
Far From Free: Echoes of a Forgotten Memory

A boy longing for revenge with blood painted hands. He is a cold blooded psychopath dressed in the glamorous clothes of a prince. In a planned attack during his 7th birthday, Prince Nicolas Gregory lost three important things, his friend Alisa, his innocence, and his memory of his merciless massacre of the culprits with a mysterious ability to conjure a sword. Attempting to fight his emptiness, he tries to live normally as a prince and fulfill his duties regardless of what his heart's cry. But there are things that one tainted with blood could not escape. With reminders popping out one after another and the continuous threat to his life, what will he do if his lost memory resurfaces. Will he once again wield the blades of revenge? Will he open his heart for the future? Or will he fall into deeper despair and follow the path of blood?

Grey_Petrichor · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Cracked Fatherly Bond

The dishes looked appetizing but the stillness and uneasiness in the dining hall had always made the food unappealing to Nicolas. How can you properly eat if those sharp eyes are always looking at you like a predator waiting to maul your neck. Minimal conversations were possible; it was the status quo. Talking is also futile for every word he say would be bent to ridicule his being.

His mother, on the other hand, had decided to take another route; she would go on her way to ask every detail of Nicolas's day. His parents was the two side of a coin and of course he favored the bright smile of her mother more; after all, it would be uncourteous of him not to give her the same treatment. He would always keep a smile on his face and cover whatever was underneath his mask.

"By the way, are you leaving again for Algernon tomorrow, It would sure be lonely for the next couple of days," Queen Natalia wiped her mouth before taking a sip of water.

"Uh yeah, father insisted on having me join him in order to help me learn how to properly manage negotiations, right, father?" a sarcastic statement that burned his father's throat till he was forced to burst in anger. Though he is sure he would control himself in front of his beloved queen,.

Frederick cleared his throat and calmly replied., "It's about time to finally open his eyes, especially on how things should be. He's almost at that age and whether he like it or not, he will have to rule this kingdom with everything he has."

"Lies," Nicolas thought.

Natalia is unaware but ever since the prince was forced to accompany his father, he has never been part of any meeting. All he did was stay in his room and to his horror, play, and play, and play. Forcing himself to smile with the princess as she sucked his energy dry from all the talking and painstakingly useless games. If he had a choice, he would rather read books until he died. It was only when they turned 13 that she toned down a bit and acted womanly for which he thanks the heavens.

"How long has it been since I got to accompany the both of you? I can't even remember," the queen blurted.

"If you want, I could stay and you can finally have a chat with Queen Herina. I promise I'd keep a careful watch." It was a slim but probable chance for him to have two peaceful days, so he tried to grab it immediately.

"That is a big no," the king stated his disapproval.

"As much as I want to come, we can't let you be alone, Nicolas; you know the risk," his mother seconded.

He wanted to protest but they gave him no chance, so instead, he changed the subject. "Then, the townsfolk will be commemorating at the central square tonight; can I go? I'm already old enough to go, right? Can I?"

"NO," like thunder ripping his eardrums, the King bellowed his dismay.

"Anton will be accompanying me; I'll be safe."

"When I said no, no one will be going. Have you already forgotten what happened the last time you left the comforts of the castle walls?" the whole table shook and Natalia's drink tumbled and poured. "Surely you can at least remember that part when the whole kingdom was burned because of your stubbornness, WHICH SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN again; I will not let you instigate another tragedy!"

"Frederick!" The Queen tried to mediate but it was no use.

"Then why bother bringing me along if you're too scared to die! And that incident was never my fault."


"FREDERICK! NICOLAS! Please stop, both of you. It was no one's fault; will we never have a peaceful supper like before all that," Both of them sat back down in utter disappointment towards themselves.

Nicolas, out of the two, sulked deeper into his chair without any strength to look into his mother's eyes. He finished the last of his plate in silence and did not touch the cake the servants have last served. "I'll be taking my leave, mother and father, Thank you for the food."

"Sleep early; we'll be leaving before the break of dawn.," the king reminded him.

"Yes father"

"I will remind the servants to prepare your food for your journey; don't sleep late, son."

"Yes, mother, I will, Have a good night."

He left the table without any other concern. But this is the only time no one will get suspicious, even if he lock his door and gives no reply. So, behind his tired stance and desolate tone, he unsheathed a smile as he sprinted up the stairs towards his chambers.

He opened his wardrobe and looked for his black-hooded cloak. Luckily, the rain already seized while they are in the middle of supper, and the lights are still awake in the place once known as the central square. Scanning the trees below his window, he made sure that no guards are present, Slowly and surely, he went out.

"I guess the training has paid off; you should be proud, father," he smirked as he made his way down the trees and later continued his escape with the branches. Slowly hiding corner by corner, he made his way towards the gate. He can clearly see the increased number of knights that's guarding the castle, but the efficiency of each seems to have decreased since most of them are dozing off.

"A free way out; who am I to miss this chance?" he said, walking pass them without any problems. As he reached the bridge, he made sure to wake them up with pebbles. "Your wages will go to waste if you're just going to doze off," he thought before finally heading for his goal.

It was a solemn gathering with a bonfire in the middle, People grouped together as they formed a circle. In each of their hands are candles burning in glory, their attention on the fire. He wanted to join them, but there is a great chance that with just a single blunder, his identity might be blown.

To make things worse, Anton was there, praying with his whole heart. So, instead of directly participating in the event, he settled at the branch of a tree, just enough height and distance from the center for him to watch what's going to happen. This is his first time breaking the King's wishes and the trust of his mother after all those years.

He was surprised; this place had always been barren and desolate since it serves as the now functional path towards the castle, He knows this because they go here almost every month, but things are different today from what he can see. In the center, behind the bonfire, are three pillars of concrete, designed like gems protruding from the ground. In its surroundings are flowers; some came in baskets placed by the townsfolk, but most are planted there, tulips of different color in a plant box.