
∆It's Purple∆

"Ah…Ahhhh…Aghh… I can't anymore, I am tired" Ashh said gasping for air, she is exhausted by pushing hard, where Azriel and some maids from the castle kept holding her hand tightly…

"What do you mean you can't? You have to just push I saw it on some series, You have to just push…just push" Azriel said

"You idiot, Do you think I give birth daily and you never know How painful it is" She screamed

"THEN WHO TOLD YOU TO GET PREGNANT? Baby just finish this quickly"

"I AM TRYING" she yelled

"COULD YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP? *Draco growled at them who was trying to suppress Vampire Queen's Energy* I am exhausted here too"

Suddenly, Ashh started crying, She covered her face with her hand while saying… "Why he is yelling at me? I am already uncomfortable enough around you men.

Azriel, caress her head and said… " I…I am sorry, I was just surprised and nervous, but don't worry I called Lewis and Lia already till then You have to try"