
To Save The Many

Floating in the sky above Ryuudouji Temple, Medea had more than a few thoughts in her mind even with the threat that was this war's Lancer Class servant headed right for her because, as he'd said, she was a vile and depraved witch. He wasn't the first to perceive her as such and he wouldn't be the last.

But looking at it from a different perspective, maybe her own choice in fashion had something to do with it.

Dressed in a hooded purplish-blue robe with golden embroidery that was as intricate as it was eerie, she looked exactly like what the masses would expect a witch to look like.

Medea had been summoned by a magus master who prided himself on being able to convert innocent children to barely adequate amounts of crystallised mana and lashed out when she outdid him. He kept her magical energy levels below his own after that and apparently had only summoned her because of her Argon Coin which could potentially summon a dragon under the right conditions.

So she'd done what she thought was best, severed their contract, destroyed his abominable workshop, freed the children and escaped to run into her current Master who treated someone like her well and not as a tool, her next course of action was easily decided when faced with such a new situation, having never been given such treatment.

He had treated her with genuine kindness, dedication and loyalty unlike all others before him, watching over her recovery and looking after her.

Was it so wrong then that she desired to preserve what she had obtained any means necessary?

Medea shook her head, driving away such thoughts and stared down at the path leading up into the temple grounds, ready to face her newest adversary.

The man had gone toe to toe with the monstrosity that was Heracles, son of Almighty Zeus and she wasn't foolish enough to think she could win against him even if the battle took place in her bounded fields.

It didn't mean that she had no way of combating him though.

Once made aware of his identity and nature, it was rather easy to formulate a plan that would end with her as the victor without there being conflict in the first place. It would also grant her a new card and a reliable weapon against the Berserker servant participating in the war.

Soon enough Aston came into view, his metal armour clanging against the ground as he calmly stepped forward, his jagged spear held out to the left side as he surveyed his surroundings unhindered by his helmet and noticed her presence almost immediately, "Greetings, is it the norm to be dressed as such among witches? I believe the people of this age call it being stereotypical?" The Knight of Atrocity tilted his head, his tone gentle and cordial.

"Your language is as barbaric as I'd heard." Medea shot back, ready to fire off dozens of spells on top of the many she'd already set up should the need for it arise.

If her plan was as feasible as she believed then it definitely wouldn't.

"My, it appears my name has been slandered.." Aston bowed with a hand over his chest, "I assure you I am the most well-spoken person you will ever meet." It was the objective truth, no one was as nice as he was.

The Lancer knew it was a bit of a stretch to not expect an uphill battle in a caster servant's homefield but Bazett, standing behind him, had allowed him to do so. If something went wrong, it would be on the both of them.

"My Master.." He whispered, leaning back a bit, "Was it truly necessary for you to come along?" He'd insisted she return after the conflict with Assassin but she refused to budge for some reason.

Bazett solemnly nodded her head, "Yes." Not after what she'd been shown, she refused to let the man charge headfirst into dangerous situations alone, he'd suffered by himself enough.

She knew it was an irrational decision born of emotion but so what, Bazett would be his companion whether he liked it or not.

That way, at least her frustration would be alleviated even if slightly.

That way, she could at least act on the pity she felt for her servant.

"I've already met someone better spoken than you." Medea smirked, referring to her own Master and floated down to the ground. Once on her own two feet however, the Witch of Colchis was reminded of the sheer height difference between the average man and the servant she faced.

Aston seemed to be genuinely surprised by her declaration, "Is it truly so? Then I must meet this person." Their conversation would be legendary! He was forced to drop his casual attitude when Medea flicked her wrist and a torrent of searing flames swept across the earth even if it didn't amount to much.

The Lancer easily swung his fist at an incredible speed, snuffing out the fire with the shockwaves produced subsequently, "Right to combat it is." Aston nodded his head in understanding, firmly gripping his spear even if he wanted to make small talk before they tried to murder each other.

"Oh no dear, there won't be any combat." Medea smiled and shook her head, denying his words before raising her hand and snapping her fingers, lighting up one side of the temple they were in, "I don't think you'll want that."

Aston pursed his lips, suddenly finding himself terribly annoyed with what the Caster servant had revealed using a simple illumination spell.

Unconscious children lying on the cold hard ground, tied up and gagged. Their bodies suggested they weren't harmed in any physical way but the enemy was a magus, she could do much MUCH worse with great ease.

"You wouldn't." Aston tried to call out to her, hoping that she was only bluffing even if the chances of that being the case were abysmal, "You wouldn't use kids."

Medea giggled at his words before it turned to full-blown laughter, "I happen to be a Caster." Even if it was a bluff, the situation and her own identity made it look like it wasn't, "What now, heroic knight?" She'd observed him long enough, he was a hero was he not? Maybe if they'd been adults he wouldn't hesitate but not for children, humans were strange like that.

Aston's lips twitched in annoyed frustration before he changed directions, intending to make use of as much speed as he could to move them only it seemed Medea had expected as much.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The Witch of Betrayal shook her head, telling him off as if he were a child, "You would end up trapped too." No matter how fast he was, this was her workshop. She had a spell anchoring space deployed over the children and as soon as he entered it's effective area, he would be frozen and put his Master in jeopardy.

Medea knew of Aston now AND of how he was, "A hero through and through!" She mocked openly, he was a hero not naive enough to believe everyone could be saved and therein lay his fault, he would choose the many over the few.

Unfortunately, his own Master happened to be the few.

Knowing Aston, Medea completely believed he wouldn't even consider retreating an option.

And his opponent, was unlike any he'd faced before.

Aston opened and closed his fist several times, he'd been in hostage situations before but his speed had more than sufficed.


If he went for the children, Bazett would end up attacked.

If he attacked Caster, in a Bounded Field of her making, the hostages would end up dead or worse.

If he tried to run away, that would be the same as abandoning innocent children to their fates.

He was insanely fast yes, but with his true speed inaccessible, the knight didn't believe he could outpace a magus that could potentially freeze space.

The Knight of Atrocity clicked his tongue, relenting after a good sixty seconds spent thinking about a solution to the sudden dilemma, why did his Master have to insist on coming along?! He didn't voice that thought, she wasn't to blame too much.

This was why he was better off just fighting for someone who could properly strategise and scheme.

"What.. do you want?"

Strangely, it wasn't Aston that spoke, it was his Master.

Bazett Fraga McRemitz clenched her fists, realising how she'd messed up. She was not like the traditional heartless magi, she couldn't let so many innocents be put in harm's way, "What do you want?" And so, she asked again.

"My Master, you need not-"

"Hmm~" Medea walked around, relaxed and certain of her victory, selfless people really were too easy weren't they? She never intended to do anything to the children in the first place but they didn't need to know that, "I want.." Running a finger over her lower lip, she pointed at Aston,

"Your servant."

Aston went completely silent, not knowing what he was supposed to do.

Sure the hostages were strangers but he was unwilling to allow their deaths when they could be avoided. He also didn't want to put his Master in danger even if the logical choice was to abandon her, she didn't deserve that.

Bazett resolved herself in the time Aston spent questioning himself, "How?" This was the best way.

She wouldn't do what Artoria did, Bazett wouldn't make Aston go against all he stood for for her own gain. She refused to let him sever parts of himself as he had continued to do 'for the greater good'.

It was emotional, irrational but she didn't care.

Not after all he'd put himself through, this would be his break.

Someone else would lose what they desired instead of him even if that someone else was herself.


Welcome to fate, where being a good person just don't work.

Aston's Lancer luck kicking him in the balls?

They're dealing with a servant talented in plotting that happens to be a Caster. i.e: a magus.

Some feedback, please?


You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

It might be one or two chapters off but rest assured, that's usually only the case for a day at most. I attribute the slight inconsistency to the nature of the month.
