

Toga_Himiko17 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 1

"Peggy, you son of a flooferton! Give me back Fluff!"

Payshie yelled at her younger kid sister as she threw a ball of wool at her.

"Like heck I will!"

Peggy was a trouble maker and always teasing her older siblings. Peggy grabbed a tree branch and swung her feet upwards. She stood on the branch in a squated position.

"That's not fair! You know how to climb tree and I don't!"

"Suck it up and figure it out!"

As the sisters were arguing, their eldest brother, Alpex, came walking over with a book in his hand. He stood behind Payshie and wacked her with the book. Then he jumped on top of the tree and hit Peggy with it as well. Peggy fell on her butt.

"Shut up, your both loud."

"Hey, look it's the loner."

Peggy pointed at Alpex. Peggy Rubbed her behind.

"Ow, my ass hurts."

Payshie picked up her little sheep, Fluff. She walked to the house and set Fluff down in the deck. Payshie pit her hands on her hips and turned towards Peggy.

"That's what you get for trying to steal Fluff."

"But it's fun to cause trouble."

Peggy crossed her arms and huffed at Payshie. Alpex sat under the tree and read his book.

Peggy was a 14 year old girl. Peggy had always put her brown hair up in buns cause she thought it was cute. Peggy always cause trouble. She always wore pink fingerless gloves, a white skirt, a gray t-shirt, a black jacket and blue converses. Payshie was 17. Payshie had short, purple and fluffy hair. She loved sheep cause they were also fluffy and sweet. Payshie wore a dark purle skirt, a half sleeve white and purple striped shirt, Long socks and school girl shoes.Alpex was 18, the eldest. Alpex had pitch black hair and always cover half his face with hus hair. He was more of a loner. He wore a pair of black ripped jeans, A white shirt, a black short sleeved jacket, And black Vans.

The 12 year old twins, Mew and Herbie skipped over to there older siblings and told them to come eat breakfast. The twins both had dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. They both wore gray crocs, a white long sleeve shirt and a red jacket. Mew wore her hair in two pony tails with tan scrunchies and wore a black skirt. Herbie wore a pair of light brown shorts.

"Breakfast is ready!"

They skipped back to the house. Peggy ran over to the house. Payshie shook her head and walked over as well. Alpex closed his book and looked up to the sky. He finally got up and headed for the house.

They all sat down at the table. Hilo brought out a tray of food from the kitchen. Hilo was 16 year old and very mature. He was also kind of shy around other people then his family and close friends. Hilo had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Hilo wore a brown hoodie and a pair of black shorts. Adam and Eve, their parents sat at the table with their kids. They said a prayer to thank the food and started eating. They had pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast.

After breakfast, they grabbed their bags and headed off for school. Adam and Eve said goodbye and they were off. Adam and Eve said that they could use their powers but they had to be cautious of those around them. Their parents told them the same thing every morning.

"Don't tell or reveal your identity!"

In another family, Breakfast was going on. The family lived in a factory.

"Your about to get stabbed."

As Wendell pulls out her knife, her two younger siblings, Toxi and Dethly, are trying to pull her to the table for their first meal of the day.

"Your supposed to eat breakfast young lady."

Their mom, Fiona, dragged Wendell to the table herself so they could eat.

"Let go of me, you old hag."

Wendell pulled down her black mask. She had dark brown hair with red eyes. Wendell always wore a very high black crop, very high black shorts, thigh height white socks, spiked bracelets, a black mask, dark gray high tops and wore a high ponytail. She was the oldest at the age 18. The middle child was Toxi at the age 16. She had light blond hair and brown eyes. Toxi wore a dark blue skirt, pink and green striped socks, a purple long shirt, two pig tails, white school shoes. The youngest was Dethly at the age of 14. She had light brown hair and hazel-green eyes. She wore a dark green skirt, black thigh high socks, yellow school shoes, white bracelets, an orange baggy shirt and wore two low ponytails

"Then you can go straight to school if you like."


Wendell sat down and took off her mask. They all started eating their breakfast. When they were done they packed their bags and headed for school.

"You can use your powers for whatever you want but don't reveal your identity!"

And they were off to school.