

A greedy capitalist tumbles to his death, and a Magus rises in an Universe far, far away with a dream of Infinity and Passive Perks! Perks everywhere! - Slowpaced - Slow-Romance - Slow Start too, just to be sure. Schedule: 1 Upload / Every 3 Days If you want to read ahead and support me: Patreon: Regularr

Huntsman · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

C3: Rin Tohsaka

A/N: Which's best for a pet? Wrong answers only.

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After deliberating throughout the entire night, I ultimately decide against contacting the authorities.

The reasoning behind my choice is quite straightforward: Public relations. In Japan, there is a prevailing culture of humility, at least on the surface. If I were to heedlessly accept the reward, my actions could be perceived as fame-seeking, and would likely be frowned upon. This, of course, has its own risks, like someone impersonating me and taking all the credit, however it is not very substantial.

The Fourth Grail War takes place in 1994 where the devastating impact of the atomic bombs still remains—carved in the collective memory of Japan so deeply, even the younger generations who have not experienced the tragedy personally are still negatively affected.

This has resulted in a comparatively small population of Caucasians or foreign nationals in the country.

Therefore, the likelihood of finding a 7-year-old child with eye-catching emerald green eyes and black hair are incredibly low, and rightly so. In fact, individuals who fit my descriptions country-wide can probably be counted on one hand, hence I need not worry. Unfortunately, this has not solved the issue of suitable products.

I could attempt to sell courses, but that would be too scummy and unethical, even for someone as morally ambiguous as myself.

Besides, given my physical age, who would even consider buying my courses? What courses would I even sell? Business? 'Hah…'

The adult video (AV) industry is also out of the question, for the same ethical concerns.

Even if I were broke, homeless, and starving, I still wouldn't consider it.

Additionally, distributing such videos would inevitably lead to severe legal consequences for the publishers, and probably leave them buried underneath the prison.

All these factors ultimately narrow down my options significantly.

I could explore the e-girls route and sell some overpriced and seemingly 'healthy' cookies and snacks that are likely to contribute to diabetes.

Another option could be to try the YouTuber route, or merchandises, including printed shirts, cups, and so on. Alternatively, I could capitalize on my newfound fame and strive to make it big in the entertainment industry.

The latter seems the most feasible and quickest way to earn money for future projects. However, I will have to take the necessary precautions—prepare a few hidden cameras and recording devices, in case, since I'm not looking to get my ass blasted by the Japanese version of Diddy the Diddler. A second problem is the attention that will come with this Path…

I highly doubt the Clock Tower will be very happy with a celebrity joining their Ranks, given how secretive Magi society tend to be as a whole. 'Such is Life…' There's no such thing as a perfect solution or system, sometimes you just have to settle for one and wing it. 'Being a celebrity will give me a second layer of shield though.'

Obviously, even celebrities can get 'disappeared' under the certain circumstances, but the media coverage means my future enemies will have a lot more considerations to keep in mind.

It's as they say: You cannot stop your foes from plotting your demise, but you can and should most definitely make it as challenging for them as possible.

The more hurdles in their way, the better.

"Decision, decision."

There was a sudden knock at my door. "Your Highness?"

"Kirei, I understand that you have unresolved issues, but paying a visit to a young boy in the middle of the night is—"

"It's 6:00 in the morning," he interrupts with a tired tone, clearly having had enough of my nonsense.

"What? It was 9.PM just a few seconds ago—" I reach for the clock to verify the time and I'm completely dumbfounded to find that Kirei was right. "Did I really spend the entire night lost in thought?" I mutter to myself.

"Unfortunately," Replies the doomsday priest from the other side. "I apologize, but I'm afraid I can't allow you any more sleep, your Highness. It's the Queen's orders."

I can almost envision the smug smirk on his face, thinking I will be too exhausted and deprived of sleep to put up a real fight, which brings me to another concern. "Strange… How come I don't feel tired at all?"

It's not like I'm unfamiliar with staying up late, but usually, there's this growing pressure on my frontal cortex and eyes.

In the past, I could stay up late for weeks before my cognitive functions deteriorated and my irritability levels went off the charts.

But right now, I'm not experiencing any of that.

Not that I'm complaining, merely curious.

'So it extends to other bodily functions too?' I quickly put on the clothes Gilgamesh herself had prepared for me and exit the room, feeling unusually cheerful. How can I not? Asides from the fact this means I'll have more time to mess around and train, merely imagining the priest's expression when he realizes I can still pummel his face in despite spending the night restless–unable to take even a wink of sleep makes me happier than I care to admit.

'Two sadists walk into a bar…' I grin.

It can't be helped.

He and I share many similarities, but our objectives do not align.

I lack both the inclination or desire to bring about the destruction of the world, for what purpose would there be if Humankind ceased to exist?

Annoying people the shit out of people, on the other hand, seems like a more preferable option for me, as it achieves a similar outcome without causing true suffering that leaves people screaming in agony—which is precisely what Kotomine Kirei wants… A world in which the only emotion available is suffering.

A desire the priest had previously spent his whole life battling, until he stumbled into the resurrected, alcoholic and egotistical blonde.

"Your Highness."

Kirei respectfully bows, though the stiffness in his posture betrays his true thoughts.

I'm certain it's taking a considerable and conscious effort for him to extend even such a simple act of politeness towards me.

"Don't bother with the pleasantries,"

I sneer at the 'devout' man before me. "We both know you would much prefer my head separated from my neck and on a plate."

"It is my obligation."

He retorts, his intense and vacant gaze boring into my face in an attempt to unsettle me.

"You couldn't care less about obligations."

Fists tightening, the doomsday priest hisses through clenched teeth. "If you're trying to piss me off, you have succeeded. The only reason I have not ended your life while you sleep—"

"I wasn't sleeping." I add on the sideline.

"The only reason I agreed to teach you, isn't because her Majesty,"

The priest continues still, completely ignoring my response.


I raise an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and intrigue washing over me as he finishes his statement.

"It's because of you, 'your Highness,"

He emphasizes mockingly.

"I'll teach you, for how delightful it will be to witness your dreams crumble into nothingness, to watch as your smugness destroyed, to see as your heart falls to the depth of despair when my Black Keys reap your life. It is vivid in my mind already—your fate."

A faint, yet deranged smile creeps across his lips. "I will savor it for years to come… That is what I am promised."

I scoff at his threat, my gaze fixated on the ground, before erupting into uncontrollable laughter. It is as I anticipated, "We are truly far too alike!" Unfortunately, one world can't house us both, for one seeks to rule, while the other was born for no purpose beyond bringing about destruction and misery. "It's a shame, really. In another life, I'm sure we could've been great friends."

The priest appears perplexed by my response, but I opt not to provide any further explanation. Instead, I adopt a self-assured tone that some may say border on arrogance, "It shall not be me, 'Man of Faith,' who will fall, nor will it be my dreams that disintegrate. You believe me to be Icarus, and you the Sun, but I'm afraid you are sorely mistaken."

I look at him, all traces of childish humor gone. "It is I who will prevail in the end."

Then pause, adding almost as an afterthought, "It is I who will take your head."

Overconfidence is never good, but this is perhaps the single greatest compliment I can give a man such as him…

For the very first time, a genuine smile graces his usually impassive countenance.

"We shall see, your Highness."

With a sweeping motion of his arm, he gestures at the hallway and declares, "But for now, it is my duty to guide you in all matters of Magecraft and martial arts. Follow me." Kirei swiftly pivots on his heels, continuing. "Another pupil of mine awaits, and she happens to be quite impatient."

"Rin Tohsaka?"

"You are aware of—"

The priest breaks off, and I can easily perceive from his facial expression how he chides himself in his mind for posing such an idiotic question. "Ah, yes, your mysterious talent for Clairvoyance."

"Have you informed her of my presence in Fuyuki?"

Kirei fixes his gaze on me. "And why would I do that?"

"Because Tokiomi is deceased, making her the Second Owner by proxy?"

I must admit, Rin is too young to bear such responsibilities at this stage, but as the last Heir of House Tohsaka, she also faces an overwhelming amount of pressure, mostly self-imposed, I suppose. "… You are aware of—"

"Of what you did to her father? Yes, indeed, I am aware. Rest assured, I won't disclose it to her."

It is truly for her own benefit, really. Even during the Fifth Holy Grail War, Rin is not a match for Kirei, let alone the present, younger version of herself. Revealing the truth would only set her on a path of vengeance that would likely result in her being cleaved in halves by the Black Keys. "I am not worried. She can't do anything to me." The threat may not have been voiced, but it hangs in the air regardless.

"If you kill her, the Tower will send another, probably more experienced Magus to monitor the Grail."

The priest turns towards me, his eyes filled with curiosity. "You appear awfully protective of her."

"I am awfully protective of my own interests," I respond smoothly.

"Having an older Second Owner would create complications for my plans. It'd be even worse if they happened to be more… Deeply involved with their responsibilities. It'd be a pain up your ass too, wouldn't it?"

Rin is the ideal Second Owner for me to develop my powers.

Her ties to the Association are limited as a result of the Tohsaka family's separation two centuries ago to prioritize their focus on the Holy Grail. Thus, I have no reason to fear her spying on me for certain Lords who are eager to slap a Sealing Designation on anyone they find intriguing. Besides, barking dogs seldom bite.

Rin may present herself as an indifferent and evil 'oujo-sama', but hers is a bleeding heart, so I can rest assured that she will not conspire against me either, unless I provoke it. "Touché."

It takes a few moments for us to arrive at the 'classroom,' where a petite girl with twin-tails is softly humming.

"Kirei! You're running late,"

She exclaims.

But, as soon as she realizes that I'm there, the girl quickly straightens up and adjusts her voice to sound sickeningly sweet.

"Greetings, and who might you be?"

Even my previous acquaintances who worked in retail and telesales didn't switch roles as swiftly as she just did… "Quit the charade, we are all Magi here."

She blinks, once, twice, and then asks, "Why haven't you registered with the Second Owner? What is your intentions in Fuyuki."

The sweet demeanor is quickly shed, replaced by a commanding tone.

'This girl changes her demeanor more than I change underwear…' Although a healthy degree of paranoia is to be expected, given the whole ordeal with Bluebeard and his psychotic Master just a few weeks ago. "I've only just discovered my talent for the supernatural," I explain.

"A First-Generation Magus, then?"

"First of my name," I state, taking a quick notice of the pride evident in her straightened posture. "Well, if you insist, you can call me senpai!"

"I'd rather not," I reply straightforwardly.

"Well," the priest interjects, observing us intently from the sideline. "I'll leave it to the two of you to get acquainted. Just make sure you don't kill each other while I'm away, it would break my heart."

"That... doesn't sound convincing at all," I remark.

"Where are you going?" Rin asks inquisitively.

"To get something. It's for you, your Highness," The priest answers.

"Your Highness?" Rin repeats questioningly with wide eyes. "Why are you calling him 'your Highness'?"

"Is it some form of narcotics? Because if it's not, count me out,"

I jest with a deadpan expression, while Rin reacts with a mix of shock and outrage. "Well, you're in luck, Your Highness, because it is indeed drugs. A generous supply of drugs."

I blink at him, suppressing the confusion rising within me. 'Is this guy serious?'

"Her Majesty has kindly provided us with an abundance of herbs to facilitate the [Activation] of your Circuits. I'd suggest thanking her later."

"Her Majesty?" The tsundere exclaims incredulously. "Who are you two referring to?!" But neither of us pays her any mind. Some things are better left unknown.

Even if I were to disclose it to Rin, which I of course have no intention of doing, it'd only serve to needlessly increase her anxiety, given her less than favorable encounters with the Servants thus far. If I were her, I'd not want a Heroic Spirit wandering in my territory either. It just sounds like a recipe for disaster.


I inquire, until I recall the memories of Shirou's journey to unlock his asteroid-field of Magic Circuits.

"Can't you just jolt my shit?"

"Who told you about— Never mind."

The priest mumbles, seeming annoyed at himself for forgetting. "I can, but it will be quite painful," He responds.

"And this won't be?" I ask.

"No, it will still cause some discomfort." Kirei admits.

"Then what's the point?" I say with a deadpan expression.

"It will be less harmful to you, your Highness."

He drawls, exiting the 'classroom'. "Leaves less future complications. I'll be right back…" With that said, Kirei stalks out of the room, his damn priestly coat fluttering behind him like the wings of bat as he leaves us to our devices.

"Quite dramatic, that guy."

"He can be a lot." Rin agrees, arms crossed in an attempt to look mature, no doubt.

"So… I didn't catch your name?"

"Leonis," I answer. "Leonis Magnus the III."

"I thought you were the first one with your name?" She comments.

"I am," I respond seriously. "That was just a joke."

"It wasn't funny…" Rin replies.

"I know," I nod. "But I had to lighten the mood somehow. Anyways—"

Extending my hand for a handshake, I say to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rin Tohsaka. Kirei has spoken quite highly of you."

He actually hasn't, but I need a convenient scapegoat for my knowledge.

Society may label you a manipulator for adapting your behavior to different individuals, but that's the only way to truly thrive.

Both Kirei and Gilgamesh seek excitement that aligns with their expectations, whereas Rin does not. Therefore, there is no need for me to seek her attention, which will only sour my image in her eyes.

In her case, making a good impression requires maintaining a somewhat professional demeanor, while avoiding over-subservience or tastelessness.

Once we have familiarized, I can start injecting humor into our conversations, but until then… "I am a genius, after all!"

She huffs as if to say it's only natural, yet the blush dusting her cheeks betrays her true thought.

Although not severe, Rin likely suffers from an inferiority complex.

Tokiomi does not strike me the type to compliment his children often, coupled with the cold marriage her mother had with him, and the recent losses of her parents and sister, she is actually in a pretty vulnerable place, especially for one so young.

Acknowledgement of her efforts will leave a favorable impression in her mind.

After I have been upgraded from 'acquaintance' to 'friend', I can start acting like an unhinged autistic child with a severe case of the infamous 8th grader syndrome, but until then, it is best I just act like a relatively normal and functional human being. "Rin Tohsaka," She takes my outstretched hand and shakes proudly. "Second Owner of Fuyuki, Heiress of House Tohsaka! Pleased to meet you. Since you're in my territory, if someone bullies you, just tell me, I'll handle it!"

I restrain the smile that yearns to appear on my lips.

'In the end, she's still just a child…'

I guess it's only natural. Being the eldest among her siblings, and with her younger sister currently in the clutches of that repulsive, gaunt bastard in Fuyuki, she might be projecting her sibling role onto me.

"Dully noted. If I encounter any problems, I'll seek your assistance." It requires no effort on my part to offer a few words of encouragement, regardless of how illogical they may sound. We look at each as the initial excitement fades and a sense of awkwardness descends upon the room. "What do you know about Magecraft?"

"Hmmm…" I hum, then say. "The bare minimums, I guess?"

"Which is…?"

Rin prompts, eagerly vibrating in place, her lips quivering as if she just cannot wait to enlighten me on Magecraft.

"Well, I have knowledge about Magic Circuits and how they're spiritual organs that can be transplanted under the right circumstances; I have certain understanding of concepts like Origin, Affinity, and Trigger. I also know a few things about basic Spells such as [Structural Grasp], [Reinforcement] and [Alteration]."

Scratching my chin, I add. "Oh, I'm also aware of the True Magics! Can't forget about them."

The tsundere stares at me, completely perplexed. "Are you sure you're a First-Gen?"


I affirm as she scratches the back of her head. "That basically covers all the basics…"

"I'm a quick learner."

I did spend days, even weeks absorbing information about the fundamentals from both the Wiki and Reddit theories… My memory may not be impeccable, but it's not terrible enough to forget everything so soon. In fact, I would be dismantling the Holy Grail System right now if it weren't for the fact that Zouken would try to crawl up my ass in the middle of the night, and I need it to summon Baeber.

"Did Kirei—"

"He did." I respond before she can finish.

The priest really knows how to be a great shield… "But please, give me the details. You may have guessed, but my knowledge barely scratches the surface, anything beyond that and I'm beat." There's no shame in admitting weaknesses, as long as one works to fix it. I'm new to this world, pretending I am in any way proficient when I'm in truth not will only hinder my progress, not help.

Moreover, people tend to derive satisfaction from being useful.

Rin, according to my dissection of her character, is no exception.

Allowing her to instruct me will undoubtedly prove advantageous, both for our relationship and my personal prowess.

"We- Well," The tsundere stutters with a touch of unease before swiftly recollecting herself. "[Reinforcement] is the crux of Magecraft. It is the fundamental principle that teaches us to channel Mana throughout our entire being and perform greater Mysteries."

I listen intently, my gaze causing the girl to shift on her feet.

It does make things awkward, but this is Magic— Ehem, Magecraft we're discussing. Which boy or girl hasn't dreamt of wielding the one seemingly omnipresent Force in fictions? "As its name suggests,"

Rin raises her forearm, revealing vibrant viridian lines etched upon her skin, effortlessly demonstrating her might by crushing a chair with a mere touch. "Through [Reinforcement], all objects can be amplified. While the most prevalent application involves enhancing the human physique, granting strength and speed, this only represents the rudimentary level of [Reinforcement]."

"There are other uses?"

"I'm glad you asked!"

With hands confidently placed on her waist, she beams radiantly, her twin-tails dancing freely. "Not only does it have the ability to amplify existing attributes, but [Reinforcement] can also expand upon them, within the bounds of physical limitations, of course. For instance, a Magus can grant themselves night vision, a highly sought-after application during the Dark Ages, when candles were exorbitantly priced and reserved for aristocrats mostly, or so I've been told."

"I imagine the peasants were quite displeased with that." I remark, chuckling to myself. "Brought a whole new meaning to 'Dark Arts', didn't it?"

During that time, the night was enveloped in darkness and filled with uncertainties.

With the Magi skulking about unseen, it's understandable that ordinary folks would be riddled with terror.

"They really hated it, apparently." Rin muses. "But, as with most things, [Reinforcement] has its downsides."

Seizing a nearby chair, she commences the infusion of Mana into it, gradually dismantling its physical composition.

Initially, the force of Mana merely splinters the outer layer of wood, but eventually, the overwhelming influx causes the entire structure to crumble. Fortunately, it doesn't erupt into a chaotic mess of shrapnel, as the level-headed tsundere halts her actions just in time. "If you push too far or make a mistake, you'll end up damaging the very object you're attempting to reinforce. Keep in mind that this is just a chair. Consider the repercussions on yourself. So, exercise utmost caution,"

She warns earnestly.

"Interesting…" I mumble.

Not that I am unaware of this, but witnessing it firsthand is truly a remarkable spectacle.

"Does it emit that glow at all times?"

Rin shakes her head. "No, [Reinforcement] only illuminates when you first begin. I intentionally did so to assist you in visualizing the mechanics of the Spell."

"Thank you. You're quite the dedicated teacher."

"Ehem," The tsundere clears her throat, attempting to conceal her flushed face, though her reddened ears betray her true feelings. "It's merely a small endeavor. Don't concern yourself too much."

'Ah, tsundere…'

Her eyes suddenly sharpen in an instant. "I don't know why, but I feel like you just thought something incredibly rude."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I lie smoothly, my poker-face up and ready.

Unable to prove her suspicion, Rin relents, lips pursing as she asks. "Any other question?"

"What about [Structural Grasp] and [Alteration]?"

Rin hums thoughtfully before replying. "[Reinforcement] and [Structural Grasp] are at the most fundamental level, while [Alteration] is a step above, though still considered basic."

So, the former spells can basically be categorized as 0th Grade, while the latter qualifies as 1st Grade? "It does seem logical… After all, you can't alter something if you lack the means to influence it, and without a good understanding of its inner workings, you'll only end up causing damages."


The tsundere nods enthusiastically.

"Although those Spells serve as the building blocks, relying solely on them won't get you far. Each Magi House has cultivated their unique Magecraft. For House Tohsaka, we specialize in [Energy Conversion]. If you truly aspire to excel within the Association—" She pauses, arching an eyebrow in my direction. "You are familiar with the Association, aren't you?"


I answer, listing off the three estranged Branches of the so-called Mage Association. "The Clock Tower, the Wandering Sea, and Atlas Mountain."

"He doesn't seem all that reliable, but Kirei is quite thorough, isn't he?"

"He is." Again, I lie, swiftly making to change the subject. "Anyways, how does one develop their Magecraft?"

"That's simple, you don't."

In a split second, my eyebrows furrow.

"Magecraft involves recreating what is already attainable." Rin starts to explain. "It's impossible to forge an entirely new Brand of Magecraft; you can only emulate existing ones. Therefore, I strongly recommend diving into the study of history and magical bestiaries. My family's library holds a collection of such books. However, before proceeding, you must first ascertain your Origin and Affinity."

"Which is where I come in."

Both of us swiftly turn our attention towards the door, where Kotomine Kirei stands, his expression as stoic as ever, carrying a suitcase into the room. "Rin, your Highness… It seems you have been getting along splendidly." He comments, his eyes sweeping past us which just raises the hair on my nape. How someone affords to be both cool and creepy at the same time so effortlessly, I have no clue.

"Took you ages." The girl retorts, crossing her arms and emitting a haughty snort.

"My apologies, but on my way here, I encountered a cat," Kirei explains, adding after a moment. "A really big cat."

That settles it, either the cat in question is Gilgamesh or Kirei watches Naruto in his free time… I assume it's the former, but I will be honest and say I am secretly hoping for the latter, simply for amusement's sake.

Without uttering a single word, he places a notebook into the tsundere's hands. "Your father instructed me to give you this if anything were to happen to him. It contains all of his research. If you require any assistance, I am here to help. In the meantime..." He opens up the suitcase, procuring various items: bottles filled with liquid metals, herbal concoctions, and so on. "Please knock this one down while I prepare the Sacrament, your Highness."

He gestures towards a repugnant-smelling bottle that appears to have been brewed from a blend of molds and spider egg sacs, just in case the concoction wasn't unpleasant enough. I gaze at the bottle warily, thinking to myself, 'He wouldn't dare poison me, right? She won't allow it.'

Accepting it with caution, I fix my gaze upon him, seeking to discern his intentions. However, the priest ignores my scrutiny and diligently carves lines into the ground. 'Screw it…' I bravely topple the repulsive liquid, stifling a shudder that courses through my entire body. "That was—"

I cough, the putrid scent assaulting my nostrils. "Disgusting."

"Most things related to Magecraft are, your Highness," Kirei comments, carefully dripping what I can only assume is mercury into the newly formed magic circle, which I dare not even attempt to describe due the complexity. "Is that Enochian?"

"I'm preparing a Holy Sacrament."

"You mean a Ritual?"

"No, only Magi use that."

I snort. "Are there differences?"

"The Church likes to pretend there is, but there isn't." Rin, who's browsing the notebook at an astonishing speed on the sidelines, comments. The priest doesn't take kindly to that. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Being involved is commendable, your Highness, but without the requisite knowledge, you will only impede my progress. Please, have a seat."

Harsh, but not untrue… Better to be useless than destructive.

"Very well, notify me when you require my assistance."

With a slight leap, I perch myself on a nearby desk, swinging my legs restlessly as the two continue their work. The hours quickly fly by, and so grows my boredom.

Eventually, I abandon my spot and drop to the floor, engaging in a series of push-ups to pass the time.

"It's done."

By the time he calls for me, I'm already dripping with sweats. 'How many push-ups was that?' I lost count after the 700th. 'My form could've been better though…'

Entering the circle prepared for me, I sit with crossed legs, "Count to 3—?"

As much of a bastard as he is, Kirei wastes no time, a sickening grin sporting on his face.

The circle flickers with a dim glow, and a sudden wave of pain engulfs my entire being. I'm paralyzed, as if my entire nervous system has been set ablaze. The agony is intense, but it pales in comparison to what [Strongest of the Weak] subjected me to, but unlike the Perk, the pain doesn't subside instantly.

'Damn Einstein and his Law of Relativity!'

I can't even let out a scream, as it feels as if my lungs are filled with molten lead. 'Is it supposed to hurt this much? Or did the shitty priest tamper with the Ritual?'

Somewhere, I can hear the screams of a certain tsundere, "Shut it of—!"

'She sounds concerned…'

But against the intense pain, my brain's ability to perceive sounds has begun to malfunction as well.

My head spins and my vision blurs, causing me to lose my balance and crumple to the ground.

As the brightness around me gradually diminishes, I feel my consciousness slipping away, overtaken by the encroaching black spots clouding my sight. A concerned voice reaches my ears, accompanied by someone grabbing my shoulders and shaking me in an attempt to revive me.

However, their efforts prove futile as I barely summon the strength to mutter a feeble response. "Zero out of ten… I'm never doing this again."

Fucking Kirei…

I'm so gonna get back at him for this.

'If you're still alive after this.'

A malicious voice seems to whisper at the back of my mind as I finally black out.

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