
Fate's Playful Deceiver

***DROPPED*** Imagine this: You conducted some research that might have been considered unethical by some. You wanted to satisfy your curiosity and broke some laws you seriously should not have. You wished to protect something you valued but had to kill a few people along the way. Maybe you were just doing whatever was in your job description. Or you just simply wanted to light some things on fire and maybe just maybe destroy the whole world? Okay maybe you went a bit overboard… and now you are sent to this dark world where you are forced to spend an eternity as just a soul. They even talked something about how your fate is to be forgotten. Geez. But hey! It looks like you might have another go at what you desired because of some idiots doing something they had no idea about! How lucky! There is just a small problem though… Your another chance at life is shared with others that had a similar fate to yours… What will you do? *** “You see I was taking a relaxing stroll when I stumbled upon this place and with a heart filled with curiosity I asked them nicely what they were doing here to which they did not answer and instead rudely attacked me. So in righteous self defence I killed them all” In a tone similar to lovers talking about their day Amon admitted to slaughter. “Of course I did not forget about my purpose and from one kind volunteer I learned quite a bit about them. Mainly that they belonged to an organisation called Ouroboros and that they were conducting not so human friendly experiments here” Amon did not explain further and instead with a smile observed Arthur's reaction. “So I am the product of their experiments?” *** The things you might expect: - The novel is essentially a dark comedy with a focus on intrigues. - There are no traditional power systems like stages 1-9 which cultivation novels adore instead it’s completely unique (at the very least I did not encounter anything similar). It revolves around ‘concepts’ and actual knowledge which would make sense in a world of magic. - The world building is also rich and tries to portray a unique take on the fantasy genre as the technology of this world is basically that of an industrial era with steam replaced by magic. - The political and social aspect is also explored and tries to be as realistic as possible(for a fantasy novel which is not serious about itself). - The MC is very evil. I am not talking I kill people kind of evil but I commit war crimes, I am a sadist and I dance on your grave while laughing kind of evil. He is also a drama queen and his favorite color is black. - In terms of romance we have no romance.

Qartycan · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Destroying Evidence

Chapter 3: Destroying Evidence

Shortly after Arthur picked up everything he wanted Amon and he started to visit every room in this 'laboratory' owned by Ouroboros. The purpose of this was fairly simple and they quickly finished their task and found themselves near the exit in the corridor that connects to every room in this place.

"Why did you make me do that? I think I understand why you wanted me to take their belongings but what is the purpose of this?"

Arthur questioned Amon as he casually pointed at the raging fire behind them. The whole facility was on fire as if hell descended.

"Well the guys behind those guys are better off when left in the dark as to what exactly happened here. This will not stop their investigation but at the very least they will have no idea of who to look for, that being us, which will definitely slow down their potential pursuit"

"I see…"

Arthur seemed to surprisingly understand a lot from this.

Not much time passed since he 'awakened' but now he looked to have a lot more intelligence behind his emerald eyes. His growth was extremely quick, he was literally less than an hour old after all and he already grasped a lot of basics through his 'asking'. The main thing he lacked was experience but thankfully he had Amon he could rely on in this aspect.

"Then let's leave this damned place"

Amon said so as he pressed his hand on the wall. Nothing visual happened but the metallic door that was in front of them opened by itself.

Sunlight struck the eyes of Arthur and he quickly raised his arm in order to protect himself from the intense light.


Even though this was his first time seeing the sun Arthur already knew what it was.

This development did not surprise Amon as he passed through the door and stepped on the sand. Yes, sand. The whole facility seemed to be hidden inside of a cliff that was located on a beach near the ocean.


Arthur was once again amazed as he followed Amon and observed the ocean for the first time in his life. He similarly knew what it was but there was a difference between knowing and actually witnessing or experiencing something.

Amon observed his reaction calmly at first but he quickly seemed to have grown impatient of Arthur following the waves up and down with his gaze like a total idiot. His mouth was even open while he was doing so!

"If you are done then let's move. We don't know when those guys will notice anything"

Amon grabbed Arthur by the arm and basically dragged him away from the beach and only stopped when they both stepped on the nearby road which appeared to have been made from the perfectly cut and stone-like bricks that aligned with each other in a very aesthetic manner.

Little to no trees were present near the road and combining the ocean, the beach and the nearby cliff made for a beautiful scenery that no one would want to miss out on.

"Okay, we're far enough. Why don't you do me a favour and blow up the entrance to that s*ithole as well?"

After letting go of Arthur Amon instantly pointed at the entrance to the hidden facility of Ouroboros. It already started to close itself and began to match the nearby walls of the cliff.

"Are you sure? Didn't we cover our tracks well enough?"

Arthur was filled with doubt regarding Amon's request.

'Didn't we already burn everything? Isn't that a bit too much?'

Amon however only shook his head when he heard his doubts. His logic was simple.

"The more we destroy the less things they will have to track us with and it might misdirect them towards some sort of raid of a hostile faction. I don't really know if they have such enemies but it doesn't hurt us to do so and can potentially hurt them plenty"

When Arthur heard that he seemed enlightened and nodded heavily to express his understanding but as it turns out he understood this a bit too literally…

He raised both of his arms high in the air, almost as if he was creating a certain bomb of a peculiar spiritual origin but in actuality he conjured a ridiculously large magical array that was bright red in colour.

"Wait! What are you-"

Amon in panic wanted to question what Arthur was thinking by creating something so big but he was not fast enough to even finish his sentence.


A ball of fire the size of a small meteorite shot straight to heaven it seemed but instantly fell towards the cliff as soon as it touched the clouds and completely obliterated everything that stood in its path...

Let's just say that the ocean grew slightly larger that day.


Arthur and Amon gently landed in the forest that was a good couple kilometres away from the explosion. Surrounding them was a barrier that was darkish in colour and that had multiple visible cracks on it.


A loud cracking noise sounded as it completely exhausted its strength.


Amon instantly questioned Arthur as to what the hell he was thinking by blowing up an entire cliff. If he was a second late with the conjuring of the barrier they both would be a toast. A very very very burned toast. The kind that was made purely from ash and soil.

"Well, didn't you say that the more we destroy the better? I did just as you instructed"

Arthur was sincerely puzzled as to what he did wrong. Didn't he just do what Amon wanted?


Amon in silence looked at Arthur with an expression of pure furry.

Is there a sound that accompanies a person's blood pressure rising? Maybe the cartoonish sound of escaping steam? Well, Arthur did hear exactly that and all he could do was scratch his head in confusion.

"Mistakes happen" - Arthur

Qartycancreators' thoughts