
Chapter 416 Termination 1

Nina Hill frowned and sat up. The wound on her back was a little itchy and painful. She just washed it at will last night. Now she feels a little sticky and begins to regret setting the air conditioner last night.

Go into the bathroom and scrub it simply. Without breakfast, I went out with my suitcase packed in advance last night.

Downstairs, the taxi is already waiting.

As soon as he got on the bus, the driver immediately closed the window and turned on the air conditioner.

The taxi is driving silently on the highway, moving forward in the direction of the airport.

Nina Hill wears a fisherman's hat, and hides most of his face under the brim, revealing only a small delicate chin and red lips.

The driver wanted to talk, but looked at it several times through the rearview mirror, and was dampened by the faint sense of alienation on Nina Hill.

The taxi finally stopped at the airport gate, and Nanqiao put on a mask and said thank you faintly before getting off the bus.