
Fatal Attraction : The CEO & his Mischievous Wife

HYL: "You will be mine, I never lose." JYY: "Well I guess you're just going to have to learn." Jiang Ying Yue is a woman with a lot of secrets and isn't afraid to get her hands bloody to protect them. Han Xi Long is on the hunt to finish his enemies, but imagine his surprise when instead of finding his prey he finds a little fiesty kitten instead?

WinterQween · สมัยใหม่
227 Chs

A Peaceful Day

When his alarm went off there was only irritation flowing through him. Once he had gotten off the phone with her, it took a thirty minute shower for him to feel normal. Then another forty-five minutes for him to succumb to sleep, all together he was deprived of sleep and intimate encounters. Both were enough to anger a normal man and for him, the irritation was all he felt hearing the alarm.

It was the same alarm he heard every morning, as soon as the clock struck 6:30 the alarm would wake him. So this aversion he felt was not a usual occurrence. With his eyes still closed he reached out and fiddled with random buttons to snooze the alarm. Much to aid his irritation, the alarm continued to go off despite clicking many buttons.