
Fantasy: In the cultivation world with unlimited clones

Ye mo travelled through the fantasy world, after he got killed in a car accident. This world is called the tianyuan world, after he arrived here, he became the sect leader of the heavenly killer sect and he awakened the killer clone system. With this system Ye mo could get stronger by killing the people, by cultivating the sect disciples, and with his clones feedback, he could get stronger easily. So the first thing he decided was to create a new sect, that would assassinate the people for some bounty. In this cultivation sect, Ye mo cultivated the heavenly destiny sons as his disciples and he made them the big killer in the world. After a hundred years, everyone was saying that Luo feng was a big killer, he could even kill the immortals. Some are saying that Luo chen was a big killer, because he had killed the terrifying demons. But little did they know that Luo feng and Luo chen were just one of Ye Mo's disciples, and Ye mo was many times stronger than them.

Villan_boy · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Way of increasing the heaven and earth qi

As they were going towards the heavenly killer sect, Ye mo clones inside the Linglong city also increased their speed of searching the disciples.

With their speed, in around 30 minutes, they could cover the whole Linglong city.

Means that in just 30 minutes, they could search the whole Linglong city, and see if there is a suitable disciple inside the Linglong city.

If they didn't find a suitable disciple here, then they could only go back to the heavenly killer sect.

In every corner of the city, you could find a clone of Ye mo searching here for something.

Ye mo was also watching his one of clones, now this clone was going inside an alley to find the disciple.

As for why he was searching inside the alley, it was because there is a great chance, that he could find a disciple here. 

Sometimes genius get born in poor conditions, and Ye mo was also trying to find that type of genius.

He has read in many novels that geniuses are born in poor conditions, and he was also trying to find that type of genius.

Because these types of geniuses have no background, and there is a great chance that they will not betray him.

He could also give them the opportunity of recreating their life, by giving them many cultivation methods and cultivation exercises.

He has heard that these types of people will never forget their grace, and they will never betray the people who have helped them.

And he also wanted these types of people, because he could give them cultivation resources, that could make them stronger.

They just need to complete the tasks that he told them, and they have to show that they will never betray the heavenly killer sect.

Ye mo would help them in changing their life, he will let them become a supreme powerhouse in the cultivation world, but they just need to show their loyalty.

This is the reason why Ye mo's clones were searching in the alleys, because there are chances of finding those people.

If he went to accept the disciple with backgrounds, then it will make things hard for him, because these types of people have already seen the world.

These types of people already know how to take advantage of others, and they will never be loyal to you, because they will think that they could get better.

They could also sell you just for some cultivation resources, and Ye mo didn't want to accept people like them, because he wanted to create an assassin league, not a serpent league.

These types of people are like serpents, they will bite you, when you are not paying attention to them, and Ye mo didn't want to get bitten by these serpents.

Not all people are like them, but he didn't want to risk anything with his life.

He will only accept the disciples, that he thinks that they are loyal.

Seeing that his clones have not found a single disciple till now, Ye mo close his connection with them, and he told them to inform him, if they found a suitable disciple.

After that, Ye mo started resting on his chair.

On the other hand, after creating his hut, Luo feng also started practicing the cultivation method.

As he was using the cultivation exercise, the heaven and earth qi started gathering towards him in a very

high speed, and Luo feng started absorbing the qi.

Now his current realm is Qi gathering realm, in this realm, the most important thing for him was gathering the qi in his dantian.

If he wanted to gather the qi in his dantian then he would need to absorb the qi, but now he didn't have more qi around him, so he could only take the Qi gathering pills.

These Qi gathering pills are given to him by Ye mo's clones, they gave him saying that these were sent by his master, Ye mo.

After hearing Ye mo's name, Luo feng also accepted them easily, because he knew that his master would have sent these to him to make him stronger, and he should follow his master orders to become stronger.

He didn't want to disappoint his master in any way, so he will do anything what his master has told him.

As for why there was low heaven and earth qi in the heavenly killer sect, it was because there wasn't a qi gathering array in the sect.

A Qi gathering array could help in gathering the heaven and earth qi at a fixed location.

Some big sects and families have many Qi gathering arrays, and with these arrays, they also have spirit stones mines. 

Spirit stones mine is also a great thing, that could attract the heaven and earth qi, if a sect has spirit stone mine, then that sect wouldn't need to think about the problem of heaven and earth aura.

Because the spirit stone mine could increase the concentration of heaven and earth qi in the sect.

But the current Heavenly killer sect didn't have any of these, and because of this the concentration of heaven and earth qi in the heavenly killer sect was very low.

There are many grades in the Qi gathering array, in which grade 1 was the lowest, and grade 10 was the highest.

There are also many grades after that, but Ye mo didn't know about it.

For him, this knowledge is very sufficient and if he wanted to know about these things, then Ye mo could buy it from the system.

In the system shop there is knowledge about everything, if he wants to learn this knowledge then the only thing he would need is spirit stones.

With these stones, he could buy anything in the system shop.

There are also options of Qi gathering arrays in the system shop, but the current Ye mo can't afford these Qi gathering arrays, because he didn't have a single spirit stone on him.

And if he wanted to buy any of these arrays, then he would need them in large quantities, so the only thing he could do now was to increase his cultivation with pills.

This is also the reason why he told his clones to rob things from the Luo family people, because he didn't have a single thing on him.

He could only get it by robbing others or killing them.

Other than this, Ye mo didn't have any way of getting the supplies.

Ye mo was hoping that some people could come to trouble him, so he could rob those people and get some spirit stones.

Then Luo feng started taking the Qi gathering pill to increase his cultivation.