

"The fuck is this?" "The fuck is that?!" "The fuck are you?! Huh oh wait it's just you Shirou," A man who has forgotten practically everything about himself has spent his whole entire life as a ghost no I am not joking like an actual fucking ghost. On the day of the Fuyuki Fire though he finds that a boy named Shirou who for some reason is able to see him from then on the man decided to stick alongside the kid who knows maybe he'll find out who he is along the way. Author's Note: -Mc is not Ichigo just a guy that looks and has the same name as Mugetsu - Unlimited Bankai Works is now a thing - I am not a pro so don't expect anything professional - I don't have a schedule I just update depending on how I am feeling - I don't update much because of college

FateAuthor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter One: The Wondering Ghost

Unknown POV

I walked aimlessly without much purpose I take a look at the sky seeing nothing but ash around me there are cursed flames, yet it could not touch me for I did not have a human body rather I was but a spirit that has been on this plane since I first woke up five years ago in some random forest. 

I remember trying to recall who I was, but they were simply lost to me when I finally arrived at some sort of advanced civilizations, I sought out aid but received none for I was just a mere specter a ghost that hadn't passed onto whatever afterlife there was. 

 I spent the rest of my five years simply wandering aimlessly observing those around me until now when I had come across this large, cursed wildfire I felt like something had guided me here I do not know whether it was my instinct or if it was some string that was given out by fate but either way, I followed it in hopes that I may find some sort of answer. 

"How annoying," I remarked swiping my hand away disintegrating the incoming cursed spirit with a wave of black fire. 

I continued my walk forward only to be disappointed for I could only see death my eyes soften in sympathy or was it perhaps pity I didn't know either way I kept walking until I came across a red-haired child who had collapsed on a pile of rubble. 

I walked over to the boy standing in front of him "...how sad to keep on walking through this hell only to fall at the very end," I said with a narrowed look knowing the boy couldn't hear me and yet to my surprise though the boy makes eye contact with me "a-are you a Shinigami?" he asked my eyes widen "y-you can see me?" I stuttered out rather than responding to his odd question the boy weakly nodded. 

I glanced down in thought "I see now perhaps I was correct when I thought something was guiding me here...tell me boy do you wish to live?" I questioned keeling down closely to him the boy looks at me searching for something in my empty void like eyes slowly the boy coughed out a manageable response "y-yes," 

I nod placing my bandaged hand on top of his chest "then from this point on you and I are partners I look forward to seeing what we will do in the future," I respond with some small bit of excitement for the first time in five years.

Slowly a bright crimson, black aura exploded out from me destroying my current form when the process was complete a medium sized crimson, black sphere was left hovering for a moment until it entered the boy's chest granting said boy enough energy to move himself from the rubble but not enough to completely make it out by himself but through the machinations of fate another man had found the boy saving him while finding salvation at the same time. 

When I open my eyes, I am greeted to the sight of a gray deserted land without any life in sight the sky which was normally blue was now completely black "so the transfer was complete huh looks like the boy is currently unconscious right now...huh what is this?" I questioned seeing a bright a golden sheath which soon exploded revealing an endless land similar to the one I was standing in.

Only except instead of an infinite land of pure gray it was a normal brown desert like land, the sky was filled with a number of clouds, gears of great sizes stood chained together in the sky, and lastly the sun shone so brightly that I had to squint my eyes for a moment just to gaze at the hill up ahead where I could see the same beautifully crafted sheath stabbed on top of the hill. 

Curiosity took the betterment of me when I began to leave my side of my mindscape and into the boy's I expected some mental resistance but was surprised to find none. My feet touched the golden-brown ground it was rough and course still I ignored it though wanting to inspect the sheath up ahead. 

With this goal in my mind, I began walking straight the wind blew gently across my face blowing my long black hair black while the torn black Shihakusho I wore danced around in the air sand would occasionally make its way towards me but placing my right bandaged covered hand across my face was enough to protect my face and eyes. 

When I finally made it to the top of the hill, I uncovered my face to inspect the buried sheath my eyes scanned the outside admiring the design gently I placed my right hand on the sheath's surface I glided my fingers down to fully feel it out my eyes close.

My mind received the blueprint of the weapon, complete understanding of its abilities, and of course identified that the sheath had no soul or conscious of its own. The sheath began to glow in my grip and to my shock the scenery changes to a bloodied hill filled with nothing but dead bodies and swords. 

I looked around in interest spotting multiple glowing orbs emanating for the dead corpse's chests going to each body I touched each and every one of them the orbs making them disappear my eyes closed in contemplation my mind understood what it was I had just done now. 

I had taken in the souls of those who had died stripped them of their memories and conscious sending them away to something called Akasha leaving behind materials to forge something called a soul weapon or otherwise called zanpakuto. 

Did I feel bad for what I had done? No I did not because I wasn't human, I was something else of that I am certain for even in my five years of solitude I felt absolutely nothing or to simply put it I didn't have a heart something all humans possessed.

It is thanks to the heart that humans are able to feel things like morality, compassion, and so on I thought closing my eyes for a moment until I heard the sounds of someone sobbing loudly raising a brow I began to walk to the source of the unknown cry.

I climbed up the hill of bodies without a care in the world until I finally made it to the top where I came face to face with a petite blond-haired woman with green eyes that were currently filled with tears. 

My face scrunches up a bit at the sight of her crying "why is it that you cry is it perhaps for those that have died or maybe it is because of something else that I am not aware of?" I questioned out loud the woman swiftly perked up "w-who said that! show yourself," she shouted. 

"Can you perhaps hear me if you cannot see me?" I mutter with intrigue only to be disappointed when she kept shouting for me to reveal myself.

I shook my head in disappointment "perhaps only that boy was the only exception...how cruel," I said with disappointment and with that I began to walk away disappearing back to the lone golden brown hill. 

I stepped back from the scabbard "hey it's you the man from before," came the voice of the boy ah it seems the boy had regained enough conscious to wake up in our shared mindscape I thought turning to face the boy who could possibly aid me in finding out my identity and purpose "...hello there child," 

-end of chapter one-

You're probably wondering why Saber was acting so OOC for a moment because she would never stutter but you're wrong because it's her when she returns back from the events of fate zero and has gone through a lot of trauma because of Kiritsugu.