
Chapter 23 The Bad Relatives Come Home (2)

The uncle crossed his legs and raised his chin, glancing at the rice bags and egg baskets piled on the floor from time to time, and peeking at the cotton and fine cotton cloth on the kang, his eyes were almost not enough.

  The aunt Li was not idle, walking quickly in the room, sometimes turning over the cloth on the kang, sometimes opening the rice bags on the floor to take a look, and making "tsk tsk" sounds.

  "Oh my! Look, look, it's different with money. Look, the cloth we bought is all fine cotton. Oh, there is so much new cotton. Second sister, I wonder if you thought about our parents when you bought the cloth. You bought new clothes, but our parents don't even have a piece of clothing to wear all year round!" Mu

  Caiping, who was accompanying Li to search and check, hurriedly laughed and said, "Mom, look at what you said. Second aunt is not an unfilial animal. How could she not bring grandpa and grandma when she buys things? Not to mention these cloths and cotton, even the rice and flour on the ground may be used to honor our grandpa and grandma! Don't you think so, second aunt?"

  The Caiping who was speaking was the youngest daughter of Mu Zhongli and Li. She was fourteen years old this year. She had fair skin and a good appearance. Unfortunately, Cai Ping grew up around Mu Zhongli and Li, and was influenced by them. She also developed a selfish, greedy, and cunning character. If she liked other people's things, she would do whatever it took to get them.

  For example, now, she seemed to be smiling and saying polite words to Du, but if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a needle hidden in her words.

  If Du is unwilling to give these things to the two old people of the Mu family, she will become an unfilial beast.

  However, even if the things are given to them, they will not be grateful, but will only think that it is reasonable.

  Of course, no matter what they think or plan, Cai Wei will never give them a needle or thread.

  "Second brother, what do you say?"

  Mu Bai raised her slack eyelids, and a pair of turbid old eyes glanced at Du coldly, as if if Du did not give her a satisfactory answer, she would immediately tear Du into pieces.

  Mrs. Du bit her lip and was planning how to answer. Suddenly, Caifei ran out from the kitchen and shouted excitedly, "If you don't give it to me, don't even think about taking advantage of my family!" Wen'er

  followed closely behind. He stepped over Caifei and strode to Mrs. Du's side, blocking her in front of her, his fists clenched tightly, and his bright eyes were full of anger.

  "Two days ago, when we ran out of food, my second sister and I knelt in front of my uncle's house for a whole day in the wind and snow, but my grandparents and uncle didn't help us with a grain of rice or a piece of firewood. They even added insult to injury, beating and smashing our mother to pay for her old-age pension, forcing her to sell her hair, and my eldest sister almost starved to death. You all know all this, but you pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't care. Now that our lives are better, you come to rob us. Are you still human?"

  Wen'er's little body trembled, and his chest rose and fell violently because of anger. He stood in front of his mother like a real man. At this time, he had only one thought in his mind. Dad was not around. He was the oldest man in the family and he had to protect his mother, sisters and brothers.

  "Hey, you little bastard, you are rebelling. If you have the guts, say it again!" Mu Chongfu, the eldest grandson of the eldest house, jumped up, and his fat body trembled.

  "It's the same even if you say it ten times. We each live our own lives. If you want good things, go and earn them yourself!"

  Wen'er argued with reason and refused to give in. Although he was only seven years old, his momentum was no worse than that of the eighteen-year-old Mu Chongfu, and even better.

  Caiwei stood at the threshold and heard her seven-year-old brother say such words. She was moved and distressed. If it weren't for these beasts who pushed the child to the extreme, how could a child like him dare to disobey the elders and confront the adults? Although he showed no fear, his trembling little body showed that he was afraid, but the belief in protecting his mother, sisters and brothers made him suppress the fear in his heart!

  Wen'er, good job!

  Caiwei silently praised this little guy in her heart.

  "Oh, this unfilial little beast, I'm so angry! I'm so angry!" Mu Bai held her chest, shaking with anger, and then pointed at Du and cursed: "You dog whore, you rotten whore, this is the child you taught?"

  Du pursed her lips tightly and sat there calmly. She was accustomed to the accusations and insults of her mother-in-law.

  In fact, she was not the kind of foolish woman who obeyed orders and abided by etiquette, nor was she the kind of stupid woman who could not distinguish right from wrong. Before this, the reason why she endured humiliation for many years and did not tear her face with the first wife was not only because she was not the opponent of the first wife, but more importantly, because they were the relatives of her beloved husband, and she did not want to embarrass her husband.

  However, it seems that it is impossible to keep things quiet now!

  Having made up her mind, she slowly stood up, pushed aside Wen'er who was blocking her way, walked to Mu Bai step by step, knelt down, and said, "Mother, although Wen'er's words are unpleasant to hear, they are all true. I am unlucky and have been unlucky to be with you. Now I dare not ask you to look after me and help me. I only ask you to let us live in peace. I dare not lack a penny of your retirement money. If you don't have money, I will sell my hair to collect enough money and send it to you. As for the rest, you can ask whoever you gave your house and land to!"