
Loki and His Children Still Troublesome as Ever

Out of the ground appears a Giant composed of countless tree branches. The giant wears fire into its body, and the giant torso is a cage. Seeing the Giant that emerges from the ground, Fenrir tries to retreat, but with Gae Bolg on its mouth, Fenrir can't move an inch.


Seeing his son's condition, Loki tries to help his son, but before he can help Fenrir, Four magic circles appear around him and release lightning from it, making him distracted. While defending himself from the spell, Loki can see his son get taken by the giant and place Fenrir on the cage in Its torso.

"Go, Wicker Man"

After placing Fenrir to the cage, the Giant then dropped its body to the ground, and a second later, the fire began to surround the Giant and then consume it from the outside. Loki then sees a fire with the shape of the Giant appear and explodes, creating a pillar of flame that reaches the sky.

When the Fire vanishes, Loki can see his son's body on the ground burned, but Fenrir still tries to get up and, with its last energy, Fenrir roars once more. As Fenrir roars the black mud coming from its body and coating the rest of Fenrir's body, making it like a corrupted mud monster takes leaking a foul aura.

"Goddammit, Why this beast is not dead yet."

"I don't know, but we need to finish this fast."


Archer, Lancer, and Caster agreed to kill Fenrir as fast as they could.

'Archer, can you hold Fenrir?'

Archer hears Fujimaru through their mental link.

"I don't know master, looking at Fenrir now, I predict it gain a big boost from the corrupted grail mud."

'Try to hold Fenrir for a few minutes. Berserker is almost finished with Hati and Sköll'

"That fast?"

'When I said they could go wild, I mean it.'

"I guess We can hold Fenrir for a few minutes."

'Good, Because I need to help Lily and Rider dealing with Midgardsormr. Oh yeah, Also be careful of Loki he looks pissed he might help Fenrir dealing with you guys.'

"Will do Master."


Archer then looks at Lancer and Caster, who appear near him and says.

"Master says that Berserker will come and help us dealing with Fenrir."

"What about Hati and Sköll?"

"They almost finished with them."

"That fast?"

"Yeah. Anyway, Fenrir is coming at us with Loki on top of its head."

True to Archer's word Fenrir comes toward them with Loki on top of Fenrir's head and looks very angry at them.

"Lancer, I want you to fight Loki while we hold Fenrir."

"Very Well"

Lancer suddenly disappears from his previous spot and appears in front of Loki and strikes him down with Gae Bolg throwing off Loki from Fenrir's head. Fenrir seeing its father get thrown off to the ground wanted to help him but stopped by a tree root that appeared on its feet, making Fenrir can't move from its current position. While Fenrir is busy freeing itself, Archer creates another weapon.

Archer is grateful for his new strength. If he didn't ascend, he can't use the noble phantasm; he wanted to use at least not on its full power. He is also lucky he has a Master that has a massive amount of Mana inside her body. Lastly, with this world still in the Age of Gods, his tracing can create a weapon that has the same amount of power from the original.

The weapon he created is the weapon used by a certain count that became famous after he was impaling massive amounts of people. As the weapon appears in his hand, Archer stabs the spear to the ground and says.

"Kazikli Bey: The Lord of Execution"

The ground around them began to shake as many stakes appeared from the ground and stabbed Fenrir right in its belly. Archer knows that many stakes will not be able to pierce Fenrir fur, but he doesn't need the stake to penetrate Fenrir from the outside.

Fenrir successfully freed itself from the tree root Caster created and began to charge at Archer, who was still holding Kazikli Bey on his hand. Before Fenrir was able to reach Archer; however, many stakes started to appear from Fenrir's body, making it roar in Agony.


The true effect of the ability is not to 'create stakes,' but instead that the Noble Phantasm itself is 'stakes stabbed into the enemy.' Once the enemy has received an attack, it matters not how much the body of the enemy is fortified because the stakes manifest in the state of 'already having pierced the enemy.' Originating from the enemy's heart and piercing outward, there is no way to avoid them with speed because the attack manifests as 'already ending.'


Archer snaps from his thought when he sees Fenrir let out a roar, and suddenly all the stake on its body disappears, leaving Fenrir good as new.

Fenrir then charges once more, and its target is Archer. Before he reaches Archer, Fenrir gets stopped once more, but this time the one that stops him is Heracles, who grab Fenrir's head and then throw him away.


Heracles roar and then take his sword-ax and go into a stance that is very familiar for Archer.


Berserker then swung his sword at an Extreme Speed making a hundred sword slash in a second. Heracles' attack hit Fenrir's body and cut both of Its legs. It was not over, however, as Archer heard another roar coming from above. So Archer looks up and sees Lancelot holding Fragarch in his hand.


Lancelot then descended from the sky and pierced Fenrir's skull with Fragarach, finally killing Fenrir with his attack. The two Berserker celebrate their victory by roaring at each other.



Archer is grateful that those two are his allies, not enemies because he knows that he can't win against both of them at the same time.


I look at Archer, Lancer and Caster finished their battle with Fenrir with the help of Berserker. I then look at Midgardsormr, who already lost both its eyes and has many injuries.

"Guys, let's finish this fight, Lily use your Noble Phantasm first. Rider, you use your Noble Phantasm after Lily uses her Noble Phantasm."



"Good, Asia, can you stop Midgardsormr from moving?"

"I will try, Master."

"Very well, do it now."

I then saw Asia's hands begin to glow and release a light beam toward Midgardsormr.

"Fairy Law"

Errr, Asia? You are in the wrong Universe, you know? Fairy Law is from the other Anime, you know?

Anyway, After Asia uses her spell, Midgardsormr stops moving and seeing Midgardsormr stop moving around, I order Lily and Rider to use their Noble Phantasm.

"Please watch me. I will bring you victory!"

"Sword of Selection, grant me power! Cleave the wicked!"


As Lily Noble Phantasm hit Midgardsormr, It's scale began to drop to the ground leaving Midgardsormr head to become scaleless.

"Now, Rider, use your Noble Phantasm and cut its head off."

Rider raises his sword and says.

"Let me show you!"

"This is the truth of Ascalon! Thou dragon with sin!"


Rider then jumps high to the air and swings Ascalon that shine brightly with power down toward Midgardsormr scaleless head and cuts the head from its body, killing Midgardsormr.

"Midgardsormr is killed, and the only one left is Loki, huh?"

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts