
Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chu Qingzhi, a modern cultivator, went down to earth to experience love. She was forced to transmigrate into the body of a peasant girl in the ancient past. Her family had a total of nine children. She had no choice but to shoulder the burden of supporting the family. She used spells to tame a tiger as her mount, a black bear as her guardian, a wolf as a helper, and a monkey as the pathfinder. They went hunting together. She then sold ice cream, which she made using an ice spell, on the streets. She planted herbs for medicine, offered clinical diagnosis and treatment to patients, and attracted princes and nobles who fought over her. Even the emperor addressed her with a respected title. To become immortal, she supported her family while searching for a husband. *** Ever since the poorest family in the village brought their daughter home, they thought their lives would only get tougher. To their surprise, they started building a house and buying land... They didn't just bring their daughter home, but they brought the God of Fortune home! *** A general, who even the princess refused to marry, returned to the country to rest for some time. Suddenly, he married a peasant girl. Just as everyone waited for them to be ridiculed, dignitaries came to visit one after another. The empress dowager held Chu Qingzhi's hand. "Qingzhi, will you be my younger sister?" The emperor looked Chu Qingzhi up and down. "My lady, are you willing to join my harem?" The crown prince grabbed Chu Qingzhi's sleeve. "Qingzhi, I want ice cream."

Beyond the Moon · ย้อนยุค
787 Chs

Incredible Medical Skills

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Chu Qingzhi shrugged. "Who told you to come without telling me?"

A few beast faces stared at him. Under the hazy moonlight, it was very scary. Tang Jinghong asked, "Why are they staying by your side?"

Chu Qingzhi avoided the questions she didn't want to answer. "Why are you here?"

Tang Jinghong took a breath and said, "I'm here to ask you to treat the soldiers. The consultation fee will be 100 taels. What do you think…?"

Chu Qingzhi was short of money now, so she agreed readily. "Deal!"


Fang Zerong paced nervously at the entrance of the army camp. On the one hand, he was looking forward to seeing the Divine Doctor, and on the other hand, he was also nervous to see the Divine Doctor.

The soldier at the door suddenly shouted, "General!"

Fang Zerong suddenly looked over, and then… the light in his eyes was extinguished, filled with disappointment. Why did the general bring a little girl back?

Tang Jinghong brought Chu Qingzhi towards Fang Zerong and introduced her to him. "She's the doctor who gave me the prescription. Her name is Chu Qingzhi."

"Qingzhi, he's a military doctor in the army, Fang Zerong."

Chu Qingzhi bowed gracefully. "Greetings, Doctor Fang."

Fang Zerong sized up Chu Qingzhi. Although she was a little girl, she gave him an unfathomable feeling. Strange, really strange. "Hello, Miss Chu."

Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Can you take me to see those sick soldiers?"

Fang Zerong could accept the fact that the Divine Doctor he wanted to see was this… little girl in front of him.

Without revealing his thoughts, Fang Zerong said politely, "Miss Chu, this way please."

Under Fang Zerong's lead, Chu Qingzhi arrived at the tent where the soldiers were quarantined.

Fang Zerong took out two handkerchiefs. He handed one to Chu Qingzhi. "Miss Chu, wear these to prevent getting infected."

Chu Qingzhi stopped in her tracks and frowned slightly. "They have an infectious disease?"

Fang Zerong knew that the girl in front of him was not a Divine Doctor. When she heard that there was an infectious disease, she did not dare to go in. "Yes, one will infect two, two will infect four, but it's not very infectious. It takes a long time for one to get infected."

Chu Qingzhi nodded and strode forward into the quarantine tent.

Fang Zerong was stunned.

Shouldn't she retreat in fear? Why did she go in?

He went after her.

As Chu Qingzhi walked, she asked, "What are their symptoms?"

Fang Zerong wanted to test Chu Qingzhi, so he said without holding back, "They vomit and have diarrhea, and their fever won't subside."

Chu Qingzhi pondered for a moment. Why did this illness sound like a heat stroke?

Fang Zerong carefully observed Chu Qingzhi's reaction.

Tang Jinghong wanted to follow them in, but he was stopped by the soldiers. "General, if you fall sick, the army camp will be in chaos."

Tang Jinghong couldn't be willful, so he waited outside.

Chu Qingzhi lifted the curtain and walked in.

The place where men lived really did not smell good. It was very stuffy and hot. Chu Qingzhi almost fainted from the smell. She could not help but complain. If she recuperated in such an environment, she would fall sick even if she was not sick.

She walked closer to someone and took his pulse. It was really a heatstroke!

"Everyone who can move, go outside. Those who can't…" She turned around and said to Fang Zerong, "Get people to carry them outside. Don't stay in this tent anymore."

Fang Zerong was puzzled. "Miss Chu, why is that?"

Chu Qingzhi said helplessly, "They didn't have an infectious disease. They had a heat stroke or fell sick because it was too hot."

Hearing that it was not an infectious disease, Fang Zerong was overjoyed. However, on second thought, Chu Qingzhi was not the Divine Doctor. Could her words be trusted?

Hence, he hesitated.

Seeing that Fang Zerong was hesitating, Chu Qingzhi understood that it was another person who suspected her medical skills. She couldn't help but grind her teeth. "Why? Are you suspecting that I'm lying?"

Fang Zerong immediately said that he did not dare. Although she was a little girl, her aura was not weak. When she stared at him, it was as if the blood in his entire body was about to freeze.

"Miss Chu, you've misunderstood. I'm thinking of where to place these people."