
Fate's Playful Deceiver

***DROPPED*** Imagine this: You conducted some research that might have been considered unethical by some. You wanted to satisfy your curiosity and broke some laws you seriously should not have. You wished to protect something you valued but had to kill a few people along the way. Maybe you were just doing whatever was in your job description. Or you just simply wanted to light some things on fire and maybe just maybe destroy the whole world? Okay maybe you went a bit overboard… and now you are sent to this dark world where you are forced to spend an eternity as just a soul. They even talked something about how your fate is to be forgotten. Geez. But hey! It looks like you might have another go at what you desired because of some idiots doing something they had no idea about! How lucky! There is just a small problem though… Your another chance at life is shared with others that had a similar fate to yours… What will you do? *** “You see I was taking a relaxing stroll when I stumbled upon this place and with a heart filled with curiosity I asked them nicely what they were doing here to which they did not answer and instead rudely attacked me. So in righteous self defence I killed them all” In a tone similar to lovers talking about their day Amon admitted to slaughter. “Of course I did not forget about my purpose and from one kind volunteer I learned quite a bit about them. Mainly that they belonged to an organisation called Ouroboros and that they were conducting not so human friendly experiments here” Amon did not explain further and instead with a smile observed Arthur's reaction. “So I am the product of their experiments?” *** The things you might expect: - The novel is essentially a dark comedy with a focus on intrigues. - There are no traditional power systems like stages 1-9 which cultivation novels adore instead it’s completely unique (at the very least I did not encounter anything similar). It revolves around ‘concepts’ and actual knowledge which would make sense in a world of magic. - The world building is also rich and tries to portray a unique take on the fantasy genre as the technology of this world is basically that of an industrial era with steam replaced by magic. - The political and social aspect is also explored and tries to be as realistic as possible(for a fantasy novel which is not serious about itself). - The MC is very evil. I am not talking I kill people kind of evil but I commit war crimes, I am a sadist and I dance on your grave while laughing kind of evil. He is also a drama queen and his favorite color is black. - In terms of romance we have no romance.

Qartycan · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Angry Amon

Chapter 6: Angry Amon

Arthur, satisfied with his meal, raised his arm. He couldn't forget that he had another agenda other than filling up his stomach. He entered the inn in the hopes of spending the night here and after eating and drinking he really started to feel sleepy. He even berated himself for thinking he could walk for an entire night without having some shut eye.

"Yes? Do you need anything else sir?"

Laura quickly appeared next to Arthur and in the most respectful tone questioned what he wanted.

"Do you have a free room? I wish to spend the night here"

"Yes we do but I am afraid that it is not of the best quality. Wi-Will that be fine sir?"

Arthur looked at the waitress with one brow slightly raised.

He was confused as to what she meant by the quality of the room. Isn't a room with a bed still a room with a bed? Is the bed bad or something? He couldn't understand this so he chose to remain silent. Amon previously gave him simple advice and he followed it to the fullest.

If you don't know anything just stay silent and pretend that you know everything and it worked like a charm since the waitress clearly seemed troubled by this.

"I-I am sorry sir... The better rooms are already taken and I can't jus-"

"It's fine. Just take me to the room"

Arthur interrupted the waitress since Amon started to get impatient and cursed in his mind to hurry up.

"Of course!"

Laura then guided Arthur upstairs and showed him his room for tonight.

She did not lie when she said that the room was not of the best quality as all it had was a bed and a simple desk with a lamp that illuminated it however since Arthur had no point of reference it looked totally fine for him. He even unconsciously frowned since he was even more confused as to what she meant by earlier.

The waitress once again started to panic when she saw this.

'Oh Gods! He looks so mad. What should I do? Reduce the price? No he will definitely take this as an insult… Gods please save me! I don't want to end up dead in a ditch!'

Arthur quickly noticed his mistake. He was supposed to act cold and him looking confused definitely did not count as such so he turned to look at the waitress.

"How much?"

"What!? Ekhem… I meant to say it's 80 common vin for the night"

Laura almost jumped in fright by an ordinary question.

She forcefully calmed herself and prayed that he wouldn't take out his anger on her but was pleasantly surprised when he simply handed her the money.

"Thank you. That's all"

Arthur thanked the waitress and simply shut the door.

'He thanked me? Maybe I was overthinking things…'

The waitress considered herself lucky since the 'rich and mysterious man' didn't seem like the vengeful type and even though he was clearly not happy he still acted polite towards her.

Her worries however did not affect Arthur in the slightest as he laid down happily on the bed.

'You know we would've arrived in the city by now but you just had to blow up the cliff and almost send us to space'

Arthur did not stay happy for long as Amon was clearly still angry. He definitely was not the type that easily forgets nor forgives.

'I know. I made a mistake. You mentioned this every hour or so'

'You know what? You are right what happened simply happened. I shouldn't be angry at you… You are barely a day old after all. In the future I will make adjustments and include your stupidity into my plans'

Arthur ignored the rude remark and instead thought of something else that seemed quite important and something that puzzled him the more he got to know Amon.

'Come to think of it… Why are you helping me? You don't seem like someone to help others out of pure goodness'

The elephant in the room was finally noticed by Arthur and he at last asked this very important question.

'Why do you ask? Isn't it obvious? An experiment that could be considered pure blasphemy and spit in the face of Gods somehow turned successful and I just happened to pass by. You are right I am not a nice guy but I am also not someone to just walk past something so incredible. Whether you become a blessing or a curse for this world… I want to witness it first hand'

Arthur was surprised by this answer but it also made him strangely proud.

'But so far you are nothing more than a disappointment'

Amon seemed to have a talent for destroying other people's happiness and confidence. One could even say he mastered the art of being an absolute a*shole.

'You are too mean…'

'You are right. I went too far with this remark. It's just that… blowing up the f*cking cliff made me a bit upset. I apologise'


Arthur could not help but sigh.

He realised that it will definitely take some time for Amon to forget that. Still, he wasn't angry at him for being so rude. He was helping him out tremendously after all.

Arthur had a conviction that he shouldn't judge others by their words but their actions. Why did he think so? He didn't know but agreed with it wholeheartedly and so far Amon proved this to be right.

Anyway, the conversation did not continue after this and Arthur finally had a chance to sleep and recover some energy for tomorrow.

His dreams however provided him no rest.

"Are people simply more stupid nowadays?" - Amon

Qartycancreators' thoughts