
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · ย้อนยุค
94 Chs

My younger sibling

Shuang Zihua was now in her eighth month of pregnancy. Her stomach was so big that she could hardly walk. She had to wait for more than two people to support her to prevent accidents. However, Shuang Zihua thought that walking would help her give birth easily. So she tried to walk every day. Even though it wasn't too long.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi assigned their assistants to do all the work for them. They had prepared four birth attendants for Shuang Zihua earlier. for fear that she would give birth prematurely This was because the doctor who performed the pregnancy test saw that the princess's stomach was larger than normal and feared that it would be difficult to give birth. He therefore instructed her to take regular exercise and reduce unnecessary food so that the child would not grow too large. It also warns that almost all twin pregnancies are born prematurely. Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi therefore had to make preparations in advance like this.

 Shuang Zihua, who tried to eat more vegetables than meat following the doctor's advice, did not see that the baby in her womb was shrinking in the slightest. She also felt that they had grown bigger and more energetic, to the point that they were kicking her more often than before. Zhuang Kang, who had just taken care of his wife while she was pregnant, was excited to have such contact with his unborn child. He also had his son come and try to catch the younger one as well. Until Shuang Zihua could only admire the father and son duo who were no less excited about the children in her womb.

 The father and son looked after Shuang Zihua until she was eight months and two weeks into her pregnancy. Today, they went out to inspect the Grand Butler's caravan that had just returned to the tribe. This made Shuang Zihua rest in the palace with only her people.

 This time the caravan returning brought back a large amount of necessary supplies including rice and dry food. The head steward uses the money from trading in animal skins and local products in the tribe to bring back some of his supplies. and sold at cheap prices to the people in the tribe This matter was personally venerated by his wife. In addition, the queen gave a bill of exchange worth 10,000 taels to the main butler. She said not to let the Prince and her son know. Until all the things she wanted to carry were returned and they inquired, then they would tell the truth. Otherwise, they would definitely complain about her using their own money again.

 Will the Grand Butler have the courage to disobey the orders of his wife, who is loved by everyone? He only admired the Prince's kindness towards the people of the Duke's clan. The head steward who had become close to the people of the tribe no longer wanted to return to overseeing trade in the He Country. He had consulted with his family many times before. His family members also preferred the atmosphere of the clan rather than having to be careful in the He Province. So he thought of asking the Prince's permission to stay in the tribe permanently. He will serve as caravan leader until the role is passed on to his son in the future.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi listened to the report and inspected the dozens of carts of goods that the Grand Butler had brought. They had just learned that Shuang Zihua had secretly done so much to the clan without their knowledge. Zhuang Kang felt even more fond of her than before. In fact, he already loved her very much. But seeing her sacrifice her own money for his people like this He loved and adored her so much that he couldn't say any more words. He swore to himself that he would never hurt her again for the rest of his life. Now it was considered that he had done what he had told her not to make her cry. Because of the matter of her former family, he entrusted his elder brother to make arrangements for him before leaving. No matter when they would travel to the He Province next, Those bad guys would never see their wives again.

 While chatting with the Grand Butler and the others on the trip Shuang Zhihua's bodyguard also rushed out of the palace using his light skills, almost reaching Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi. He loudly shouted that his wife was about to give birth.

 This caused the people who were looking at the things to be confused about whether they were deaf or not. His wife's due date was still two weeks away. But now she's about to give birth. All the tribesmen stopped talking about the goods in the caravan for now. They hurried to the front of the palace and sat down praying for the queen's safe delivery. Today's prayers were led by the elders of the tribe who knew everything the Prince had done to the people of the tribe. They used their pure hearts to appeal to the gods. Protecting his wife and their two children who were about to be born without caring how long they sat together.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi also heard the voice of the guards. They used their light body techniques to race back to the palace as quickly as possible. The head steward ordered his son to take care of matters in the caravan on his behalf. Personally, he followed the Empress and the Prince closely as well.

 Upon reaching the front of the palace Everyone heard the sounds of the four midwives who had prepared them telling the princess to push to their rhythm. As for the servants and women, they took turns carrying tubs of hot water and tubs of blood, walking in and out of the palace as if they were joking.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi had just witnessed their first birth. The two of them saw a lot of blood and were even more worried about what might have happened to Shuang Zihua. Until the family members arrived and consoled the father and son for a long time. They slowly composed themselves and prayed like everyone else for Shuang Zihua to give birth safely as well.

 The aunts ordered her men to prepare more clean cloths for the delivery room. Including many diapers waiting for their great-grandchildren. Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi saw their step-by-step instructions and became somewhat relieved.

 They waited for almost three hours. The first baby's cry sounded. And not even five breaths The second baby's loud cries followed. Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi were almost at a loss as they waited for Shuang Zhihua to give birth safely for a long time. One hour later Two of Shuang Zihua's closest servants helped carry the two little princes out for everyone to see. She also said who was born first and who was born later.

 Zhuang Kang took the first born child and tried to hold it, as Auntie had told him. As for Shuang Zhizhi, he also picked up his little brother. He looked fondly at the face of the red baby wrapped in cloth. Finally, his younger sibling was born safely. Next, he will teach his younger siblings to learn things as he has learned them before. Father and Mother would be able to reduce the burden on the clan somewhat if the three siblings helped out more.