
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 18: Sudden attack

Asher raises the sword with all his strength, trying to attack the Cerberion but the blast of fire released by the creature makes it difficult for him to get close.

"I can't attack him at all." Asher shook his head. "There must be another way to defeat this thing."

Suddenly an idea came to Asher's mind and he moves without waiting. He uses his laser light skill and the beam coming from Asher's staff managed to momentarily blind Cerberion.

"Great, this is my chance!"

He quickly runs and aims the sword at Cerberion, but Cerberion's tail manages to strike Asher until he is knocked far enough away.

"Argh! Crap!" Asher wiped away the blood on his lips. "The bait is still lacking. I need more bait."

He cast his blood-enhancing skill and then releases all his bomb items to try once more to attack the Cerberion.

"Laser light!"

Another beam of light blinds Cerberion and this time is followed by the launch of all of Asher's bomb items which causes Cerberion's vision to be disrupted. He immediately ran as fast as he can and immediately slashes the Cerberion until he ends up lying on the ground.

"I must hurry before Cerberion recovers."

Asher hurls the sword aside, points his staff straight at Cerberion, and then uses his skill.


A strange light comes from where Asher stands and soon his staff lights up and absorbs Cerberion who is still lying down. He senses the powerful energy flowing along his wand and slowly Cerberion's figure finally vanishes.

'Congratulations, you have successfully tamed Cerberion: Guardian of the underworld'

[Cerberion: One of the guardians of lights who comes from the underworld and can breathe fire into his opponent.]

'Exp gained 1000'

'Level up to 9'

'+5 status points'

'Unlock skill: Pray'

[Pray]: Healing technique that uses no MP, and restores a tiny amount of health to all active party members.

A few minutes later, the same portal opens and soon pulls Asher out of the place and he ends up meeting with Persea.

"Asher, what happened to you?" The wrinkles on Persea's face look very realistically human-like. "How, have you found Cerberion?"

"Yes, but we must get out of here and find Choronos."

Persea simply nods and uses her teleportation spell until she arrives in front of the Venus River.


"Ashes, Persea?" Chronos furrows his brows as Asher and Persea suddenly appear behind him. "So, you guys have managed to find that figure?"

"I'll explain later, we need to get back to Altaria village now."

Suddenly, a loud boom from the direction of the Altaria village sent several flocks of birds in the Venus forest flying. Persea senses something bad may be happening in Altaria village, so they rush back to the village as soon as possible.

"Oh my, what happened?" Persea wides her eyeballs as she sees the village of Altaria in a messy, destroyed state. "Is this all the orc king?"

"Ah, damn it!" Chronos grumbled in annoyance. "Where are the other fairies?" He moved his head and looks all around.

"Chronos calm down, we have to find the surviving fairies."

They decide to split up and look around the village which has been completely flattened to the ground. The Orc King seems to have managed to get into Altaria's village and destroyed everything. Asher suddenly notices a strange movement under the wooden ruins, so he decides to make his way over.

"Oh, my, elf chief!" Asher enlarged his eyeballs and immediately helps the elf chief who is lying weakly among the piles of wood. "Elf chief! What exactly happened?"

"They... They invaded and took all the fairies," the fairy elder said with a cough.

"This must be the Orc king's doing?" Asher furrowed his brow.

The elf chief shook his head quickly. "No, it's the group of dark spirits."

"Wait, what does ..... mean?"

The fairy chief quickly faints and doesn't have time to answer Asher's question. He continuously wakes up the fairy chief, but the fairy doesn't move at all & he just bows his head and sorrows.

" Dammit! I shouldn't have left this village!" Asher's tears fall to the ground. "I should have come here sooner."

"Asher!" Persea and Chronos shout and immediately rush toward the weakly bowed Asher. "Oh my, what the ...."

Persea immediately examines the elf chief with a very tense look on her face.

"Ah, it's a good thing he just fainted." Persea wipes the sweat from her forehead. "We need to get her to a safe place."

Asher and Chronos nod their heads and they immediately run away leaving the village. During the journey, Asher told them that Chief said that the village of Altaria is being attacked by creatures called dark spirits.

"Dark spirit?" Chronos immediately frowned. "I've never heard of it at all."

Persea explains the dark spirits are creatures causing chaos all over the place and taking away the light of the crystal in this place.

"The only way to restore the light from this crystal is to use the power of the elemental fairies and defeat the spirits of darkness residing in this region," Persea speaks while looking around. "We must search for the other elemental fairies' presences as soon as possible."

Chronos quickly turns his face towards Persea. "But, how can we find the other elemental fairies?"

"We elemental fairies have something like a special bond that lets us know the positions of others."

"That's a good idea, but we must take care of the fairy chief first. " Asher looked at the faces of the fairy elders who were looking increasingly pale. "He needs help."

'Persea gives you a map of Region 1: the dark forest.'

"We can go to Malana's fairy village in Malana's forest," Persea advises Asher and Chronos. "You can see it on the map, that I have given to you."

Asher opens the map from Persea and sees several areas covered by dark clouds, including the Malana forest a few minutes later, the quest notification appears on the screen

"Quest 8: Rescue for the Altaria's chief (required)"

Recommended player level: lv 8-10

Reward: 600 gold coins, 2x elixir, 4x potions

The fairy elder Altraria has been injured quite badly, so he needs to go to a safe place to get help. Players must carry the elf chief through the elf swamp to Malana village before time runs out (60 minutes remaining).

Recommended class: all classes (lv.9)