded, deciding to intervene. If I didn't, Scathach would surely kill Cu.

Just as Scathach was about to strike Cu again, I stepped in, shielding him.

"Shishou, please calm down—phuah!" I was cut off as her fist landed squarely on my face, causing my nose to bleed.

"Ferdiad, get away!" Scathach screamed, her rage unabated. "I will kill this piece of shit today!" With those words, she unleashed a barrage of punches.

I hugged Cu protectively, taking the blows on my back. Though her attacks were softer than before, they still hurt considerably. Eventually, she ceased her assault and stood there, lost in her haze.

"Both of you, never show your faces to me again," she declared, before walking away.

With the crisis averted, I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked at the half-naked Aoife and the bloodied Cu in my arms and couldn't help but sigh again.

"Why the hell I always get myself into a drama?"


Feeling exhausted after patching up Cu and instructing Aoife to look after him, I returned to the Land of Shadows. It might not have been the wisest decision, considering how furious Scathach was, but I knew she wouldn't go so far as to kill me.

Upon entering her room, I found it empty. I assumed she must be out, venting her anger by slaying undead somewhere, so I decided to wait.

Sinking into the sofa, my weariness caught up with me, and I decided to lie down and rest for a while. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. I couldn't tell how much time had passed when I felt a weight on my belly.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a flash of purple hair, and as my vision cleared, my eyes widened in disbelief.

There, atop me, was Scathach—the most beautiful woman who I had tried everything to be my lover—looking down at me. And she was also buck naked.

"Ferdiad, today, you will please me like you always wanted." Scathach said between moans, "Let's have sex."

(AN: Finally!)


Sorry guys I wasn't able to upload yesterday because I forgot to add drafts. From now on, I will try to keep updates stable.

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