
Farrae Montana

'You will be surprised by what We can accomplish because of Love' Am A Black woman. Am A Strong Momma. Am A Beautiful Wife. Was a good person. This was the life I've worked hard to have. A life where I was respected. And a life where I was loved. But It was all a lie. There were people supporting me who betrayed me in the end. They killed me, took my place, my family, my wealth, my everything. But they didn't plan one thing. I reincarnated. And I am ready to get back what I lost. I am ready to have my revenge. I am ready to be the villain this time. And even otherworlders can't stop me. I don't care about the apocalypse, I only seek revenge.

Hobi_Ta · วัยรุ่น
101 Chs

Demon's Lair Part TWO.

One kilometre from Mary's hideout, Christen intercepted The demon Lords.

"(Prometheüs)...The bug is here. Should I welcone him ?"

"(Allegraham)....Don't bother, my wild cherry.. I'll torture him and you, you just have to sit and enjoy..."

"(Prometheüs)..Ohh, thank you Al."


One kilometre from The Demon Lords' location, Tom arrived at Mary's hideout.

"(Farrae)..[Coughing blood]...Hey, dickhead. I'm still alive... Is it me or you're just weak...?"


"(Farrae)..I feel like its a 'no'..."





My name's Farrae and what you just experienced was the start of a greater story. I was killed by my BFFs and reincarnated by my daughter. The sole link to my kate daughter was Caramel but Tom and Christen killed him. Apparently, I went 'hardcore' mode after that. Barged in Mary's hideout and nearly killed her. Her father arrived in time and stopped me. But it didn't end there. I really became friend with Marys and she revealed to me every bits of secrets she knew of.

Two main points I had to tell you before continuing. First, Gabriel's planned to sell his last daughter, Marys to the demon. Because of past problems, the demons wanted contribution and Gabriel, the king of the elf had no choice but this possibility. But then, I showed up. I, a reincarnated human into a demon body. You see the problem, right. I hope you do. He wanted to use me for the trade instead of his daughter which he already wanted to sell so easily. And when his daughter told him off, he lost it. And now, he wants my head. And second point, my body started reacting weird as soon as I felt the demon lords closing distance with me. I felt an urge for blood. It was strong but I could fight it. Not for too long, because I started spitting blood. It was like getting punished for disobeying my masters. That's why I coughed blood, its not because of that weak elf blood. I could easily manage him.





"(Christen)....Lords, I--[Head getting crushed]."

"(Allegraham)....shhhhhhh..[Smirk]..It's a Pain Party."


"(Tom)..Master, stop !! The--[Head exploses]."

"(Farrae)...Wow, your master's really angry..Too bad, [Smirk]...he missed his shot. Well, fuck you Betrayer, have a safe trip to hell. Soon,[Whispers]..i'll join you."

To be continued.


my thoughts.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......am i a writer..no, what i think of myself is, i am an imitator trying to do what a writer does......thats my thoughts....im not confident in what im doing and thats it.............did i just confess my feelings here....well, thats what we call a loner...anyway, ask me any question and i promise to reply with 3 diff emojis....peace..

Hobi_Tacreators' thoughts