
Fate Remastered: The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Born during the moment the sun set. The world itself awoke, to greet your entrance. The Sun rose, great, golden, flaming, and did not set until the darkest hours of the night. In its wake, the moon rose, opalescent, glowing white, as you cried out for the first time. The heavens watched with bated breath. All of Earth watched with bated breath. Doom hung by a thread, and at last a goddess bought a crying, screaming, babe into the world: You. Son of Lugalbanda and Rimat-Ninsun. Gilgamesh of Uruk. A man with more blood of the divine than mortal in him. Keystone of the gods. King of Uruk one day. And the First Hero. The King of Heroes.

AmpJ789 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Halcyon Days Pt. 1

Author's Note: As I write this , it is the season. No matter how outdated or out of season this becomes for new readers out there , I want express my deepest thanks for supporting/ reading this story , and that no matter who you are or where you are from , I personally wish good will and good fortune.

Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Edit: 03/05/2022


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His awareness returned from the abyss.

He saw a light.

From the moment of creation he was aware. From the design stage, to his very conception.

" Ĩ̵͈s̸͍̪͂͑ ̵̧̺͋͐m̵̧͗̋y̶͖͈͝͝ ̷̤̖̆l̸̫͕̽̀i̵̜̿t̵̥̤̉̂t̷͙̔̒l̵̲̈́͝e̵͍̾͜ ̶̥͋ͅk̷̻̓i̶̯̭̇n̷̟̳̈͊ḡ̷̺ ̸̲̥̍h̵̰͑̈u̷̜͎͋n̶͚͉͋g̵̘̚r̸̺̃̈y̷̢̐̂?̶̪̃ " Spoke a hauntingly beautiful feminine voice right next to me. His, as in his body, couldn't understand what was being said, as it was the Unified Language was that was spoken as it is in this time. I could understand what was about to happen the moment whoever was there picked me up though.

Her long and rich glowing golden hair, dark red cat like eyes, and skin so clear and pale that one would be nearly blinded. These were blinded by golden light that erupted the moment she laid bare her naked breasts for nutrition as she pressed me against her bosom.

As would a future Heracles was fed the succulent tit to access Hera's milk, to gain such strength so to did he, as much as possible.

Some would probably proclaim that such a teat is the only one worthy to feed a king.

As often as possible , he would return to the abyss to adjust his thoughts, giving others the impression they've taken to sleeping pretty much all the time unless their birth mother was near, seeing as she was the only one to visit other than there biological father , and was not a nameless servant, to visit him.

The art looked too ... symmetric and flawless to be crafted by human hands of this time period without the power of magecraft, and is made of aesthetically pleasing minerals of numerous colours despite its fairly simplistic form. The little crib used for resting in was made of what looked to be made of pure solid gold, which was for some reason immensely soothing.

The floor tile reflected and refracted light that one could tell it was made out of diamond further pointed to that direction.

As Gilgamesh being an artificial human created from the greatest of man by the Gods to control humanity allowed to tell easily.

Footsteps graced my ears, time after time, and after hearing those same footsteps for 3 weeks, he could tell it was.

A divinely formed face leaned over the crib into view with the trail of tears pouring from her eyes so pure it came in the form of liquid diamonds.

"I'm sorry ,my little king, but it's time for you to leave my home, and grace your new kingdom with your presence."

She softly whispered to me, causing the unnecessary feeling of equal amounts of apprehension and excitement. Excitement at finally having new things to look at, and apprehension at the simplicity due to the lack of human flaws.

"But worry not, because I won't be sending you with nothing Gil. You may not understand now but the gods are being separated from the people. You will stop that separation. You will be the keystone to connecting the gods to the humans. All the gods and goddesses agreed to that. And so I shall gift upon you power of all you over see."

He was taken in by a group of women with the titles Sacred-Prostitutes of Inanna, as more knowledge flooded as needed such as this era's way to count time, and length measurement. The names of months, and everything.


The palace of the city-state Uruk was now filled with air to celebrate the first appearance of the prophesized king.

A child born to Lugalbanda, the king of Uruk, and his wife, Ninsun, the goddess of wisdom. A successor was born to the royal family of Uruk.

"Gilgamesh. Your name is Gilgamesh."  

Many people knew this to open up a new era and become a hope for further development of Uruk.

Not only a child of a king and a goddess, this baby born is also the best of the techniques that the gods can have.

Then suddenly...

The newborn baby was laid down while in a soft cloth ... suddenly stood up.

A baby, only a few weeks, stood up.... but no one could move because as swallowed by the unrelenting atmosphere of the baby.

He then moves his two immature legs without danger and started walking.

One step, two steps ... stopped at the seventh step, opened his mouth with his right index finger toward the heavens and my left index finger toward the ground.

"Throughout both high above in Heaven or on Earth, I am the pinnacle !"

Those who saw it later said swore they saw a dazzling golden glow emerging from behind the baby.

Throughout the pointed to the heavens and the earth, the words spoken with a could heard.

"...Is this part of the plan of Anu God?"

"...No ... no, it was not."

Lugalbanda, and Ninsun looked at each other in a astonishment.

Some of those who were there couldn't keep up with the shock of their long-awaited King of Uruk in front of them, and some of them sat down and slowly sank into the ground.

In this way, the birth of Uruk's 5th King, Gilgamesh, made a brilliant impression on people.


This is good.

After reading the hearts of the people around him and recognized that he made a spectacular debut felt a certain.

Gilgamesh envisioned a beautiful future and was pleased


- Origin of the Gilgamesh's name: Gilga(God) + Mesh( Man ) = Gilgamesh (Son of God and Man) in Sumerian.