
Chapter 3

I return to class after checking it, I sent a message for Ereshkigal who was on the outside to check the situation. While most of my peerage stays in school I am not stupid enough to make all my peerage be in one single place that is predictable as location and time go. I know perfectly well that as long as one wishes they can lay an ambush via magic on the school, having someone that is outside and work separately and efficiently helps in diminishing the risks of a trap or to react to what may happen in town without risk of trouble happening when one can't move because of something stupid like classes. Having my peerage working in the school staff also helps in covering up any problems that may arise from a need to leave class while also ensuring there is always at least one protector for the two targets in case of an emergency.

I also have classes with either or both of them in all times, in no small part thanks to the director and vice-director being part of my peerage as well.

Really, I and my peerage as a whole put way too much work in taking care of two ungrateful brats who would rather I not be around so as to make their experience more 'genuine'. Ha, the two are idiots, if they want to know what it is like to be a normal human they could have gone to one of the African countries to see what humanity can be like or go to Washington to see the politicians' actions. Either would teach both of them WAY more about humanity and the world than just going to a rich guarded school where they can act like little spoiled princesses and throw this fact as if it was suffering on the faces of their siblings who put on so much effort in their wellbeing.

I enter the class and sit down to see the class.

"Students, in this class you will learn about World War 2 in detail and how the French lost in a humiliating way and only won because of others. Just a warning, though. It is a shitshow which one can only laugh at how stupid people can be, like, seriously they were dumb as bricks during the entire conflict.

"The soldiers who died for their higher-ups for stupid things I mean, not that those ordering others weren't dumb fuckers as well." the history teacher said with a sneer on her face. She was a Pawn in my peerage and her name is Jalter, or that is how she likes to be called.

She is also known as Jeanne Alter, an altered and corrupted version of Jeanne d'Arc. Well, to be truthful, despite being designated as an Alter she is not a different aspect of Jeanne d'Arc. She was the Jeanne D'Arc of vengeance that Gilles de Rais, the French Army's marshal who grieved for Jeanne d'Arc's death the most, fabricated in his mind and divulged to all as if reality, the delusions of a mad man. As a Heroic Spirit, she is an exact opposite of the proper Jeanne in all aspects, or at least this is what she says.

She accepted becoming my servant and pawn quite easily, unlike the other saint who was disgruntled about it, as this way she would 'spit in the face of God' all the more. It helps that I let her work on missions involving the extermination of Church members and fallen angels, she quite enjoys this fact.

In her own words, this is the most fun she has had since the time she burned the fucker who burned her previously.

I sit down on my chair but before five minutes pass a school announcement rings.

"Student Maximilian Pegasus, please come to the director's office. Repeat, third-year student, Maximilian Pegasus, come to the director's office." the speakers of the entire school said out and I groaned, Jalter smirked seeing this and from hearing my name being called. THIS is what happens when I accept letting Rias choosing the last name for me, it was her family who is paying the most and I get a 5% extra for the rights over choosing the last name for my persona in the human world.

And she chose the name of a man I seriously think might be a pervert and the man inside the costume of pedobear, if I wasn't getting well paid I seriously would have left this job then and there after finding out this little secret.

I just move out of the class, Rias snickering as I left. She and Sona both dislike me big time so they try and harass me out of school if at all possible. Not that the two ungrateful brats with idiotic notions in their minds would succeed, obviously.

I move to the director's office with a really tired feeling in my chest.

"Oh, Max-san, it is good to see you." Another teacher who is also a part of my peerage said as she was going to her class. She was holding some documents in her hand and I smiled seeing how earnest she is.

"It is good to see you too, teacher. I hope the students are not troubling you too much."

"Not at all, I am quite enjoying having classes like this. It is a new experience for me, at the very least." She says and I smile at her.

"That is good to hear, Medusa." As I say this she nods and asks.

"Do you need help? I am sure that with me there you can at least escape that slut." She says with all seriousness but I shake my head.

"No need, I know how she is and she would not really try anything much right now. Especially considering that the Vice-Director is certainly moving to this place as we speak, there is nothing to worry about. I have been dealing with her for years now, so don't worry." I say and reluctantly Medusa nodded.

"Very well, but if anything were to happen don't hesitate to call me, I am confident in my speed after all." She said as she moved to her classes, she was the Literature Teacher.

Medusa is one of my Knights, and she was an interesting and pitiful person, to say the least. The legend of Medusa is different than her actual life. She was said to be a half-human, half-god female beast often portrayed with the form of a snake. However, in truth, she was originally an Earth Goddess. While she and her two sisters were originally the apexes of what a beautiful woman should look like, she and her sisters were hated by Poseidon's wife because of his love for them. Athena, who was a jealous bitch who envied their beautiful hair, transformed them into demons, because, you know, she is a bitch in the age where there was no plastic surgeries or quality make-up. Perhaps this was the vengeful petty bitch's version of harassment, she really took the title of a bitch to heart if you ask me. Not having much of a choice the three sisters isolated themselves in a lightless temple on the Shapeless Isle, in hopes to be able to spend the rest of their lives alone and in peace.

But, since when do bullies like their 'toys' getting away so easily?

Athena would constantly send 'heroes' (read glory hawks with shit for brains) to kill the 'monsters' in the island. Thus Medusa, as the only of the three who knew how to fight, was forced to fight constantly against assailants. Without an option, Medusa continued to kill and kill to protect her family, but due to Athena's curse, she was turned more and more into a monster the more she killed humans. Eventually, she would completely turn into a monster and devour both her sisters.

The Gods, not finding that this punishment for the crime of being pretty was enough decided to send a last hero with weapons that this time managed to kill her, not being satisfied the hero desecrated her body and used her head as a weapon and trophy.

So, it is understandable that Medusa would appreciate the fact I am NOT a hero and that with the act of turning into a Devil she no longer would be under any form of control by the Gods. She also appreciated the fact I do not treat her as a monster and instead see her as the person who clearly suffered more than anyone deserves for no reason at all.

We came to an understatement long ago and sometimes we like to just read together, she reads romance novels and I read advanced economic books and the unofficial (because the official is normally embellished and sucks) biographies of cheaters, crime lords, politicians, and anything that catches my fancy.

She is a beautiful woman, gray eyes beneath charming glasses, long legs that goes for miles, taut ass that looks to have the right mix of fat and muscle, great breasts that were not absurdly big but definetly bigger than most and being impossibly perky, face that makes one think that this is the epitome of sexiness, a true mature beauty that suppresses in every way the director of the school in my eyes. Not that either would ever agree to it, one because of how full of herself she is and the other because of an inferiority complex.

Medusa also hated some of the others in my peerage and especially disliked the director. Knowing the reasonings as to why I can only think that I would much rather not go deal with this shit as I am not getting paid for this. But, appearances must be maintained and, as such, I must do this.


"Enter." A voice said from the inside and I opened the door to see a woman in her early twenties sitting cross-legged over the table while having a triumphant smile to her face and a crop in it too. She was wearing a white dress that was much too short and with some see-through parts in them, her face showed mischievousness and purity at the same time and, despite her more than lackluster body curves, she exuded an aura of sexiness that was hard to miss. Her golden eyes adorned her pretty face as her long pink hair descended to the height of her ass that is the only curve on her body that I admit is quite nice in its own way.

"So? Why exactly did you call me here this time around, Medb?" I ask my Pawn who smiled deviously. I can see where this is coming and I just know how this will end up, why can't she just wait for night time or something? This is still class time and it still is work time now.

"Why? Because someone still didn't accept his place as my king truly and, as such, he must be punished for it." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I already told you, Medb. I AM your king regardless just as you are my pawn, but I will not be the king you want as I have a good idea about what happens to those who take that role beside you. I would say 'go fuck yourself' but you'd probably like it so I will just leave now." I say and turn to leave but she jumps and moves in quickly, holding me back as she speaks.

"Not so fast! I will not let you leave until you admit me as your Queen, not a freaking pawn." She says as she straddles my waist and purrs in my ears. "I sent that annoying Vice-Director to deal with some problems regarding the Pre-schoolers division, she won't come back for a good while and by the time I am done with you you WILL be calling me Queen!"

Well, I can either escape right now or fuck her as she wants. In one option I get to keep my 'honor' or whatever, but in just one I actually get something out of this. So, my decision is obvious.

I take out my pants then and there, much to her excitement. I am not some virgin boy who would deny this sort of interaction after all and if she is wanting to let me fuck her then I don't really mind.


Two Hours Later

"Well, I have to get going, Medb. Thanks for the refreshing experience, bye." I say as I walk out letting a fucked-silly Medb behind who can't even talk properly and is on cloud nine during the last half hour and probably will stay there for a while yet.

I am VERY glad that I am half Asmodeus, it may give me unnatural stamina and drive when it comes to sex but the family trait Desire that let me sense (letting me sense the desire of others), amplify (makes one feel even more of any sensation and/or desire), or enforce (force a certain thought or desire on another, letting me indulge others in a certain emotion of my choosing) a desire on another REALLY helps in bed to make things more exciting. I also made it good for battle, but then again having sex with Medb is a battle in and of itself so I consider that it counts anyway.



Peerage Until Now:

King - Maximilian Mammon

Queen - Valerie

Rook 1 - Ereshkigal

Rook 2 - ?

Knight 1 - Medusa

Knight 2 - ?

Bishop 1 - ?

Bishop 2 - ?

Pawn 1 - Leonardo Da Vinci

Pawn 2 - Jeanne Alter (Jalter)

Pawn 3 - Medb

Pawn 4 - ?

Pawn 5 - ?

Pawn 6 - ?

Pawn 7 - ?

Pawn 8 - ?

Also, a question. Should I show the Lemon scenes in the chapters itself or in a different story? Or just foregone Lemons and not show them, just let them be something in the background?