

a story about a person getting reincarnated into arknight with the skills of a hacker and the powers of characters from the fate series and joining rhode island on their adventure.

dender104 · วิดีโอเกม
4 Chs

ch 3:operator shielder

pov mc

"bring it" as I shouted to the reunion soldiers and their leader tilulah were going into a battle formation as the advance but like hell I'll let them pass, over my dead body kind.

I also see that the catastrophe is starting to become more intense so I'll do what I can as the shielder mash I shield people.

"go! I'll cover you all and we'll meet agian!" as I said that I raised my shield up above my head and slamed it to the ground while saying.


as a fort began to materialise infront of everyone shocking them even more, even talulah as rhode island members to take the chance to retreat as reunion soldiers try to take down my lord camelot, well considering lord camelot is considered to be the ultimate defence so I highly doubt they will penetrate it even with talulah's heat wave, and faust's crossbow bolt, long with frostnova's ice and skullshatter's granades.

unexpecatly my lord camelot extendened to all of chernobog so I'm also protecting the city from the catastrophe, well whats ever is left of it anyway with the big rocks just getting deflected and the dark clouds just outside my protection just shooting lighting at my defences.

I think I should make some drama right now so coming up with something to say I asked reunion a question "why did you start this pointless revolution?" with my voice trembling and a sad expression on my face and looking down, of course this cought reunions attention and talulah as wall.

so I continued "if all you ever wanted was to be treated right then you've made the wrong choice" this time I said it with some spite and this made all of reunion angry at me shouting all types profanities saying I didn't know the amount they suffered, 'oh if only you knew I have the memories of mash who can only has 18 years to live'.

and agian I retorted "you think I don't know!" this made all of reunion shut up, hehe time to make a some emotional scenes "you think I don't know whats it like to live with a shortened life!" reunion thought I must be infected but "ever since my birth I've only had 18 years to live!" this time I made myself cry adding more to the scene.

and so I made my speech disguised as mash "I lived my life trying to make each and everyday to the fullest by helping as many people as I can and making new friends that helps me in my most terriable of days but...but when I see what you people are doing with your lives I can help but be angry!" this made reunion look at me with some hate as I made my speech.

"this revolution is like an insult to the people who are experiancing the same things you've all been through, because this entire revolution is doomed the moment it started" this made every reunion increadibly blood thirsty but fuck them their psychopaths and they started to throw everything they had at my [lord camelot] still did nothing.

"what makes you think our movement is doomed?!" this came from skullshatter and I look at him with the most despising look I can give "this movement was doomed the moment you killed, robbed, and destroyed the lives of so many people and your treatment of the infected that didn't join your movement you tormented them and now you've made their lives even harder to live as more people will become weary of the infected so tell me why do you think this movement will work?"

of course talulah tried to make a come back "because after this we will build a paradise for the infec-" but I cut off "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK A PARADISE CREATED FROM THE CORPSES OF INOCENT PEOPLE IS THE MOST SENSABLE THING TO DO!!" and talulah fell silent thinking of what I said.

I think I've made my point across so time to get out as I start to break into data particals everyone saw that I was disapearing so I told them "if we ever see eachother agian talulah I will make you regret choosing this choice" and with that I disapeared...into a broken phone that conveniently laying on the ground that is.

well I didn't expect that and I didn't know a was a still working camera recording this so until I saw the news after I left I was pretty shocked that I was being recorded and that people saw and heard my speech but it did stop many sensiable infected from joining reunion but back to the present I needed to get back to RI they're probably worried about me.

pov amiya

'we managed to get out, I can't believe placebo sent a help like that' is what I thought when we saw that shielder extended her energy shield across the entire city and it was unbelivable.

still we can't get in contact with placebo considering it's been an hour that we lost contact with him but shielder told us he's doing his part so we moved forward.

after a while placebo connected "you guys alright" we were happy that placebo is alright "yeah we're alright how the situation on your end" "I've made sure that no reunion members persued you but it seems like a few got through" we reasured him that we took care of them.

but I was thinking about shielder as she stayed behind to let us escape so I asked him "um placebo I want to know where shielder is" placebo confused asked "why do you want to know?" "I want to thank her for her help earlier" placebo even chuckled saying"then she's right behind you"

of course I immediantly look back to see a pink haired girl looking back at me "hello" and I screamed and this made everyone laugh even doctor, oh I've made a fool of myself.

pov mc

I laughed my ass off as I see amiya getting scared by my shielder self and you're probably wondering how can there be two of me, well with me being made up of data I can copy and paste myself then boom two of me.

we both decided that I will stay in cyberspace and 'shielder' will stay outside with rhode island, and we will update ourselves daily, like copying and pasteing our memories with eachother every day.

still seeing my self as mash and being a girl still feels strange to me, well that was my old life as a boy and it's way behind me now so new life as both a boy and girl HERE I COME!

so anyway with our fun done w came barging in on our bonding moment but well I think I can get her help so I asked my sheilder self to to give w our contact info so we can be in touch I'm not gonna go into too much detail on how my shielder self convinced her but 'I' did tell her that I can help her with finding out on who killed the previous person she fallowed and with that she let us go and a possible ally that might help us.

and with that done with we went back to rhode island's home base of operations and I gotta say a mobile fortress is very cool, so with everyone back they decided to rest and I told them I'll meet up with them agian tomarrow and let shielder join the crew while they're at it and they agreed, and so I disconnected but still watching through the camras thats all over the place and letting my shielder self do what she wants.

pov shielder

after my placebo self left I was in the base of rhode island and oh my was it big and it's mobile too so that's a one up for the base.

the group showed me around the place and got me an ID and I looked at it and my codename was shielder, 'okay they used my servant class name, that's alright on my end, but being a girl and having the memories of one is going to take alot of getting use to'.

as we toured the place amiya suddently asked me a question" um shielder how did you and placebo meet?" I was caught off guard by that question so I thought up a quick answer"we meet online".

everyone who heard this got closer and me urging me to go on so I did with the answers off the top of my head "you see we met on a moble game with more people in our group and we found out we all lived in the same place so we decided to meet up in real life" and doberman said "oh, that's quite the coincidence" I respond in return "I know right?, at first we also didn't belive it but after we met up we were quite shocked ourselves".

nearl butted in with a question "wait if you have a group then where's the rest?" and I answered with "with placebo being a hacker and all he has found alot of disterbing online information over the years, and he's found some really juicy info" this time the doctor said something "so what did he find" I replied "he's found information about reunion planning an uprising across multiple cities so we split up to those cities to see what we can do" and everyone bought that and even praises my group for even going to those cities to stop reunion.

ace came in with another question "alright, so what was that you did back in chernobog?" I responded with "oh that was my defensive arts called [lord camelot] which is considered the ultimate defence and by ultimate defence I mean I can pretty much stop anything from harming anyone" and this made everyone gape their mouth at what I just said and this is one oporater's reaction "what! that's so overpowered!" oh dear I'm afraid I just blew closure's mind.

(if you want to know who closure is here's an image)


well this is a long chapter but I wanted to put more unff into this chapter and I say it turned out well and sorry if it took a little to long motivation is what drives me to write my chapters and I'm currwntly low on it right now so I can only say I upload at random, but I hope you enjoied this chapter.

dender104creators' thoughts