
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · แฟนตาซี
300 Chs

Chapter 117 Yanxiang Tribe

 "Black Tiger City?" Fox Gray shook his head, "I haven't heard of it. But Yanxiang Tribe is here."

  Lord Wang specifically asked him to pay attention to Yanxiang Tribe, it turned out to be for this little female.

  Dong Chi and Nan Mo got off Tyson's back, and Sheying carried the little female cub back to the interior of Dark Sun Lake to find a female to raise her.

  Si Yan followed Shewang, looking around as she walked.

  Yanxiang Tribe...


  After the Yanxiang Tribe came to the vicinity of Dark Sun Lake, they were unable to enter.

  The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the village chief was very anxious.

  "What should I do? There is not a single Red Crystal Orc in the village, and we have no right to compete with other tribes for Dark Sun Lake."

  "It would be great if Tyson was here. If Tyson was here, we could at least have a say now."

  In the Yanxiang Tribe, wolf orcs and bear orcs live together.

  Lang Xin occupied the best piece of land, and her males took care of her meticulously.

  "Lang You, is Lord Xuwang back?" Lang Xin asked anxiously.

  Lang You was already a little impatient in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

  He walked forward, obedient like a dog: "Madam, people outside said that the Lord of Illusion has returned, and this time he came back, he also brought back a female."

  "Female?!" Lang Xin stood up suddenly, "Female, how is it possible, isn't it said that the Lord of Illusion is not interested in women and doesn't like any females?"

  Lang You said nothing.

  "Does the Lord of Illusion have a partner totem?"

  Lang You: "No one saw it. There shouldn't be."

  "What does the female look like?"

  Lang You: "It is said that she is thin and ugly."

  Lang Xin thought about it and shook his head. "No, it's impossible. A person like the Lord of Illusion will not be interested in cheap stuff."

  "Only me." Lang Xin smiled lewdly, "Bad and wild. He will like it."


  After Si Yan arrived at the Dark Sun Lake, Hu Hui took her to the place he arranged.

  "Warrior, tell me quickly, how did you become our lady?"

  Fox Gray, who had a brief communication with Snake Shadow and was not able to stand in the front line of the melon-eating, was very excited, "Tell me quickly, what's going on between you and our master."

  Si Yan smiled and asked, "Are there still only people from the Illusionary Territory in the Dark Sun Lake now?"

  Fox Gray: "Yes, how can we let people from outside the territory in without the lord's order. But...actually, things are not that simple."

  Si Yan looked at Fox Gray curiously, and Fox Gray said, "In our Illusionary Territory, in addition to the adults, there are also a group of elders in charge. And many of our elders were born in the fox tribe."

  "The Fox Tribe?"

  Fox Gray said, "You see, the Yanxiang tribe is mainly composed of wolf orcs and bear orcs. The situation in the Xuwang Territory is somewhat similar. The Xuwang Territory is mainly composed of snake orcs and fox orcs. And our Fox Tribe is also divided into the White Fox Tribe and the Gray Fox Tribe. Most of our elders are from the White Fox Tribe."

  Fox Gray sighed, "Many of them split from the original White Fox Tribe, so they will more or less side with their own tribesmen. Now those White Fox elders are trying to help the White Fox Tribe enter the Dark Sun Lake." The

  Dark Sun Lake is a sweet bun. Because of the suppression of the Snake Wang, everyone dares not mess around, but they are all trying to find ways to enter this natural refuge.

  Fox Gray said, "My Lord asked me to take care of the Yanxiang tribe a long time ago." Although he said that the Yanxiang tribe did not need to come in.

  Fox Gray smiled and said, "Madam, do you want to go and see the Yanxiang tribe?"

  Behind Si Yan, Tyson's tail kept shaking.

  Although he didn't have a very good relationship with his mother tribe in the Yanxiang tribe, he also had many acquaintances in the Yanxiang tribe, and Tyson wanted to go and say hello.

  Si Yan said to Tyson with a smile: "Tyson, if you want to go, just go and take a look."

  The big dog said excitedly: "Si Yan, thank you."

  Tyson had wanted to call her the female master several times, but Si Yan refused.

  Tyson turned around and jumped to the Yanxiang tribe.

  Just after Tyson left, Si Yan suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten to tell Tyson that she had broken up with the Yanxiang tribe.


  "Tyson! It's Tyson!!!"

  After seeing Tyson, the Yanxiang tribe surrounded him. The

  Yanxiang tribe orcs who had eaten a lot of food outside the Dark Sun Lake were very enthusiastic when they saw Tyson.

  "Tyson, where have you been?"

  "We really missed you so much."

  Tyson was surrounded by the tribe's people enthusiastically, and he was also a little flattered.

  "Tyson, when you were not here, we were so miserable and pitiful. Even the weak orcs bullied our tribe."

  "Now that you are back, our tribe is now a tribe with red crystal orcs. They can no longer look down on us."

  Tyson finally walked out of the enthusiastic group of Yanxiang tribe orcs. In front of him came a wretched-looking orc named Lang Feng.

  Lang Feng strode over and smiled a little hypocritically: "Tyson, you are back. Where is your female master?"

  "Si Yan?" Tyson smiled gently when he mentioned Si Yan, "She is with me."

  "With you?" Lang Feng looked behind Tyson and did not see Si Yan. "Is she still alive?"

  Lang Feng showed a wretched smile on his face. "She has thought it through and is ready to return to the tribe?"

  Lang Feng said, "Your family is back after all. It's not easy to stay outside."

  Tyson scratched his head, "It's true that I wasted a little time, but it's not a big problem."

  Lang Feng smiled, "That's good. Now that you're back, you should accept your fate and choose more beast husbands."

  Tyson frowned slightly, not understanding what Lang Feng meant.

  "Tyson." A middle-aged female called him.

  Tyson looked over and it was Lang Rong.

  "Come with me."

  Even though Tyson didn't like this woman, he followed her because of their blood.

  Lang Rong took Tyson to a corner, and the beastmen of the Yanxiang tribe who loved to watch the excitement hid far away and peeked.

  Facing Lang Rong, Tyson no longer had the ease he had when facing Si Yan. Even though the female in front of him was his biological mother, he still felt very depressed.

  Lang Rong said, "Tyson, Si Yan is selfish and willful. She is really not a suitable candidate to be the female master."

  "Since you are back, cancel the guardianship contract with her."

  Tyson looked up at his mother in astonishment.

  "Mom, what did you say?"

  "I asked you to cancel the guardianship contract. After all, you are just a guardian beast at best, right? Why would you want to be such a lowly beast? You and Si Yan cancel the guardianship relationship, return to the Yanxiang tribe, and return to your mother's home.

  This home is still your home."

  Since Tyson left, the hunting ability of the males in Lang Rong's family has greatly decreased, and she often can't eat fresh meat.

  The Blazing Day is coming soon. If they can't get Tyson, their life will be even more difficult.

  Tyson's face instantly turned red with anger.

  He clenched his fists, and the joy of returning to the tribe was gone.

  "How could I cancel Si Yan's protection contract? I like her so much, I am willing to protect her for the rest of my life.

  Mother, I don't expect you to understand me, nor do I expect you to support me.

  No matter how bad the relationship between you and me is, I don't want to say anything too extreme.

  But I still want to say -

  don't dream, is your home a home? No matter what, I can't go back."