
Fate's exchange

Adriana's life takes a wild turn when she unexpectedly swaps bodies with a stranger. Determined to reclaim her own body, she embarks on a thrilling journey filled with supernatural secrets. Along the way, Adriana finds herself falling in love with a guy who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding their intertwined fates. Will she be able to unravel the truth and find her way back home, or will love and destiny lead her down a different path?

lolalovemi · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

no regrets

In the Hawkins residence, Vanessa woke up from her sleep due to the blinding light that came right through the window. Hadn't she ordered to close the curtains yesterdawas Vanessa grumbled as she lazily stood up from bed, her hands reaching out to the double curtains as she drew them so that the window was fully covered.

She went back to sit on her bed but only to get up on her feet again as she walked to where the mirror was, staring at her reflection.

Earlier, before swapping her body with Adriana's,

"I'm not sure about this" Vanessa had earlier said only to receive a hard glare from the man as if to tell her to shut her mouth up but she felt it was wrong.

'Are you not the one who told me you were tired of this body of yours, I am only doing you a favor' There was something underlying with the way he had said it, but Vanessa ignored it believing he only wanted to help her.

'But does it have to be this extreme? I mean swapping bodies with someone I barely know I feel like it is wrong' Vanessa told the man staring directly into the man's eyes trying to look for anything deceitful, but she found none.

He was just a stranger whom she barely knew so somewhere, she knew she had to be careful, and although he had left no room for suspicion it still made her wonder why he would offer to help someone like her.

More importantly, it still surprised her how the man possessed such abilities. It was one at that of a Witch.

'I have a question Atlas, are you perhaps.....' Vanessa swallowed, finding it hard to bring the words out of her lips. 'Are you a Witch?' Vanessa said with a rushed tone and she saw him smile making her wonder if she was right.

'A Mage' the man corrected and she felt her eyes go wide. So it was true!! But how was that possible, she had believed things like this only existed in movies and nothing more.

'I hope you know not to tell anyone' the man added to have Vanessa purse her lips into a thin line. She was not a fool to go around and start telling people about his existence, not when she was about to get involved in it.

Back to the present, Vanessa continued staring at the mirror with a passive expression on her face. She had not meant to do it but then she had no regrets. What was done was done!!

Vanessa got ready to go to school and she picked out a dress from Adriana's wardrobe, her dressing style wasn't one she preferred but if she wanted to pull off and make everyone believe she was Adriana Hawkins, then she had no choice but to dress like her.

It was really hard, especially with the uncomfortable high-heeled boots in which she had to watch a YouTube video on how to not fall with heels.

She put on a gown that stopped just on her thigh wearing one of Adriana's boots to compliment her dress as she picked up her phone and headed downstairs to see her mum in the dining room. she must say, Adriana had a lovely mother.

"Good morning mum" Vanessa greeted and got a warm smile from Mrs Hawkins who ushered her to come sit and have her meal before leaving for school.

Vanessa didn't decline as she joined her mother for breakfast while hoping the woman wouldn't pop a question out of nowhere. "Say Adriana, I haven't seen Rose these past few days. Have you two gotten into one of your fights again?" Rachel asked and she noticed the change of expression from the girl and she would have understood that the two girls had indeed fought.

Vanessa gave off a tight smile as she racked her brain for what to say. "It is nothing serious" Vanessa replied while the mother only nodded not wanting to intrude. The last time she had gotten into one of their fights, it didn't go well for her.

"You seem to be going to school more often. Have you finally found a boy to entice?" Rachel teased knowing how her daughter only attended classes once a month. It still surprised her how she was able to get good grades even after missing many days of school.

Vanessa's eyes narrowed. So little Miss Pompous did not like going to school. But how could that be, she had seen that Adriana had good grades.

"I've decided to focus more on my studies now" Vanessa gave a curt reply and she saw Rachel give her a knowing look making her wonder what that was for.

Anyway, she finished her meal much rather quickly and dashed out the door getting into her car and the driver drove away. Her back rested against the car seat as she inhaled the air in it, closing her eyes as if enjoying her time.

Even if what she had done had later consequences, it was worth it! Decided Vanessa in her mind as she waited for the driver to tell her when they had gotten to school while still having her eyes closed.

Once they were there, Vanessa got down, walking inside the gates of the prestigious university. A university that was only for the rich. BARON university!!

Even without being told, the fact that they allow their kids to go and come any way they please without forcing boarding facilities on them would speak volumes.

It was true that they had strict rules but the freedom here couldn't be compared to another, they make their rules exquisite whilst also making their freedom favorable. There was just something about the university that attracted so many people but like the majority, even most of the rich couldn't afford it. Which was another reason she was happy to be Adriana Hawkins. She has everything a person could ever want in their lifetime now or the next.

Vanessa walked steadily on the pavements of the school while making sure she didn't trip and fall.

Did the girl have to wear high heels and to top it all, everyone kept looking at her with every step she took and she noticed not a single person loathed her nor looked at her with contempt.

She walked through the corridors about to head into her class, but before she could make her way inside, someone was quick to grab her arm.

Her heart skipped a beat fearing it was the last person she wanted to see right now as the last time, she had crazily shown her face in the school but once she turned and saw it was another girl instead she turned relieved.

She had not seen the girl before making her wonder who she was. "The least you can do is to explain what I did Adriana," the girl said leaving her arm seeing as she had successfully caught her attention.

Vanessa gulped down not knowing how to answer, she didn't know what kind of relationship the two had which only left her tongue-tied. Was she to apologize? Or not?

The girl, noticing Adriana not making any attempt to reply only got her more frustrated.

"You know Adriana, you can't just keep shunning all of us whenever we fight"

All of us? How many of them were there?

Vanessa could only wonder as she found it hard to answer the girl who had taken up the courage to talk to Adriana as the last time they had fought like this and even as she was the one that came to apologize, it had not ended on a good note.

"Say something" The girl's eyes twitched, already getting irritated. if it was another person, there was no way she would stand here begging for attention.

After a long while of thinking, all Vanessa could think of was an awkward laugh wanting to quickly escape from there but before she could even think of dashing inside the classroom that was just beside her, she heard that very familiar voice from ahead of her and she froze on her spot.

Her head quickly snapped towards the direction and she knew her ears couldn't possibly be playing tricks with her.

The crazy bitch!!