
Fantasy Sex World

In an unexpected twist, twelve teenagers find themselves thrust into a new galaxy through a mysterious wormhole. What they thought would be a thrilling escape into a world of mythical wonders turns into a perilous journey. As they settle into a realm where Goblins, Elves, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Wizards exist, their fantasies become terrifying realities. Yet, this newfound paradise harbors dark secrets, pushing the boys to forge strength to protect their cherished bonds, while the girls must empower themselves against the advances of lustful beasts. Brace yourself for a gripping tale where the line between fantasy and danger blurs, and be warned – this novel is not for the faint of heart. Dive into a gory adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Hunter789 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Trapped (2)

Standing before his house Lorzark cracked his head with a frosty expression as he stepped inside, the instant he entered his eyes lit up as he saw the people he was searching for. But instead of grabbing them and going away he went to his room and the situation of the room made him raise his eyebrow slightly. From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Ethan and Eloise having sex like a beast on his bed, the two were extremely tired but the lustful glint in their eyes was impossible to extinguish.

"Idiots, they drank it." His husky voice was filled with ridicule as he opened his wardrobe, inside it was filled with mixtures of potions. He picked one of them and closed the rest. Before exiting the room he saw a silver sword resting on the wall. Picking it up he wondered if he should leave it or take it away, after all, silver was the only thing that could dispel the potion they swallowed. After considering he decided to drop it.

Reaching the sitting room he picked up Isabelle and Phil silently without alerting the rest. His steps were as nimble and graceful as a cat. He looked back at the house one last time before dropping the portion in his hand. Upon contact the bottle shattered and the gas inside escaped. It crept around as if it had a life of its own, the gas rose as it transformed into multiple strands disappearing into the nostrils of the teenagers sleeping. Isabelle and Phil was also affected by the portion.


*Pow* *Pow* *Pow* *Pow*

Isabelle opened her heavy eyes and she tried to yawn and stretch, her expression changed when she discovered that she was tied to a pole. She tried breaking free from bondage but it was too tight and strong.


Her eyes opened wide as her gaze landed on Phil, he had been beaten to a mush and he was unrecognizable again. A satisfied smile hung on Lorzark's face as he stepped back while admiring the work he had done on Phil. He turned to Isabelle and walked towards her.

"You bastard!!! What have you done to you?! Nothing... Fucking nothing, I trusted you... I can't believe I thanked you for nothing."

With large steps, he strode towards Isabelle and tore a piece of cloth from her thigh. With the cloth, he wiped the blood off his hands.

"B-But how" Isabelle stuttered when she completely saw Lorzark. The cave was dark so she could only make out his silhouette before but now she could see him closely. His body was complete and there was no scar to be found on his face.

"I know you have probably been wondering why I brought you here with him. I brought you here because I want you to witness his horrible death and deliver my message to your friends that whoever messed with me will meet the same end... Now to answer your question, you idiots thought I died but I never did. I slipped a grade-three healing pill into my mouth when Phil was punching me. Hiding it just below my tongue I made sure not to swallow it until you guys thought I was dead." He explained how he survived as he sat down on a large rock.

Blinking her eyes rapidly, Isabelle was left confused, How was it possible to heal just from taking a pill, then she remembered what happened with Ethan and Liam. This world was indeed a strange place. Orcs that were believed to be myths on Earth were casually walking around this planet. An unknown feeling rose inside of her as she couldn't wait to encounter more mystical creatures in this magical world. Suddenly her gaze set on Lorzark as she asked him a simple yet complicated question, "If you are not an Orc then why are you living in the same place as them... Are you working with them or working for them?"

To her, it was a simple question but to him, it was very much complicated. He tried hard to think but he couldn't remember. He didn't even know why or how he got here, the only memory he had was him waking up here and ever since then he started working with the elves. He would help them tame or punish rebellious slaves.

Suddenly he snapped out of his thoughts and stood up. His eyes are crimson red as he walks towards Isabelle, "I was assigned to tame you... No not assigned... Tasked.... No a-assigned"