
Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

[ BRONZE WINNER OF WPC_ 312 ] Wyatt Jacob, a young man who hated the profession he once loved as a marine biologist after being brutally castrated and sexually assaulted by a pod of dolphins, had lived his life with pain and suffering as an impotent man having no other choice than to continue his work as a marine biologist with the emotional trauma that now accompanied it to earn a living. But that was until he met the 'Happiness god' who granted him the chance to be reborn in the 'World of Tharcania'. A world filled with wonders and mysteries as 'a pirate; -'a prince exiled by his empire and thrown into the sea. Now given another chance to live his life with his little brother intact, Wyatt will sail the seas of the 'World of Tharcania', exploring its beauty and wonders with the various pleasures that came with it. ................................. Disclaimer! The cover is not mine and belongs to its respective owner. Found on Pinterest. .............................. P.S. Please show your support if you like this book.

Shink_a · แฟนตาซี
226 Chs

Slave to a demon


The door slammed open, followed by a familiar scream, "CAPTAIN, WE ARE--" Mad John immediately snapped his lips shut upon seeing the situation in the room.

His eyes lingered on Edna for a few moments before moving over to the sleeping Vanessa, and finally, his eyes settled on me.

After a few seconds of an awkward stare, he asked. "Is everything alright, Captain?".

Without hesitation, I nodded. "Yeah, everything is fine. Leave us" I responded. "We will be out in a few minutes".

The moment my sentence ended, again, he glanced at me, then at Edna before he nodded his head in understanding and responded "Alright Captain. I will be waiting outside incase you need anything ".

He walked out of the door, allowing the figure of Annabelle, who was standing at the corner, to come into view.