

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Gifts, Training and Teammates

Friedrich POV:

"Your Majesty, I wish for a spirit weapon like Lord Valkyrie or Lord Accutrone !" I responded to my king on the throne, he looked at me before a little smile was gaining his lips.

"I'll grant your wish" he said before a blue light materialized on both of his hands, blinding me due to the intensity, when I could open my eyes once again,I looked at the ground and I could see brilland silver spear, the socket of the spear was adorned with a quincy cross

After picking up the spear and inspecting the spear, I heard the resonating voice of his Majesty

"This spear is imbued with the Schrift I"The Iron", It will make it extremely durable when you wish it to be, this spear can act as your 'bow' from now on, the cross on it allow for a quick concentration of reishi" explained His Majesty

"This is not the only gift I'll give to you my son,for you to have a far stronger soul you'll need other grails, as the one that I analyzed could be described as 'weak', I could help you develop your soul with the help of the other grails". His majesty said, standing from his throne

"For the other gifts that I promised, you'll have a training with The Miracle to help you master your new spear, and for the next Singularity, I'll give to you an escort of other of your brethren, because the strength of the Chaldeans will only grow stronger and they will not allow us to take the Grails with us each time" explained His Majesty before a door appeared behind me

"Go by this door my son, Gerard is waiting for you" declared his Majesty before sitting back on his throne and closing his eyes

"Thanks for your generosity, your Majesty !" I exclaimed before standing up and walking toward the door before crossing the door, the scenery behind the door was that of a typical roman arena, waiting for me at the center of the arena was the Stern Ritter M, Gerard Valkyrie, one of the Royal Guard, the strongest of us.

Gerard is a tall and muscular man with blonde hair, a strange trait of his is his pupil-less eyes, he wore a winged helmet and a red cloak, black pants with a X-shaped belt and disc-shaped buckle. For weapon he has his a shield that act as a sheath for his glaive, his sword renowned in the army for being the strongest weapon, Hoffnung, using his Schrift, Gerard can infuse 'hope' into his weapon, making it night-unbreakable and it allows it to reflect any damage done to the glaive toward his opponent.

"Lord Gerard, His Majesty asked me to train with you" I said before taking place in front of the behemoth of a man

"I know, Friedrich, I'll shape you up to standards with this new spear! " he exclaimed before making his round shield hit the ground in front of him.

"It will be difficult for you, but I forbid you to give up, I think you'll be a strong Stern Ritter in the future, so don't disappoint me or his Majesty" He exclaimed before drawing his glaive and pointing it at me 

"Attack me with everything that you've got, I want to see your mastery with the king of weapon" he said 

"Yes!" I responded before breaking in a rush, appearing in front of him, trying to impale him with my weapon, he deflected my attack with a counter of his shield, leaving me wide open for a counter, a glaive came rushing for me.

'I'm going to die !' I thought my spear was not fast enough to parry the glaive, but as I tried to make my spear come back to deflect the attack, the glaive stopped in front of my body, a second before bisecting me.

"Never do that in a fight with a shield wielder, I didn't even use Blut, I just used your own speed and strength to deflect your weapon, use the spear far more intelligently, don't lunge in a hit, if you want to use the spear, use it only when you're certain that your hit will kill or critically injure your opponent" he explained while resuming his first position

"And your spear was imbued with the Iron, so use this Schrift efficiently, Cang Du used this power to harden his body to defend against hits but offensively he used it only when he was about to hit his opponent, his attack gained enough speed and with the weight gain of the iron, his hits were devastating" he added before looking at me again, inviting me for another sparring session

At his invitation; I swiftly launched forward again, this time using a large sweeping motion using my firm grip of the edge of the spear, gathering momentum using a large movement, I hardened the spear using the iron as my weapon was hitting the shield of Gerard

"Ah! " he exclaimed, withstanding the hit of my enhanced weapon, his body sliding a little due to the strength gathered by my speed and the sheer weight of my enhanced spear

"You withstood it?!" I asked, utterly astonished by this demonstration of sheer strength, especially considering that my training partner hadn't even resorted to using his Blut.

"You're underestimating me, Friedrich! No one earns a spot in the Royal Guard through luck, no matter what this Askin guy is trying to convince everyone of," he said, flexing his arm against the shield before flashing me a smile.

"My power is the Miracle; I'm the mightiest among the Royal Guard!" he boasted, striding toward me with confidence. "Come on, Friedrich! Let's train until one of us can't go on any longer!" he exclaimed, launching himself at me, withdrawing his glaive from his shield. "After all, training knows no end. The limits of one's power are determined by the dedication they invest in their training."

For the first time in my life, I was invested in something. I realized in this training ground that I was making the wrong decision from the start, I lacked the strength to break free from my own limitations, and I was held captive by my own weaknesses. In this arena, I felt unburdened, even when facing someone like Zaraki; my sole aim was survival. But here, I was dedicated to conquering my weaknesses, all for the glory of His Majesty.

I sensed that I smiled but I didn't care at first before my training partner looked at me with a smile too

"Ah, Friedrich, you're finally shedding that mask of indifference you've worn all this time!" Gerard exclaimed with a smile. "I believed you were just another BG9, a robot designed for a single purpose. But it appears I've stirred something within you. So, let me face what I've awakened!"

The training continued, and while Gerard still destroyed me, I could sense that I was gradually growing stronger with each passing hour.

"This is it!" I thought, my inner voice exclaiming. "What is this feeling? Am I actually finding joy in training, or is it the thrill of the fight?" I pondered as I saw Hoffnung swiftly approaching my arm, which was clutching the spear. Reacting quickly, I pulled back my arm, narrowly avoiding the slash. I adapted, using my spear more like a polearm, attempting to deliver a powerful blow to Gerard's head. However, just as my weapon was about to connect with his head, his shield moved to protect him. The immense force behind his shield strike left my arms numb.

"It's been over tenhours, and you're still wearing that smile, hahaha!" he remarked, gazing at me with a smile of his own, clearly relishing our sparring session. "I believe, along with Pernida, you've become my closest companion within the Order. I'll have to introduce you to him; he's a bit reserved, but he generally means well most of the time!"

"That sounds good, Lord Valkyrie!" I exclaimed, still thrilled by our intense training, I grew extremely familiar with the Royal Guard during our training.

"No need for titles with me, my good friend," he laughed, giving me a friendly tap on the shoulder. "We'll continue your training next time, as His Majesty is requesting your presence. See you soon, we'll resume our training next time!" he said before vanishing through one of the arena's entrances. I surveyed the aftermath of our fight, the ground pockmarked with craters and a significant portion of the arena's walls reduced to rubble, primarily due to my impact against them after being thrown by Gerard.

I laughed with exhilaration, a sense of purpose now burning within me. I was no longer lost in my own emotions; my feelings were no longer obstacles. I had a single desire—to grow stronger.

"I'll look forward to our next meeting, Gerard. But for now, let's go meet His Majesty," I thought. I made my way through the entrance I had used earlier, arriving in the throne room where His Majesty sat upon his throne. Three figures clad in Stern Ritters attire stood before him.

"Come, Friedrich, my son," I heard Yhwach say as I advanced in the throne room. "For your next mission, I shall provide you with some reinforcements. You are to once again retrieve the Grail from the hands of the one who has chosen to bring about humanity's annihilation."

"Accompanying you to the next Singularity will be Cang Du and BG9. Friedrich, I designate you as the team leader. I expect seamless cooperation from the three of you without any issues. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, as my two new teammates approached and positioned themselves behind me.

"It will be an honor, Your Majesty," Cang Du added, preparing his metal claw.

"It will provide me with interesting additional data," BG9 stated in his mechanical voice.

"Good," our King remarked, directing his gaze at me. "I've heard that your training with Gerard has yielded promising results. I look forward to witnessing your progress on the battlefield. Now, head to the Gate of the Sun, Stern Ritters, and ensure justice for humanity!"

"It will be done!" we replied in unison before promptly leaving the throne room.

As we exited the throne room, I exchanged glances with my new teammates. Cang Du broke the silence, saying, "So, you're the new 'W.' It's an honor to fight alongside you."

"Indeed, witnessing the power of the Wind in person will be an interesting subject of analysis," the robot, BG9, declared.

"It will be my honor to fight alongside senior members of the Order. I hope our cooperation on this mission will prove successful," I responded arriving at the Gate of the Sun,

The door opened, revealing a blinding light, and I felt my body being drawn into a void as I passed through the door.

Yhwach POV:

I was observing Friedrich's training with my Royal Guard, and I couldn't help but feel a smile forming on my face as I watched the new recruit.

"What are your thoughts on him, Gerard?" I inquired of my Guard as I continued to monitor the screen.

"He's like a newborn animal that's just found something delightful, my Lord. He attacked me like an unrelenting hurricane," Gerard replied.

"How do you compare him to Zaraki Kenpachi?" I inquired of Gerard, seeking his perspective on the matter.

"His talent is undoubtedly weaker, but he still grows exceptionally fast. During our training, I found myself needing my shield at times," Gerard replied with a smile

"Well, we'll see in this Singularity how far he can go. Will he stumble, or will he grow stronger?" I mused. "From what I 'see' of this Singularity, it appears to involve 'gods', which makes it far more challenging than the last. This should be interesting," I added with a smile.

"But can these beings truly be deemed 'gods' with such a meager level of power? My father would likely be disappointed to witness these fledglings," I remarked with a hint of disdain, before I closed my eyes, the entire throne room being engulfed in my darkness.


Well, let's go with the second singularity, Rome, Friedrich changed with his swirl of emotions coming to an end, we'll see his true personality

BG9 and Cang Du will be helping him for this one, as I think fighting a group of Heroic Spirits and gods will be a bit hard, I wanted to go with Askin at first but I think i'll have the best singularity for him later

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to review, comment and complain about what you didn't like in this chapter :) 

Next Chapter will be Chaldeas, new servants and all or do you want me to skip and keep the surprise of who is summoned ?

See you soon !