
Something's Wrong - Part One

George and Robert lost their composure.

It was evident that the person who was asked not to come in and didn't wait by the door after that is not an employee of the mansion, which left only two possibilities: Mrs. Edinburgh, and Cynthia.

While both the Robinson men were leaning towards Cynthia by now, with Robert being a helpless optimist, they decided to give Mrs. Edinburgh a chance before they lost all hope.

"It wasn't me," said a tired looking Mrs. Edinburgh when the two men cornered her right before she was about to enter her room.

"What's wrong? You don't look fine at all," Robert pressed.

The woman had puffy eyes and had obviously been crying for a while now, her impeccable hairdo that never changed was messy, and even her voice was thick with the lingering emotions that she experienced while hearing out Cynthia's worries.