
Fate's Playful Deceiver

***DROPPED*** Imagine this: You conducted some research that might have been considered unethical by some. You wanted to satisfy your curiosity and broke some laws you seriously should not have. You wished to protect something you valued but had to kill a few people along the way. Maybe you were just doing whatever was in your job description. Or you just simply wanted to light some things on fire and maybe just maybe destroy the whole world? Okay maybe you went a bit overboard… and now you are sent to this dark world where you are forced to spend an eternity as just a soul. They even talked something about how your fate is to be forgotten. Geez. But hey! It looks like you might have another go at what you desired because of some idiots doing something they had no idea about! How lucky! There is just a small problem though… Your another chance at life is shared with others that had a similar fate to yours… What will you do? *** “You see I was taking a relaxing stroll when I stumbled upon this place and with a heart filled with curiosity I asked them nicely what they were doing here to which they did not answer and instead rudely attacked me. So in righteous self defence I killed them all” In a tone similar to lovers talking about their day Amon admitted to slaughter. “Of course I did not forget about my purpose and from one kind volunteer I learned quite a bit about them. Mainly that they belonged to an organisation called Ouroboros and that they were conducting not so human friendly experiments here” Amon did not explain further and instead with a smile observed Arthur's reaction. “So I am the product of their experiments?” *** The things you might expect: - The novel is essentially a dark comedy with a focus on intrigues. - There are no traditional power systems like stages 1-9 which cultivation novels adore instead it’s completely unique (at the very least I did not encounter anything similar). It revolves around ‘concepts’ and actual knowledge which would make sense in a world of magic. - The world building is also rich and tries to portray a unique take on the fantasy genre as the technology of this world is basically that of an industrial era with steam replaced by magic. - The political and social aspect is also explored and tries to be as realistic as possible(for a fantasy novel which is not serious about itself). - The MC is very evil. I am not talking I kill people kind of evil but I commit war crimes, I am a sadist and I dance on your grave while laughing kind of evil. He is also a drama queen and his favorite color is black. - In terms of romance we have no romance.

Qartycan · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Arthur’s Plea

Chapter 27: Arthur's Plea

Sarah and Arthur were alone at the Foundation as the 'parade' long dispersed. The police officers had no interest in staying after the working hours and the knights of the church were kindly told to fu- take a break.

"Here you go"

"Thank you"

Arthur just poured Sarah some tea.

"I-I am terribly sorry the owner must have left to buy some supplies for the next week. I am sure she will be here soon though"

Arthur made an excuse as he sat down. He appeared really nervous.

"Don't worry I don't mind having a small chat with you"

Sarah was actually happy that she did not have to waste time talking to the owner. She really wanted to understand the strange state Arthur was in so being alone was perfect, no one will be able to interrupt her 'research' time. As for the charity? Well… she already seemed to have forgotten about that stuff as she observed Arthur with a smile.

"Really? That's great!"

Arthur seemed happy that she was not upset by this and as he looked at her kind, angelic smile he wondered why he was so worried in the first place. It's not like she was thinking of how to dissect him in order to learn more about him. That would be silly!

"Then can you perhaps tell me something about the Church of Purity?"

Arthur started out the conversation.

"I am happy to. Do you have something specific in mind?"

"Well I always wondered about this… Each church has a God they worship but whenever I heard something about the Church of Purity it seemed strangely omitted. Could you explain it to me?"

Sarah was not surprised by the question as the proper explanation was not given in any official document nor were the members of the church social enough to popularize the answer.

"We the Church of Purity do not worship any particular God yet we praise the greatness of every single one of them as they are without sin. There simply does not exist a God of Purity as every God is 'pure' and thus perfect"

"Tha- Ekhem!"

Arthur wanted to comment on that but stopped mid sentence for some reason. He slightly readjusted himself in his seat and prepared another question.

"Then could you tell me what you understand by saying 'pure'?"

This question seemed to have slightly unsettled Sarah but she explained nevertheless.

"The church teaches that being 'pure' means to be without sin, to not be evil but…"

She stopped speaking, clearly hesitant about talking further.


Arthur seemed really curious about the matter and as Sarah looked at his ignorant expression she judged that it would do no harm to continue.

"Well… In my path as the 'purified one' I discovered that it's more about being whole or maybe honest about yourself. I am not too certain… but whenever I felt sad or happy and expressed it properly I had a feeling it was a part of being 'pure'. I hope you understand…"

Sarah had a melancholic look as she explained but as soon as she finished it turned to doubt. Should she be saying this to a complete stranger and one having such a strange anomaly at that? Why did she think it was okay? It was almost as if she was the one that was being tested and understood, not him.

"I do!"

Her train of thought was interrupted however by Arthur who turned strangely energetic.

"Then could it be that being 'pure' is more about being true to yourself rather than free of sin or evil?"

With a smile he said something he seriously shouldn't.

"That's… That's blasphemy!"

Sarah shouted and stood up abruptly. Her breathing turned somewhat heavy as she lifted her arm towards Arthur while fully prepared to kill him.

"But… didn't you say it yourself? I just said so based on your guesses…"

Arthur seemed to have no clue as to what she was about to do and innocently pointed out her hypocrisy.


This caused Sarah to have an earth shattering realization. She sat down again and her mind was blank as she had no idea what to think of this. Were her thoughts the one of a heretic? Was she a heretic? She looked back at Arthur who smiled at her kindly, his 'light' was so 'pure' yet she wanted to kill him over a few words...

The church taught her since she was little that no matter who or what if anyone dares to speak heresy they should be killed on the spot but was that right? Not to mention that she herself spoke it and that caused Arthur to have this guess in the first place. The more she thought the more she realized just how much hypocrisy was in her belief. By pursuing absolute good was she not committing evil?

Her faith wavered at that moment.

"Hey! I am back!"

At that moment Renfri casually walked in. She held multiple bags filled with either clothes or food and put them down next to the door on a small table. Upon noticing Sarah she wanted to greet her but before she could she was jumped on by Arthur who, like a puppy welcoming its owner hugged her and then pulled her closer to Sarah.

"This is Renfri, the owner of this charity whom I spoke about earlier. I hope you will get along!"

Arthur spoke but his words fell deaf on her ears. Sarah was shocked as she instantly became fully aware of who or rather what Renfri was… a demon.

'Demon as the owner of a charity? This is ridiculous!'

Her worldview was once again upturned but as to add even more fuel to her already broken in panic heart she noticed a figure wearing all black standing in the corner of the room. When did he get there?

That however mattered little as their eyes met. All seemed to freeze and then turn illusionary as the figure chuckled softly.

"Ah shit here we go again" - Renfri

Qartycancreators' thoughts