

The world is full of mysterious and exciting things.,But excitement can also turn sour right ?.

This was the life of a popular idol named Kim Jace a 23 year old guy and a prestigious citizen of South Korea, Being the only child of one of the most successful business man and woman ,he was so privileged to see the world ,He was one of the most successful idols in the world,he had everything he had always wanted things like money,fame,a good family background,a supposedly perfect love life,but he was still not happy , before he became an idol , he had always wanted to perform on stage and he had always liked the idea of people cheering him up, He begged his dad to make this dream of his come true , although his Dad(Jackson)never liked the idea of him pursuing his dream of becoming an idol ,his dad wanted him to become a wealthy and successful business man like him but Jace's dream was different from his father's own. but after the persuasion from Jace 's mother(Ellison) his father finally allowed him to pursue his Dream. Jace was so happy and thought finally I will get to live a life I had always dreamt of having.

So back to the present, after Jace had already fulfilled his long life dream,He started to get tired of it, he started to get tired of having it all,but what could he do ?, he just had to continue living his life like that.


Somewhere around Korea also lives a young angel named Lee Lucy, she is a girl from a good home and from a wonderful family,but there is something strange about her,she is the only silver-haired girl in her family and also the first person to be silver haired in her blood line.

Lee Lucy is a 21 year old girl and the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lee who are the ceo of Lee's outfit, Lucy had always dreamt of becoming a crime fighter and she had the support of her whole family. Lucy's Dad( Jay) loved his family so much and showed them a lot of support.

Lucy was born in a family of four, She being the second born and first female child made her privileged to many things her siblings were not privileged to have or do.

Lucy's dream of becoming a crime fighter was yet to be fulfilled, Lucy attended Korean army high school and college and she received a lot of degrees, Lucy's mother asked her why she wanted to become a crime fighter before Lucy could give an answer, her mother(Jennifer): "Lucy you are the first female I've seen to be zealous about becoming a crime fighter",Lucy also wondered why she wanted to become a crime fighter, she just told her mum,"Mum i really dont know ,but I just feel the urge to punish criminals. Her mum then replied maybe you were treated wrongly in your previous life and ended the sentence with a laughter,though it sounded funny but the sentence seemed real to Lucy.

Lucy hated the pop music world and she hated Kim Jace she regarded him as two face and she doesn't see a reason why people worship him ,including her younger sister,anyways what she always tells her self is "Pop musicians are all criminals especially Kim Jace",and she never wanted to cross part with any of them.

Oh and i forgot to mention, Kim Jace most hated people on earth are the crime fighter,he really doesn't know why he hates them so much,but he feels he had a bad connection with them ,but he doesn't know when he developed one with them.