
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 21: Malana Village

A fairy village directly above Asher's head leaving him speechless. Asher's eyeballs are instantly wide as he sees a village being built on top of a tall tree.

"Gosh, I don't expect a village on top of this big tree at all." Asher continued to raise his head. "Uh, wait but how can we get there?"

Persea spins around them, forms a small circle, and tells them to stay inside the circle.

"I will use my remaining abilities to teleport all of us."

Persea begins to cast her spell and slowly a blue light appears from the ground, but while Persea is casting her magic a few orcs suddenly appear behind the trees.

"Damn! Why are these creatures appearing at such an inappropriate time like this!" Asher shook his head. "If it manages to attack Persea, we will not be able to go upstairs and this quest will fail."

Chronos slowly walks out of the circle and looks back. "I'll hold off these orcs." Chronos slowly swings his sword. " Quickly!"

Chronos launches out using his skill and soon the sound of weapons clashing against each other can be heard.

"Chronos be careful!"

Not long after that, Persea's teleport spell finally succeeded in forming, and instantly Asher arrives at Malana village.

"04:02 remaining"

Asher quickly paces and they immediately search for the chief in Malana's elf village. However, when they arrived there, there is no one in sight.

"Persea, where is Malana's chief?" Asher squinted his eyes.

"I don't know either, but we should keep looking."

The place is so quiet even Asher himself can hear his footsteps clearly and the wind blowing against the surface of his skin.

"Ah, damn! Why is everything like this?" Asher stomped his feet and scratched his head

"01:26 remaining"

Suddenly in front of them, a statue is visible in the center of the place, but Asher's vision suddenly blurs as they are about to walk over.

"Hey, Asher, what's wrong with you?" Persea furrowed her brows at Asher's strange-looking steps. " Hey, we should ...."

A black net grabs Persea and makes her unable to get out of the net. Asher tries to help her, but his body feels weak and everything goes dark.

'You have completed the quest: Rescue for the Altaria's chief.'

'Gained 2000 Exp.'

'You have obtained 600 gold coins, 2x elixir, 4x potions'


Asher opens his eyes and views his surroundings which appear very unfamiliar to his sight. He tries to move, but it seems like his hands are bound by chains restricting his movement. Asher turns his head and notices as Chronos is inside the same prison cell with him.

"Hey, Chronos!" Asher tried to wake up Chronos who is still lying on the ground. "Ah, damn he doesn't hear my voice at all."

Asher stretches out his legs and manages to touch Chronos' face.

"Chronos, wake up!" Asher kicked his feet into Chronos' face causing him to wake up.

"Huh? What's going on?" Chronos is surprised because Asher's foot manages to hit his face. "Ash! What are you doing!" Chronos wrinkled his brow and slowly gets up to approach him. "Damn you, Ash!"

"Well, at least you're awake now." Asher gradually rolled his eyes and looked around. "Wait, how the heck do you get in here Chronos?"

"I don't remember the details either, But the last thing I remember while beating the orcs, suddenly I got a headache and everything turned dark." Chronos held his head and tries to remember, but is having no success. "Where are Persea and chief fairy?"

"I don't know either."Asher shrugged his shoulder, he doesn't see both of them now. "something catch us, and don't remember the rest."

"Sh**, we must get out of this place." Chronos decided to use his sword to release this chain, but it turns out all their weapons have already been taken away.

"Argh! How can I break free from these chains!" Chronos over and over again pulled on the iron chain, but it is completely useless.

"I can't find anything either." Asher sighed desperately.

A few minutes later, two pairs of fairy-wearing masks made from monster bones walk toward them and open the jail.

"The leader wants to see you." One of the fairies unlocked their cuffs and took something out of her hand. "However, we must cover your faces first.

Chronos, who sees the guards off their guard, immediately tries to run away, but the other guards hit him until he faints for the second time. Asher realizes their position now is disadvantaged and it seems like the best way is to follow their orders first.

"Follow our orders and don't resist!"

Asher just nods and the guards cover both of their faces, leading them out of the prison.

During the journey, Asher only manages to see vaguely through the small gaps in the cloth covering his face. He can also hear the voices of a few people talking that fleetingly passed by his ears.

After a while, the guards stop and they seem to be talking to someone and it's not long before Asher and Chronos' head coverings are removed. A maroon-haired female elf can be seen in front of them wearing the same mask as the guards.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?" Asher squinted his eyes as the light in the room went straight into his retinas. "Who are you?"

"I am the daughter of the village chief Malana, my name is Rufina." The elf flew closer to Asher and Chronos. "Both of you are not part of darkness, right?"

"Darkness?" Asher furrowed his brow. "What nonsense are you saying! Where are Persea and the chief of the fairy?"

The elf only smiled at the remark. "Prove that you are not part of the darkness."

"Quest 9: Seeking for the truth (required)"

Recommended player level: lv 9-11

Reward: 1000 Gold coins, 3x Potion

Rufina wants you to search for the whereabouts of a fortune teller in the missing elf village of Malana and brings it to her so you can prove you are not one of darkness.

Recommended class: All classes