

Author note:

Sorry for the lack of updates, while I have many chapters ahead written they are more like the ending as well as the fights, while this few upcoming chapters are more or less where the harem begins to take shape, so I have been taking extra care to not make it nonsensical to poorly developed.




Eventually, Aqua and Rin came downstairs and were greeted by a rather... lively environment. Aqua could feel the excitement in her chest rise at the sheer amount of possibilities in the room right now. Artoria was probably the one who offered the most fun since she was currently both blushing heavily and eating absurd amounts of food without even noticing that there was nearly nothing left on the table. Medea was also blushing a bit, however she was blushing while drawing something that intrigued Aqua deeply. Finally there was Illya who was currently being bullied by Assassin.

Aqua couldn't decide what to do now, she could go with Assassin and annoy Illya for a while since she hadn't done anything to Illya today, she could go and tease Medea with her drawings, which were undoubtedly something the princess would be embarrassed about, or she could go to Artoria and both annoy and tease her at the same time... ahh so many fun things to do.

"Don't even think about it." said Rin while looking at Aqua's expression. Rin felt that Aqua was like a child who saw new toys, so as her master it was her duty to keep her from breaking those toys as soon as she gets them.

Aqua looked away her master and began whistling as she slowly made her way in Assassin's direction.

Assassin saw her arrive and smiled. "Did you have fun?" he asked amused.

"Of course I did!" replied Aqua while smiling.

Once she got next to Assassin, she looked in Illya's direction, who was currently glaring at her intensely.

"Ahh don't look at me like that Illya-chan! I already told you that I am taken by my master, so if you want to be with me you have to join my master's harem first." said Aqua while nodding, causing a few veins to pop on Illya's forehead.

"SHU-" Illya went to tell her to shut up, however she was quickly interrupted by Aqua.

"Wait!" said Aqua loudly. "You can't scream like that, otherwise you will distract Caster from her drawings!" continued Aqua, bringing everyone's attention to Caster, who raised her gaze from her notebook and blushed.

"By the way, what are you drawing exactly Caster?" asked Aqua innocently.

Caster was about to tell her that she was drawing nothing, but in her distraction her notebook was stolen by Assassin who looked at the paintings with an amused smile. "Interesting, so basically you drew Saber eating the entire food supply that was meant for the rest of the people huh?" said Assassin loudly with an innocent look.

Artoria's attention was drawn away from the food as she blushed ashamed. "Hey, I don't eat a lot!" she said.

"Well, it's not as bad as the drawing she was of Illya on a princess dress." continued Assassin while showing the notebook painting of Illya in a princess dress with a childish expression.

Caster had been trying to take the notebook back, but Assassin swiftly avoided her attempts before hiding behind Aqua and continuing explaining the pictures with great detail.

Aqua took advantage of the situation and wore a huge smile. "I bid two bottles of wine for each picture!" she said loudly before muttering something in a low tone. "I will re-sell them to everyone at school hahahaha." despite it being in a low tone, everyone could hear it perfectly, causing both Artoria and Illya to panic.

Assassin smiled and got behind a table before acting like an auctioneer. "Before we continue with the auction, we will discuss about this excellent deal we have to offer! One drawing of each woman of the house painted by the great Caster herself! The bidding will begin at four bottles going to Aqua!" he said loudly while showing from the notebook one drawing from Rin, one from Saber, one from Illya, one from Aqua and one Caster drew of herself.

"AGhhhh five bottles!" said Caster quickly. She was too embarrassed to realise that it was actually her property and she should just take it, but since that failed before her mind moved on to the next solution.

"Six!" said Illya quickly. The drawings were amazing... to amazing! She didn't want anyone going around giving a painting of her on a cute princess dress! She was nearly an adult for god's sake!

"Seven!" said Aqua, still with a smile. Honestly she didn't mind seeing someone else with her picture. Not only was she the most amazing goddess but it was only natural for a portrait of her to be distributed so it was fine, however she definitely wanted to get her hands on Rin's panting.

"Ten!" said Rin quickly. The drawing Caster made of her showed her blushing while looking at Aqua, it was clearly inspired on the road back home from the Matou's castle were she realised she might have a bit of a crush on her servant. There was absolutely no way she would let anyone else have it, especially not Aqua! That woman would definitely distribute it across Japan or something.

After an auction that lasted way longer than it should, the entire notebook went to Kuzuki, who bought it for the crazy price of letting the rest stay in his house for what remained of the war. It goes without saying that when he expressed his reason for getting the notebook as 'Caster looks pretty', the girl nearly died of both embarrassment and happiness, her face turning redder than... than something very red.

While it was true that the price paid was lower than what was offered (Rin offered many gems and a magical wand and Illya offered a castle), Assassin thought it would be more amusing to let Kuzuki have it and was overjoyed when he saw the frustration in Rin's and Illya's eyes.

Once the auction was over, Aqua moved in Assassin's direction with two bottles.

"That was marvellous thinking." said Aqua while handing one to him.

"Indeed." he replied grabbing it. "Here you go." said Assassin, handing Aqua a paper.

Aqua raised her eyebrow and looked at it, only to find the very picture of Rin blushing while looking at her that she wanted.

Aqua looked in Assassin's direction with a smile and clear appreciation in her eyes.

"Thanks." she said, raising her bottle for a toast.

Assassin looked back at her with a smile and raised his bottle as well. "It is me who is grateful..." he said in a low tone before taking a sip.

Berserker simply watched today's events unfold, though her master wanted to use a command spell to get him to steal the notebook, she was eventually deterred from it, so the servant was left with nothing to do.