

(Kim's mansion)

"Jace your last concert was fire!" Ellison (Jace's mum) Exclaimed , Jace looked at her and let out a soft smile,Ellison noticing Jace's sour mood asked What the problem was.

" I'm okay mum,I'm just tired "Jace said.

"Okay my love are you hungry?", "would you like to eat anything?"Ellison asked looking worried,

"Mum I ate before I came home don't worry about me ,I'm fine "Jace replied.

Jace began moving up the stairs heading to his room leaving Ellison looking worried.

"Are you sure you are alright"?, "Do you need someone to talk to?" Ellison screamed.

Jace just shook his head and entered his room locking the door behind him.

Jace then layed on his bed tiredly, "why does my mind keeps going back to that girl?" Jace asked himself " and why does she look so familiar? "he creased his brows.

He dipped his hand into his back pocket to take his phone but he couldn't find it.

"Uhh,where is my phone?!" he sat up straight and began to wonder where he left his phone. "Jeez,where could I have left my phone?",I'm just so careless", he told himself.

"Bingo!!",he screamed.

"I left it at Dean's office"🤦‍♂️he said face palming himself."anyways I'll get it later"he said and then went to freshen up.


(Lee's mansion)

At the dinning table, every members of the Lee family gathered to eat dinner except Lucy.

"Where is Lucy"? Jay(Lucy's father)asked.

"She went out". Katrina replied,

"Didn't you tell her i said everyone should be around for dinner"?Jace asked again ,anger clearly written all over his face.

"She will soon be back darling I sent her on an errand". Jeniffer replied (Lucy's mother).

"Dad, can we continue with our food?"asked Vincent(Lucy's younger brother).

"Food is all you know",Katrina shrugged. Vincent shot Katrina a deadly glare and was about to reply when

"Enough!!! Let's eat". Jay interfered. Everywhere became quiet.

"Thats better!" Said Norman(Lucy's elder brother and first born of the family)looking satisfied.


At a club(Elites club)

"Seriously I'm getting tired of that house!!!!",screamed Abigail(Lucy's best friend).

"Well you just have to cope till you get a house of your own replied Lucy".

"But how will I do that,when my mum literally screams at me everyday,my dad is never around and I have two annoying younger ones with me," Abigail muttered.

"You just have to learn how to ignore things", Lucy said not facing Abigail.

"Not everyone is like you Lucy!,Not everyone has the strength to ignore or forgo things",Abigail said looking annoyed already. "Then you just have to build up your strength and again anyone can be like me,if u decide to act like me" ,Lucy shrugged. "Well thanks for the advice Miss "learn how to ignore things""Abigail said in annoyance then she took her leave.

Lucy just shrugged and waved at her,even though she got no reply.

"Can I have one more bottle of vodka?"Lucy asked the bartender.

"Okay ma, One bottle of vodka coming up",replied the bartender.


"Well,well,well looks like these two are back for revenge", said an old looking woman.

"I don't think so,they dont even remember anything" replied a young man.

"Okay we shall wait for the auspicious time,when everything will occur again,my master and mistress are back", said the old woman again.

"But mother why do you look so happy?" asked the young man.

"You will soon understand why my child,Let's just pray for their safety, they need to be safe for them to be able to regain their memories and power "the old woman continued.