

Becoming the Servant version of Beelzebub was strange, especially when it came with weird powers and an even weirder system. Stuck in war that he would very much like nothing to with, he must come to understand his own powers. Especially when he has to fight the demon version of himself. inspired by Fate/Poseidon

Elliot_White_0901 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2- Evil Ruler

Beelzebub watched with amusement as he saw Assassin being skewered again by Archer. A convincing show, but even with no meta knowledge, he could tell such a thing was fake. No Assassin worth their salt would commit to an attack on a well fortified location with a Servant of unknown power guarding it.

Tokiomi likely knew this, so the whole point of the charade was just so he could get plausible deniability. His goal was Kirei under protection of the church and collude, and if their alliance was discovered he could claim that Kirei tricked him as well. With the arbiter on his side and no way to prove it, they couldn't pin anything on him.

If anybody got tricked by the scheme then all the better, he could pick them of from the shadows with little difficulty. It was a smart scheme, but incredibly obvious to anybody who actually had experience. It didn't work at all on Kiritsugu, hell even Maiya immediately picked up on how staged it looked.

Beelzebub waved away the recording before going back to reading the scripts that had been located deep within the temple. Ryuudou Temple once contained actual magi who practiced Houjutsu, but slowly dwindled as time went on, leaving their legacies untouched by future generations. Beelzebub highly doubted the monks even knew what they were doing, but they had maintained the works of their ancestors to an impressive degree.

Although his magical knowledge was immense, it was not a waste to read through the works of others, especially since his Japanese Magecraft was subpar when compared to his proficiencies in other pathways. Not to mention that he currently had nothing better to do, since he needed to wait until his [Territory Creation] had fully taken over the temple.

Once it was done, he doubted any single master could take him if he was at the temple. Not even mentioning the fact that he was sitting on the center of the Fuyuki leylines, or the fact the Ryuudou Temple had it's own bounded field given by a dragon that resists spirits, but Beelzebub had taken the time to set up his own bounded field to double down on the natural protections.

Just because he was taking his time did not mean he was being passive of course. Using the newly gained {Demonic Power: Lord of Flies], he had been mass creating flies to serve as his familiars. It was incredibly easy to stalk other members using [Shared Perception]. However, he did so carefully since their was another person using the exact same tactic.

Zouken Matou.

That was why Beelzebub was going to kill him, not just because of morality but because it helped him in the long run. It gave him a second base, took out an outside factor, saved a little girl and took out one of the masters since Kariya couldn't support Berserker without the crest worms. Not to mention that having Sakura could mean that he could just threaten him into handing over control of Berserker.

Berserker would be a useful pawn to have, especially since he could take on Gilgamesh and could fight without revealing his involvement. He could use Kariya as a puppet while making moves in the shadows, utilizing his advantage to the fullest. If they wanted to lure him out, the only way would be to attack him at the temple, which is exactly what he wanted to happen.

Of course, that was the best case scenario, not a completely realistic outcome. Chances are that Kariya would attack regardless because the crest worms ate to much of his common sense, and then die because Zouken was not longer helping him. Backup plans were a must, and Beelzebub needed to stack as much of the deck in his favor as possible.

Canon had already gone to hell with his appearance, so he needed to be prepared if an unknown butterflies started to appear, like if Francesca Prelati somehow managed to arrive or a dead apostle attacked because it wanted the Grail. Perhaps Angra Mainyu would sense his interference and do something drastic to change the situation.

Regardless, it didn't change the fact that he needed to prepared in case his plans go awry, so he needed more support. Thankfully, he knew just the way to get it. After all, what was better as fighting Heroic Spirits than another Heroic Spirit? Medea proved that you could utilize the Grail to summon a Heroic Spirit as long at it wasn't a proper one, such as Sasaki Kojirou, who was just a wraith.

For Beelzebub, who shared a name with a demon? Changing the summoning ritual was as easy as breathing, and summoning a wraith was even easier. The question was more of who he was going to get rather than if he could. What he needed was not only a Servant that could block the only way into his bounded field but also work to attack his enemies.

His biggest advantage was that he knew everything about his enemies while they knew nothing about him. That means that as long as they believe that someone else was him, they wouldn't be aware of his actions. The problem was that no way was anybody going to mistake an Assassin as a Caster. But what if the Servant could wipe away all information about it's abilities?

With that thought Beelzebub started the ritual, concentrating on the spirit he was trying to summon and utilizing [Summoning-A] using his [Inherent Wisdom] skill. The ritual he was using was a feat of necromancy using the bodies temple cemetery, in which the ritual was taking place. The meaning behind the setting was important when committing rituals.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let the Holy Grail be what I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate." "Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling."

A bright light shone on the surroundings as mist appeared, blocking the appearance of the servant summoned. Refusing to close his eyes, Beelzebub could make out the silhouette of the Assassin he called upon. A grin overcame his face as he confirmed that he had summoned the correct one.

Out of the mist strode out a white haired girl with green-yellow eyes, with stitched-up scars on her face. Her upper body looked like a kid's, while her lower body is more mature like that of an adult, creating an odd juxtaposition to her appearance. She donned a black vest, black panties and black stockings with pink shoes. Both her arms are bandaged but only her left hand wears a glove.

"I am Servant, Jack the Ripper. Are you my master?"