
I love you

It was Cynthia's third day in Paris.

After leaving Leonard's love apartment, she went straight into a hotel owned by one of Evans-soft board members with George. It was in a remote area and not open to the public. Only VIPs were permitted accommodation there and booking only happened through connections. George made sure to bring Gloria, John, and his nanny to the same hotel. They were there by the time Cynthia arrived.

George sighed as he glanced at his phone screen to see her message for the twentieth time today while he sat drinking coffee and remotely working in the lobby.

/My Sweetheart

Let's have a meeting at 13:00.

Tues 8:05/

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it right away. He started smoking when he was seventeen but quit it a month after because he didn't want to be a bad influence on Cynthia after she insisted on trying it when she saw him by mistake. Yet recently, he found himself falling back into that bad habit.