

When I pressed the button, we got enveloped by light, and suddenly, we were gone from the Wizarding World. That's how it's supposed to happen, but instead, a portal appears in front of us.

"Archer, is this the same portal that Troll Vampire uses to prank you?"

"No, it was not the same portal, master. I know what the Troll portal looks like, and this one is not one of them."

"I see, then prepare your weapon. I want you guys to prepare for anything."


"Good, Berserker, go in front. Rider and Artoria go behind Lancelot and Heracles, also summon your steed. Lily, Lancer, and Archer go next. While Asia, Custer, Ophis, Muramasa and Me will be in the back. Assassin, Jacky, and Benienma, I need you guys to conceal yourself and protect us from the shadow."

After giving the order to my servant, we then walk through the portal and see a blinding light for a second before suddenly, I see many people at the end of the portal. I know all these people. They are the servants that get summoned in the Orleans Singularity, which make us in the Solomon: The Grand Time Temple Singularity.


"Um, excuse me, but who are you, people?"

"Er, I guess we are the travelers that are lost in the road of life."


"Yes, we lost on the road of life."


Before Jeanne can finish her sentences, the Demon God Naberius attacks us with a laser beam that comes from one of its many eyeballs. My servant and I were able to dodge the attack quickly, but before we were able to counter-attack, many monsters appeared around the Demon God body.

"We will discuss this later, right now we should focus on the enemy."

"Very Well, then please help Fujimaru Ritsuka as he tries to save the world."

"Will do."

I then look at my counterpart, holding his ground against a Demon Gods. I was impressed by the will power of my counterpart as he didn't show any fear on his face. I walk toward him and put my hand on his shoulder before saying.


I give him my personal Azoth Blade that I enchanted with the most powerful Rune I can inscribe on the blade surface.

"This is Azoth Blade. I guess you already know what it is, but this blade is special as I enchant it with many Rune."

"Thank you?"

"No Problem, and inside this pouch is 200 Runestone that you can use if the enemy approaches you."

"Thank you, but why?"

"Because we don't want your kouhai worried about your well being now, would we? With this, Mashu can focus on the enemy without worrying about you every second."

"I see."

After giving my counterpart Azoth Blade and the Runestone, I began to run toward the Demon Gods that just appeared inside the room.


I hear my counterpart telling me to wait, but I ignore him because I know that he didn't want to go to the front line seeing that I'm a master just like him. I continue to run toward the Demon Gods that just appear in the room and activate the Incinerate Anthem and burn the Demon Gods with the Holy Fire.

If my knowledge is right, then the Demon Gods inside this room are Aim, Bathin, Botis, Ipos, Morax, Naberius, Purson, Saleos, and Zepar.

I don't know which Demon Gods I'm currently facing, but I don't care as I began to increase the Incinerate Anthem power and burn the Demon Gods into ashes. When I was about to go to the other Demon Gods, the one that just turned into ashes had already been resurrected and began to fight me once more.

"This gonna be suck, isn't it?"

There must be something I could do to delay the resurrection because, In the Canon, Fujimaru Ritsuka can defeat all of them and make them slow their revival long enough so Fujimaru and Mashu can get to the other room.

I look at the center of the room where I see the biggest Demon Gods than the other waiting and not attacking us. I fire my Incinerate Anthem toward the Demon Gods in the middle of the room, and before my fire can reach its target, four tentacles appear in front of my fire and take it to protect the Demon Gods Naberius.


When hearing my shout, my servant then looked at Naberius and began to run toward the Demon Gods at their full speed. However, the Demon Gods didn't just wait and let us attack Naberius. Suddenly the entire room filled with Mob Monster that began to attack us fiercely.

While the Mob is weak, The number that Demon Gods spawns make our movement speed significantly reduced. The other Demon Gods also attack as with the help of the Mob, which makes its attack more effective as they attack us with a surprise attack.

"Cih, we can't reach Naberius at this rate."

"Let me clear the path."

I looked at Saint Martha, who walked in front of us with her staff on her hand, and she began to pray.

"A miracle!" "

"O', Tragic Drake Who Knew Naught of Love... Like a star! "


Suddenly a shadow appears behind Saint Martha, and a second later, Tarasque appears from the shadow. When Tarasque appeared behind her, Saint Martha jumped behind Tarasque and raised her staff.


Saint Martha then swung her staff like a baseball bat and hit Tarasque. I then see the huge Dragon get launched toward the Mob and burn them all to ashes.


While running toward Naberius, I see many tentacles that try to hold us from reaching Naberius, but before the Tentacle can reach us, Vlad Tepes uses his Noble Phantasm.

"Kazikli Bey!"

From the ground appear many stakes that hold the Tentacle before it reaches us. We continue to run toward Naberius for a few seconds before we appear in front of the Demon God's body. I see that around Naberius is another Demon God that protects it with their tentacles.

"Go wild and unleash your Noble Phantasm."

I order all my servants to expect to unleash their Noble Phantasm.

"Ochd Deug Odin!"


"Gae Bolg!"



"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!! "


After activating their Noble Phantasm, there is a huge explosion happening in the middle of the room. After the explosion finished, I cannot see Naberius anywhere, and the fact that the other Demon Gods are not resurrected, I guess we are succeeded.

"Hey, master?"

"What is it, Archer?"

"Can I say something to you?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"How hard could it be? Eh? Master? It looks like you can't use your Pay to Win strategy now, can you?"

"Shut up Archer"

"Hah, Welcome to the E-Rank Luck Club"

"I said shut up, Archer."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts